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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)


Gaelic Gàidhlig


Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[SEUMAS] Fàilte. Is toigh leam Dùn Èideann, agus, chan eil mi nam aonar.

Bidh mòran luchd-turais a' tadhal air togalaichean ainmeil prìomh bhaile na hAlba. Chan eil gin aca cho ainmeil ris a' chaisteal. Bha sabaid gu leòr aig ballaichean Caisteal Dhùn Èideann thar nam bliadhnaichean. Chan eil saighdearan an latha an-diugh cho eagalach ged-tà. Tha brag aig gunna mòr a' chaisteil, ach cha dèan e cron air duine. Bidh an gunna ag innse gu bheil e uair feasgar.

Tha an caisteal aig ceann na Mìle Rìoghail, far a bheil mòran bhùithtean anns a bheil gnothaichean tartain. Bidh an t-sràid seo a' cur thairis le luchd-turais.

Tha Lùchairt Holyrood aig a' cheann eile dhen Mhìle Rìoghail. Bidh an Teaghlach Rìoghail a' fuireach an seo uaireannan.

Tha togalach cudromach eile faisg air làimh nach eil cho aosta. Seo sinn aig togalach Pàrlamaid na h-Alba. Tha cuid ag ràdh gu bheil a' Phàrlamaid grànda, ach tha daoine eile gu math dèidheil oirre. Dè ur beachd fhèin? Tha Buill Phàrlamaid Albannach air a bhith a' cruinneachadh an seo bho 2004. Roimhe sin, bha iad aig Talla Àrd-Sheanadh Eaglais na h-Alba. Tha Seann Bhaile agus Baile Ùr ann an Dùn Èideann.

Chaidh am Baile Ùr a thogail anns an 18mh linn, seach gun robh cus dhaoine a' fuireach anns an t-Seann Bhaile. An-diugh, tha an dà sgìre air an dìon le UNESCO.

Tha Àrd-Oifis Banca na h-Alba ann an Dùn Èideann. 'S e an dàrna banca as sine san t-saoghal. Bidh thu feumach air gu leòr airgid ma thig thu an seo aig cuid a dh'amannan dhen bhliadhna. Air Oidhche Challainn, bidh cuirm mhòr sràide anns a' bhaile, agus anns an Lùnastal, bidh Fèis Dhùn Èideann a' gabhail àite. Seo fear de thallaichean-cluiche a' bhaile. Bidh tòrr a' dol an seo aig àm na Fèise.

Tha cliù aig Dùn Èideann cuideachd airson foghlam agus sgrìobhadh. Seo sinn aig Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, fear de phrìomh oilthighean Bhreatainn. Agus tha litreachas cudromach dhan bhaile. Tha sàr sgrìobhadairean air a bhith a' fuireach ann an Dùn Èideann agus tha ainm stèisean-rèile Waverley a' tighinn bho nobhail le Sir Bhatair Scott.

'S ann aig stèisean Waverley a tha sinn a' fàgail Dhùn Èideann. Bheir sinn sùil anis air cuid dhe na facail a bh' againn.

prìomh bhaile na h-Alba

togalaichean ainmeil prìomh bhaile na h-Alba

Caisteal Dhùn Èideann

Aig ballaichean Caisteal Dhùn Èideann

gunna mòr

Tha brag aig gunna mòr a' chaisteil.

Pàrlamaid na h-Alba

Seo sinn aig togalach Pàrlamaid na h-Alba.


aig Talla Àrd-Sheanadh Eaglais na h-Alba

Oidhche Challainn

Air Oidhche Challainn, bidh cuirm mhòr sràide anns a' bhaile.

Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann

fear de phrìomh oilthighean Bhreatainn


English Beurla


Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[SEUMAS (JAMES)] Welcome. I love Edinburgh, and I'm not alone.

Many tourists visit the famous buildings in Scotland's capital city. None of them are as famous as the castle. Many battles have been fought at the walls of Edinburgh Castle over the years. Modern soldiers are less intimidating though. The castle's cannon makes a loud noise, but won't harm anyone. The gun announces that it's one o'clock in the afternoon.

The castle is at the end of the Royal Mile, where there are many shops selling tartan merchandise. This street overflows with tourists.

Holyrood Palace is at the other end of the Royal Mile. The Royal Family sometimes stays here.

There's another important building nearby which isn't as old. Here we are at the Scottish Parliament building. Some people say the Parliament is ugly, but other people quite like it. What do you think? Members of the Scottish Parliament have been gathering here since 2004. Before then, they met at the General Assembly Hall of the Church of Scotland.

Edinburgh has an Old Town and a New Town. The New Town was built in the 18th century, because there were too many people living in the Old Town. Today, the two districts are protected by UNESCO.

The headquarters of the Bank of Scotland is in Edinburgh. It is the secondoldest bank in the world. You will need plenty of money if you come here at certain times of year. On Hogmanay, there's a large street party in the city, and in July, the Edinburgh Festival takes place. This is one of the city's theatres. Lots of people come here at Festival time.

Edinburgh is famous for education and writing. Here we are at Edinburgh University, one of the finest universities in Britain. And literature is important to the city. Some famous writers have lived in Edinburgh and the name of Waverley Station comes from a novel by Sir Walter Scott.

It's at Waverley Station that we leave Edinburgh. Let's take a look at some of the words we used.

the capital of Scotland

famous buildings in the capital of Scotland

Edinburgh Castle

at the walls of Edinburgh Castle


The castle cannon makes a loud noise.

the Scottish Parliament

Here we are at the Scottish Parliament building.

General Assembly

at the General Assembly Hall of the Church of Scotland


On Hogmanay, there's a large street party in the city.

Edinburgh University

one of the finest universities in Britain


Gaelic Gàidhlig


Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[SEUMAS] Fàilte. Is toigh leam Dùn Èideann, agus, chan eil mi nam aonar.

Bidh mòran luchd-turais a' tadhal air togalaichean ainmeil prìomh bhaile na hAlba. Chan eil gin aca cho ainmeil ris a' chaisteal. Bha sabaid gu leòr aig ballaichean Caisteal Dhùn Èideann thar nam bliadhnaichean. Chan eil saighdearan an latha an-diugh cho eagalach ged-tà. Tha brag aig gunna mòr a' chaisteil, ach cha dèan e cron air duine. Bidh an gunna ag innse gu bheil e uair feasgar.

Tha an caisteal aig ceann na Mìle Rìoghail, far a bheil mòran bhùithtean anns a bheil gnothaichean tartain. Bidh an t-sràid seo a' cur thairis le luchd-turais.

Tha Lùchairt Holyrood aig a' cheann eile dhen Mhìle Rìoghail. Bidh an Teaghlach Rìoghail a' fuireach an seo uaireannan.

Tha togalach cudromach eile faisg air làimh nach eil cho aosta. Seo sinn aig togalach Pàrlamaid na h-Alba. Tha cuid ag ràdh gu bheil a' Phàrlamaid grànda, ach tha daoine eile gu math dèidheil oirre. Dè ur beachd fhèin? Tha Buill Phàrlamaid Albannach air a bhith a' cruinneachadh an seo bho 2004. Roimhe sin, bha iad aig Talla Àrd-Sheanadh Eaglais na h-Alba. Tha Seann Bhaile agus Baile Ùr ann an Dùn Èideann.

Chaidh am Baile Ùr a thogail anns an 18mh linn, seach gun robh cus dhaoine a' fuireach anns an t-Seann Bhaile. An-diugh, tha an dà sgìre air an dìon le UNESCO.

Tha Àrd-Oifis Banca na h-Alba ann an Dùn Èideann. 'S e an dàrna banca as sine san t-saoghal. Bidh thu feumach air gu leòr airgid ma thig thu an seo aig cuid a dh'amannan dhen bhliadhna. Air Oidhche Challainn, bidh cuirm mhòr sràide anns a' bhaile, agus anns an Lùnastal, bidh Fèis Dhùn Èideann a' gabhail àite. Seo fear de thallaichean-cluiche a' bhaile. Bidh tòrr a' dol an seo aig àm na Fèise.

Tha cliù aig Dùn Èideann cuideachd airson foghlam agus sgrìobhadh. Seo sinn aig Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, fear de phrìomh oilthighean Bhreatainn. Agus tha litreachas cudromach dhan bhaile. Tha sàr sgrìobhadairean air a bhith a' fuireach ann an Dùn Èideann agus tha ainm stèisean-rèile Waverley a' tighinn bho nobhail le Sir Bhatair Scott.

'S ann aig stèisean Waverley a tha sinn a' fàgail Dhùn Èideann. Bheir sinn sùil anis air cuid dhe na facail a bh' againn.

prìomh bhaile na h-Alba

togalaichean ainmeil prìomh bhaile na h-Alba

Caisteal Dhùn Èideann

Aig ballaichean Caisteal Dhùn Èideann

gunna mòr

Tha brag aig gunna mòr a' chaisteil.

Pàrlamaid na h-Alba

Seo sinn aig togalach Pàrlamaid na h-Alba.


aig Talla Àrd-Sheanadh Eaglais na h-Alba

Oidhche Challainn

Air Oidhche Challainn, bidh cuirm mhòr sràide anns a' bhaile.

Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann

fear de phrìomh oilthighean Bhreatainn


English Beurla


Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[SEUMAS (JAMES)] Welcome. I love Edinburgh, and I'm not alone.

Many tourists visit the famous buildings in Scotland's capital city. None of them are as famous as the castle. Many battles have been fought at the walls of Edinburgh Castle over the years. Modern soldiers are less intimidating though. The castle's cannon makes a loud noise, but won't harm anyone. The gun announces that it's one o'clock in the afternoon.

The castle is at the end of the Royal Mile, where there are many shops selling tartan merchandise. This street overflows with tourists.

Holyrood Palace is at the other end of the Royal Mile. The Royal Family sometimes stays here.

There's another important building nearby which isn't as old. Here we are at the Scottish Parliament building. Some people say the Parliament is ugly, but other people quite like it. What do you think? Members of the Scottish Parliament have been gathering here since 2004. Before then, they met at the General Assembly Hall of the Church of Scotland.

Edinburgh has an Old Town and a New Town. The New Town was built in the 18th century, because there were too many people living in the Old Town. Today, the two districts are protected by UNESCO.

The headquarters of the Bank of Scotland is in Edinburgh. It is the secondoldest bank in the world. You will need plenty of money if you come here at certain times of year. On Hogmanay, there's a large street party in the city, and in July, the Edinburgh Festival takes place. This is one of the city's theatres. Lots of people come here at Festival time.

Edinburgh is famous for education and writing. Here we are at Edinburgh University, one of the finest universities in Britain. And literature is important to the city. Some famous writers have lived in Edinburgh and the name of Waverley Station comes from a novel by Sir Walter Scott.

It's at Waverley Station that we leave Edinburgh. Let's take a look at some of the words we used.

the capital of Scotland

famous buildings in the capital of Scotland

Edinburgh Castle

at the walls of Edinburgh Castle


The castle cannon makes a loud noise.

the Scottish Parliament

Here we are at the Scottish Parliament building.

General Assembly

at the General Assembly Hall of the Church of Scotland


On Hogmanay, there's a large street party in the city.

Edinburgh University

one of the finest universities in Britain

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.