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In the Country

Air an Dùthaich

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

Air an Dùthaich

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Air an dùthaich

Presenter: Derek Mackay (Derek MacAoidh)

[DEREK] Tha mi air tòiseachadh ag iasgach airson bhreac le slat agus tha mi airson innse dhut mu na tha mi air ionnsachadh.

Moch gu abhainn agus anmoch gu loch. Sin comhairle a bhios iasgairean a' faighinn air Ghàidhealtachd. Tha e nas fheàrr a bhith ag iasgach airson bhreac tràth sa mhadainn no anmoch feasgar. Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gu bheil na hamannan seo freagarrach air sgàth an t-solais. Tha e doirbh bric a ghlacadh nuair a tha a' ghrian a' deàrrsadh. Bidh daoine ag iasgach airson bhànagan air feadh na h-oidhche agus airson bhradan, ach 's e sgeulachd eile a tha sin!

Ma tha thu ag iasgach airson bhreac air abhainn, tha e feumail faighinn a-mach mu dheidhinn na h-aibhne - na pàirtean dhith a tha math. Air aibhnichean farsaing, bidh cuid a' coiseachd a-mach dhan uisge le bòtannan mòra. Ach, faodaidh tu a bhith ag iasgach às aonais nam bòtannan, oir bidh iasg cuideachd ri taobh bruach na h-aibhne.

Tha a' mhòr-chuid de dhaoine a bhios ag iasgach airson bhreac ann an Alba a' dol gu lochan. Bidh mi a' faighinn a-mach bho dhaoine a tha eòlach dè na lochan as fheàrr.

Nuair a tha thu ag iasgach air loch, tha e math a dhol timcheall an locha gus am feuch thu an t-slat ann an diofar àiteachan. Sin, ma leigeas an aimsir leat. Oir, chan eil e math an loidhne a thilgeil a-mach an aghaidh na gaoithe, no leis a' ghaoith. Tha e nas fheàrr ma tha a' ghaoth a' tighinn bho do chliathaich.

Feumaidh tu sùil gheur a chumail air an loch. Ma chì thu iasg a' tighinn gu uachdar, cuir an loidhne a dh'ionnsaidh an èisg. Feuch gun tig e sìos gu socair.

Ach dè an stuth a chleachdas tu? Ceist mhòr - agus bidh daoine gan atharrachadh a rèir na h-aimsir agus a rèir càit a bheil iad ag iasgach. Ach, ma tha e coltach ri rud a bhios iasg ag ithe - cuileag, iasg beag no daolag - tha teansa ann gun obraich e. Tha seòrsaichean gu leòr ann, ach bidh daoine ag ràdh gu bheil a' mhòr-chuid air an dèanamh airson iasgairean a ghlacadh an àite èisg.

Bheir sinn sùil air cuid de na facail agus abairtean a chleachd mi.

Air sgàth
Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gu bheil na h-amannan seo freagarrach air sgàth an tsolais.

Air feadh
Bidh daoine ag iasgach airson bhànagan air feadh na h-oidhche.

Ri taobh
Faodaidh tu a bhith ag iasgach às aonais nam bòtannan, oir bidh iasg cuideachd ri taobh bruach na h-aibhne.

Tha e math a dhol timcheall an locha gus am feuch thu an t-slat ann an diofar àiteachan.

An aghaidh
Chan eil e math an loidhne a thilgeil a-mach an aghaidh na gaoithe, no leis a' ghaoith.

A dh'ionnsaidh
Ma chì thu iasg a' tighinn gu uachdar, cuir an loidhne a dh'ionnsaidh an èisg.

A rèir
Ach dè an stuth a chleachdas tu? Ceist mhòr - agus bidh daoine gan atharrachadh a rèir na h-aimsir.

Sin e. Mar sin leat an-dràsta.

In the Country

English Beurla

In the country

Presenter: Derek Mackay (Derek MacAoidh)

[DEREK] I have started fishing for trout using a rod and I want to tell you about what I have learnt.

Early to river and late to loch. That's the advice given to fishermen in the Highlands. It's best to fish for trout early in the morning or late in the evening. I think the reason that these times are best is because of the light. It's hard to catch trout when the sun is shining down. People go fishing for sea trout throughout the night and for salmon too, but that's a different story!

If you are fishing for trout on a river, it is useful to find out about the river - the sections of it that are good. On wide rivers, some people walk out into the water wearing large waders. But you can go fishing without using the waders, because the fish can also be found beside the banks of the river.

Most of the people who go fishing for trout in Scotland go to lochs. I find out from people who know about these things which lochs are best.

When you are fishing on a loch, it's good to move around the loch and try your rod in different places. That's if the weather permits it. Because it's not a good idea to cast the line either against or with the wind. It's better if the wind is coming from your side.

You have to keep a close eye on the loch. If you see a fish coming to the surface, cast the line towards the fish. Try to bring it down gently.

But what gear should you use? It's a big question - and people use different gear depending on the weather and depending on where they are fishing. But, if it looks like something the fish would normally eat - a fly, a small fish or beetle - there's a chance it will work. There are plenty of different types, but people say that most of them are designed to hook fishermen rather than fish.

Let's take a look at some of the words and phrases I used.

I think the reason that these times are best is because of the light.

People go fishing for sea trout throughout the night.

But you can go fishing without using the waders, because the fish can also be found beside the banks of the river.

It's good to move around the loch and try your rod in different places.

It's not a good idea to cast the line either against or with the wind.

If you see a fish coming to the surface, cast the line towards the fish.

Depending on
But what gear should you use? It's a big question - and people use different gear depending on the weather.

That's all. Goodbye for now.

Air an Dùthaich

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Air an dùthaich

Presenter: Derek Mackay (Derek MacAoidh)

[DEREK] Tha mi air tòiseachadh ag iasgach airson bhreac le slat agus tha mi airson innse dhut mu na tha mi air ionnsachadh.

Moch gu abhainn agus anmoch gu loch. Sin comhairle a bhios iasgairean a' faighinn air Ghàidhealtachd. Tha e nas fheàrr a bhith ag iasgach airson bhreac tràth sa mhadainn no anmoch feasgar. Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gu bheil na hamannan seo freagarrach air sgàth an t-solais. Tha e doirbh bric a ghlacadh nuair a tha a' ghrian a' deàrrsadh. Bidh daoine ag iasgach airson bhànagan air feadh na h-oidhche agus airson bhradan, ach 's e sgeulachd eile a tha sin!

Ma tha thu ag iasgach airson bhreac air abhainn, tha e feumail faighinn a-mach mu dheidhinn na h-aibhne - na pàirtean dhith a tha math. Air aibhnichean farsaing, bidh cuid a' coiseachd a-mach dhan uisge le bòtannan mòra. Ach, faodaidh tu a bhith ag iasgach às aonais nam bòtannan, oir bidh iasg cuideachd ri taobh bruach na h-aibhne.

Tha a' mhòr-chuid de dhaoine a bhios ag iasgach airson bhreac ann an Alba a' dol gu lochan. Bidh mi a' faighinn a-mach bho dhaoine a tha eòlach dè na lochan as fheàrr.

Nuair a tha thu ag iasgach air loch, tha e math a dhol timcheall an locha gus am feuch thu an t-slat ann an diofar àiteachan. Sin, ma leigeas an aimsir leat. Oir, chan eil e math an loidhne a thilgeil a-mach an aghaidh na gaoithe, no leis a' ghaoith. Tha e nas fheàrr ma tha a' ghaoth a' tighinn bho do chliathaich.

Feumaidh tu sùil gheur a chumail air an loch. Ma chì thu iasg a' tighinn gu uachdar, cuir an loidhne a dh'ionnsaidh an èisg. Feuch gun tig e sìos gu socair.

Ach dè an stuth a chleachdas tu? Ceist mhòr - agus bidh daoine gan atharrachadh a rèir na h-aimsir agus a rèir càit a bheil iad ag iasgach. Ach, ma tha e coltach ri rud a bhios iasg ag ithe - cuileag, iasg beag no daolag - tha teansa ann gun obraich e. Tha seòrsaichean gu leòr ann, ach bidh daoine ag ràdh gu bheil a' mhòr-chuid air an dèanamh airson iasgairean a ghlacadh an àite èisg.

Bheir sinn sùil air cuid de na facail agus abairtean a chleachd mi.

Air sgàth
Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gu bheil na h-amannan seo freagarrach air sgàth an tsolais.

Air feadh
Bidh daoine ag iasgach airson bhànagan air feadh na h-oidhche.

Ri taobh
Faodaidh tu a bhith ag iasgach às aonais nam bòtannan, oir bidh iasg cuideachd ri taobh bruach na h-aibhne.

Tha e math a dhol timcheall an locha gus am feuch thu an t-slat ann an diofar àiteachan.

An aghaidh
Chan eil e math an loidhne a thilgeil a-mach an aghaidh na gaoithe, no leis a' ghaoith.

A dh'ionnsaidh
Ma chì thu iasg a' tighinn gu uachdar, cuir an loidhne a dh'ionnsaidh an èisg.

A rèir
Ach dè an stuth a chleachdas tu? Ceist mhòr - agus bidh daoine gan atharrachadh a rèir na h-aimsir.

Sin e. Mar sin leat an-dràsta.

In the Country

English Beurla

In the country

Presenter: Derek Mackay (Derek MacAoidh)

[DEREK] I have started fishing for trout using a rod and I want to tell you about what I have learnt.

Early to river and late to loch. That's the advice given to fishermen in the Highlands. It's best to fish for trout early in the morning or late in the evening. I think the reason that these times are best is because of the light. It's hard to catch trout when the sun is shining down. People go fishing for sea trout throughout the night and for salmon too, but that's a different story!

If you are fishing for trout on a river, it is useful to find out about the river - the sections of it that are good. On wide rivers, some people walk out into the water wearing large waders. But you can go fishing without using the waders, because the fish can also be found beside the banks of the river.

Most of the people who go fishing for trout in Scotland go to lochs. I find out from people who know about these things which lochs are best.

When you are fishing on a loch, it's good to move around the loch and try your rod in different places. That's if the weather permits it. Because it's not a good idea to cast the line either against or with the wind. It's better if the wind is coming from your side.

You have to keep a close eye on the loch. If you see a fish coming to the surface, cast the line towards the fish. Try to bring it down gently.

But what gear should you use? It's a big question - and people use different gear depending on the weather and depending on where they are fishing. But, if it looks like something the fish would normally eat - a fly, a small fish or beetle - there's a chance it will work. There are plenty of different types, but people say that most of them are designed to hook fishermen rather than fish.

Let's take a look at some of the words and phrases I used.

I think the reason that these times are best is because of the light.

People go fishing for sea trout throughout the night.

But you can go fishing without using the waders, because the fish can also be found beside the banks of the river.

It's good to move around the loch and try your rod in different places.

It's not a good idea to cast the line either against or with the wind.

If you see a fish coming to the surface, cast the line towards the fish.

Depending on
But what gear should you use? It's a big question - and people use different gear depending on the weather.

That's all. Goodbye for now.

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.