FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig



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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

Tha an Look@LearnGaelic ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Look@LearnGaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)


Gaelic Gàidhlig


Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Tha sanasan air nochdadh air feadh a' bhaile againne a' toirt fa chomhair an t-sluaigh nas urrainn do chompanaidh àraidh dèanamh de dh'obair airson teaghlach ma phàigheas iad air a shon. Tha a' chompanaidh iongantach seo a cleachdadh ròbotan agus tha e coltach nach eil mòran ann nach tèid aca air dèanamh dhut.

Cuiridh iad an luatha a-mach sa mhadainn gun aon spot a chur air an ùrlar. Bheir iad a-steach an gual gun an t-àite a shalachadh. Nighidh iad ar cuid aodaich gun mòran fùdair a chaitheamh. Iarnaigidh iad na tha sa bhasgaid gun mòran dealain a chleachdadh. Sguabaidh agus sgùraidh iad an t-ùrlar gun dragh sam bith a chur air a' chat. Càiridh iad na leapannan gun dust a chur air feadh an taighe. Goilidh iad an coire gun uisge a dhòrtadh air feadh an àite. Cumaidh iad smachd air a' chloinn agus leughaidh iad sgeulachdan èibhinn dhaibh mus tèid iad a chadal. Teagaisgidh iad dhaibh mar a leughas iad gun strì sam bith agus seallaidh iad beagan modh dhaibh san dol seachad.

Chan eil an sin ach toiseach tòiseachaidh. Thèid aig na ròbotan seo air cus a bharrachd a dhèanamh dhuibh ma bheir sibh an cothrom dhaibh. Ceannaichidh iad biadh na seachdain dhuibh agus cuiridh iad dha na preasaichean e. Dràibhidh iad a dh'àite sam bith sibh ann an càr sam bith agus, a bharrachd air an sin, lìonaidh iad an càr le connadh freagarrach. Cuiridh iad an leabhar-latha agaibh air dòigh cuideachd agus chì iad nach bi dà choinneimh agaibh san aon àite aig an aon àm.

Deisealaichidh na seòid seo biadh an fheasgair dhuibh cuideachd. Nighidh iad am buntàta agus cuiridh iad feòil no iasg no dad sam bith a tha a dhìth oirbh dhan chucair dhuibh. Thèid aca cuideachd air am bòrd a sheatadh dhuibh. Cuiridh iad na sgèinean, na forcaichean agus na spàinean san àite cheart agus chì iad a bheil dad sam bith a-mach à àite mus fhosgail sibh an doras. Chì iad gu bheil an taigh blàth seasgair agus ma thogras sibh, fàgaidh iad an solas a-muigh air dhuibh sa Gheamhradh.

Ma tha làithean saora a dhìth oirbh cuiridh na ròbotan sin air dòigh dhuibh cuideachd. Taghaidh iad àm agus àite a fhreagras air an teaghlach gu lèir. Glèidhidh iad ceadan-siubhail an teaghlaich uile ann an àite sàbhailte agus chì iad gu bheil sibh aig a' phort-adhair ann an deagh àm an latha a tha sibh a' fàgail.

Teagaisgidh na ròbotan seo dhuibh mar a chluicheas sibh ionnstramaid ciùil, mar a sheinneas sibh òran math Gàidhlig agus mar a thaghas sibh gibhtean dhar càirdean aig àm na Nollaige.

'S e creutairean iongantach dha-rìribh a th' annta. Cha mhòr nach ann a bheireadh iad a chreidsinn air muinntir a' bhaile againne nach eil a leithid a rud ri Latha na Gocaireachd idir ann!


English Beurla


Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Adverts have appeared all around our town, informing people of the jobs a specific company can do for families if they are willing to pay for it. This fantastic company uses robots and it appears that there's very little they can't do for you.

They'll lift the ashes for you in the morning without leaving a speck on the floor. They'll bring in the coal without dirtying the place. They'll wash your clothes without using much powder. They'll iron everything in your basket without using much electricity. They'll sweep and scrub the floor without disturbing the cat. They'll make the beds without getting dust all over the house. They'll boil the kettle without spilling water all over the place. They'll watch the children and read them funny stories before they go to sleep. They'll teach them how to read without any trouble and will show them some manners while they do so.

That's only the beginning. These robots can do much more for you if you give them the chance. They'll buy the week's shopping for you and they'll put it away in the cupboards. They'll drive you anywhere in any car and, on top of that, they'll fill the car with the right fuel. They'll arrange your diary, too, and they'll make sure that you don't have two meetings in the same place at the same time.

These champions will also prepare dinner for you as well. They'll wash the potatoes and put meat, fish or anything you like into the cooker for you. They can also set the table for you. They'll lay the knives, forks and spoons in their correct places and they'll see if anything's in the wrong place before you open the door. They'll make sure the house is warm and dry and if you choose, they'll leave the outside light on for you in winter.

If you need a holiday, these robots will arrange that for you too. They'll choose a time and place that suits the whole family. They'll keep the whole family's passports in a safe place and they'll see that you get to the airport in good time on the day you're leaving.

These robots will teach you how to play any musical instrument, how to sing a good Gaelic song and to choose presents for your relatives at Christmastime.

They really are amazing things. They'd almost make the people in our town believe that there's no such thing as April Fools' Day.


Gaelic Gàidhlig


Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Tha sanasan air nochdadh air feadh a' bhaile againne a' toirt fa chomhair an t-sluaigh nas urrainn do chompanaidh àraidh dèanamh de dh'obair airson teaghlach ma phàigheas iad air a shon. Tha a' chompanaidh iongantach seo a cleachdadh ròbotan agus tha e coltach nach eil mòran ann nach tèid aca air dèanamh dhut.

Cuiridh iad an luatha a-mach sa mhadainn gun aon spot a chur air an ùrlar. Bheir iad a-steach an gual gun an t-àite a shalachadh. Nighidh iad ar cuid aodaich gun mòran fùdair a chaitheamh. Iarnaigidh iad na tha sa bhasgaid gun mòran dealain a chleachdadh. Sguabaidh agus sgùraidh iad an t-ùrlar gun dragh sam bith a chur air a' chat. Càiridh iad na leapannan gun dust a chur air feadh an taighe. Goilidh iad an coire gun uisge a dhòrtadh air feadh an àite. Cumaidh iad smachd air a' chloinn agus leughaidh iad sgeulachdan èibhinn dhaibh mus tèid iad a chadal. Teagaisgidh iad dhaibh mar a leughas iad gun strì sam bith agus seallaidh iad beagan modh dhaibh san dol seachad.

Chan eil an sin ach toiseach tòiseachaidh. Thèid aig na ròbotan seo air cus a bharrachd a dhèanamh dhuibh ma bheir sibh an cothrom dhaibh. Ceannaichidh iad biadh na seachdain dhuibh agus cuiridh iad dha na preasaichean e. Dràibhidh iad a dh'àite sam bith sibh ann an càr sam bith agus, a bharrachd air an sin, lìonaidh iad an càr le connadh freagarrach. Cuiridh iad an leabhar-latha agaibh air dòigh cuideachd agus chì iad nach bi dà choinneimh agaibh san aon àite aig an aon àm.

Deisealaichidh na seòid seo biadh an fheasgair dhuibh cuideachd. Nighidh iad am buntàta agus cuiridh iad feòil no iasg no dad sam bith a tha a dhìth oirbh dhan chucair dhuibh. Thèid aca cuideachd air am bòrd a sheatadh dhuibh. Cuiridh iad na sgèinean, na forcaichean agus na spàinean san àite cheart agus chì iad a bheil dad sam bith a-mach à àite mus fhosgail sibh an doras. Chì iad gu bheil an taigh blàth seasgair agus ma thogras sibh, fàgaidh iad an solas a-muigh air dhuibh sa Gheamhradh.

Ma tha làithean saora a dhìth oirbh cuiridh na ròbotan sin air dòigh dhuibh cuideachd. Taghaidh iad àm agus àite a fhreagras air an teaghlach gu lèir. Glèidhidh iad ceadan-siubhail an teaghlaich uile ann an àite sàbhailte agus chì iad gu bheil sibh aig a' phort-adhair ann an deagh àm an latha a tha sibh a' fàgail.

Teagaisgidh na ròbotan seo dhuibh mar a chluicheas sibh ionnstramaid ciùil, mar a sheinneas sibh òran math Gàidhlig agus mar a thaghas sibh gibhtean dhar càirdean aig àm na Nollaige.

'S e creutairean iongantach dha-rìribh a th' annta. Cha mhòr nach ann a bheireadh iad a chreidsinn air muinntir a' bhaile againne nach eil a leithid a rud ri Latha na Gocaireachd idir ann!


English Beurla


Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Adverts have appeared all around our town, informing people of the jobs a specific company can do for families if they are willing to pay for it. This fantastic company uses robots and it appears that there's very little they can't do for you.

They'll lift the ashes for you in the morning without leaving a speck on the floor. They'll bring in the coal without dirtying the place. They'll wash your clothes without using much powder. They'll iron everything in your basket without using much electricity. They'll sweep and scrub the floor without disturbing the cat. They'll make the beds without getting dust all over the house. They'll boil the kettle without spilling water all over the place. They'll watch the children and read them funny stories before they go to sleep. They'll teach them how to read without any trouble and will show them some manners while they do so.

That's only the beginning. These robots can do much more for you if you give them the chance. They'll buy the week's shopping for you and they'll put it away in the cupboards. They'll drive you anywhere in any car and, on top of that, they'll fill the car with the right fuel. They'll arrange your diary, too, and they'll make sure that you don't have two meetings in the same place at the same time.

These champions will also prepare dinner for you as well. They'll wash the potatoes and put meat, fish or anything you like into the cooker for you. They can also set the table for you. They'll lay the knives, forks and spoons in their correct places and they'll see if anything's in the wrong place before you open the door. They'll make sure the house is warm and dry and if you choose, they'll leave the outside light on for you in winter.

If you need a holiday, these robots will arrange that for you too. They'll choose a time and place that suits the whole family. They'll keep the whole family's passports in a safe place and they'll see that you get to the airport in good time on the day you're leaving.

These robots will teach you how to play any musical instrument, how to sing a good Gaelic song and to choose presents for your relatives at Christmastime.

They really are amazing things. They'd almost make the people in our town believe that there's no such thing as April Fools' Day.

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.