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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)


Gaelic Gàidhlig


Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Tha mòran comhairle anns na seanfhacail Ghàidhlig mu na bu chòir dhut dèanamh agus a ràdh. Nise, ged a bhios mise an seo a' cur às mo chorp, bidh mi a' toirt an aire nach can mi càil nach bu chòir dhomh a ràdh.

Nuair a bhios clann timcheall, cuimhnich:

An rud a chì na big, 's e a nì na big.

Agus 's e droch rud a th' ann an cus bruidhinn:

Am fear as fheàrr a dh'èisteas, 's e as fheàrr a chluinneas.

Agus bruidhinn nach còrd ri daoine:

Am fear a ghlèidheas a theanga, glèidhidh e a charaid.

Cuideachd, ma tha thu a' dèanamh an t-uabhas bruidhinn is fuaim 's e fìor dhroch bheachd a bhios aig daoine ort:

Far an taine an abhainn, 's ann as motha a fuaim.

A' bhò as miosa sa bhuaile, 's i as àirde a nì geum.

Abair càineadh! Ach:

Cha tig às a' phoit ach an toit a bhios innte.

Cluinnidh tu cuideachd:

'S e am beul a labhras, ach an gnìomh a dhearbhas.

Agus, nuair a thig e gu gnìomh, tha moladh mòr anns na seanfhacail air daoine a tha dìcheallach:

Am fear as fheàrr a chuireas, 's e as fheàrr a bhuaineas.

Do dhaoine leisg, tha rabhadh ann:

Am fear a bhios fada gun èirigh, bidh e na leum fad an latha.

Agus nas miosa na sin:

Am fear a bhios air dheireadh, beiridh a' bhiast air.

Chan eil math dhut a bhith slaodadh le rudan eile a bharrachd:

Am fear a bhios fada gun phòsadh, fàsaidh feusag mhòr air.

Ach tha beagan dòchais ann dhan duine a ghabhas air a shocair, oir:

Ruigidh each mall muileann.


Am fear a bhios fada aig an aiseag, gheibh e thairis uaireigin.

Bheir sinn sùil air ais air cuid de na seanfhacail a bh' agam.

Am fear as fheàrr a dh'èisteas, 's e as fheàrr a chluinneas.

Am fear a ghlèidheas a theanga, glèidhidh e a charaid.

Far an taine an abhainn, 's ann as motha a fuaim.

A' bhò as miosa sa bhuaile, 's i as àirde a nì geum.

Am fear as fheàrr a chuireas, 's e as fheàrr a bhuaineas.

Am fear a bhios fada gun èirigh, bidh e na leum fad an latha.

Am fear a bhios air dheireadh, beiridh a' bhiast air.

Am fear a bhios fada gun phòsadh, fàsaidh feusag mhòr air.

Am fear a bhios fada aig an aiseag, gheibh e thairis uaireigin.

Sin e. Mar sin leat an-dràsta.


English Beurla


Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Gaelic proverbs give a lot of advice about what you should do and say. Now, although I'm spouting off here, I am careful not to say things I shouldn't.

When there are children around, remember:

What the little ones see, the little ones will do.

And talking too much is not a good thing:

He who listens best hears the best.

And saying things people won't like:

He who holds his tongue will keep his friend.

Also, if you talk a lot and make lots of noise, people will have a poor opinion of you:

Where the river is narrowest, greatest is its noise.

The worst cow in the field lows the loudest.

What criticism! But:

Nothing comes out of the pot but the smoke that's in it.

You will also hear:

Actions speak louder than words (lit. it is the mouth that speaks, but the deed that proves).

And when it comes to actions, the proverbs heap praise on people who are diligent:

He who sows best reaps best.

For lazy people, there's a warning:

He who is late to rise will be rushing all day.

And even worse than that:

He who is last the beast will catch.

It's no good to be slow to do other things either:

He who is slow to get married will grow a long beard.

But there is some hope for people who take their time, because:

A slow horse will reach the mill.


He who waits long at the ferry will get over sometime.

Let's take another look at some of the proverbs I mentioned.

He who listens best hears the best.

He who holds his tongue will keep his friend.

Where the river is narrowest, greatest is its noise.

The worst cow in the field lows the loudest.

He who sows best reaps best.

He who is late to rise will be rushing all day.

He who is last the beast will catch.

He who is slow to get married will grow a long beard.

He who waits long at the ferry will get over sometime.

That's all. Goodbye for now.


Gaelic Gàidhlig


Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Tha mòran comhairle anns na seanfhacail Ghàidhlig mu na bu chòir dhut dèanamh agus a ràdh. Nise, ged a bhios mise an seo a' cur às mo chorp, bidh mi a' toirt an aire nach can mi càil nach bu chòir dhomh a ràdh.

Nuair a bhios clann timcheall, cuimhnich:

An rud a chì na big, 's e a nì na big.

Agus 's e droch rud a th' ann an cus bruidhinn:

Am fear as fheàrr a dh'èisteas, 's e as fheàrr a chluinneas.

Agus bruidhinn nach còrd ri daoine:

Am fear a ghlèidheas a theanga, glèidhidh e a charaid.

Cuideachd, ma tha thu a' dèanamh an t-uabhas bruidhinn is fuaim 's e fìor dhroch bheachd a bhios aig daoine ort:

Far an taine an abhainn, 's ann as motha a fuaim.

A' bhò as miosa sa bhuaile, 's i as àirde a nì geum.

Abair càineadh! Ach:

Cha tig às a' phoit ach an toit a bhios innte.

Cluinnidh tu cuideachd:

'S e am beul a labhras, ach an gnìomh a dhearbhas.

Agus, nuair a thig e gu gnìomh, tha moladh mòr anns na seanfhacail air daoine a tha dìcheallach:

Am fear as fheàrr a chuireas, 's e as fheàrr a bhuaineas.

Do dhaoine leisg, tha rabhadh ann:

Am fear a bhios fada gun èirigh, bidh e na leum fad an latha.

Agus nas miosa na sin:

Am fear a bhios air dheireadh, beiridh a' bhiast air.

Chan eil math dhut a bhith slaodadh le rudan eile a bharrachd:

Am fear a bhios fada gun phòsadh, fàsaidh feusag mhòr air.

Ach tha beagan dòchais ann dhan duine a ghabhas air a shocair, oir:

Ruigidh each mall muileann.


Am fear a bhios fada aig an aiseag, gheibh e thairis uaireigin.

Bheir sinn sùil air ais air cuid de na seanfhacail a bh' agam.

Am fear as fheàrr a dh'èisteas, 's e as fheàrr a chluinneas.

Am fear a ghlèidheas a theanga, glèidhidh e a charaid.

Far an taine an abhainn, 's ann as motha a fuaim.

A' bhò as miosa sa bhuaile, 's i as àirde a nì geum.

Am fear as fheàrr a chuireas, 's e as fheàrr a bhuaineas.

Am fear a bhios fada gun èirigh, bidh e na leum fad an latha.

Am fear a bhios air dheireadh, beiridh a' bhiast air.

Am fear a bhios fada gun phòsadh, fàsaidh feusag mhòr air.

Am fear a bhios fada aig an aiseag, gheibh e thairis uaireigin.

Sin e. Mar sin leat an-dràsta.


English Beurla


Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Gaelic proverbs give a lot of advice about what you should do and say. Now, although I'm spouting off here, I am careful not to say things I shouldn't.

When there are children around, remember:

What the little ones see, the little ones will do.

And talking too much is not a good thing:

He who listens best hears the best.

And saying things people won't like:

He who holds his tongue will keep his friend.

Also, if you talk a lot and make lots of noise, people will have a poor opinion of you:

Where the river is narrowest, greatest is its noise.

The worst cow in the field lows the loudest.

What criticism! But:

Nothing comes out of the pot but the smoke that's in it.

You will also hear:

Actions speak louder than words (lit. it is the mouth that speaks, but the deed that proves).

And when it comes to actions, the proverbs heap praise on people who are diligent:

He who sows best reaps best.

For lazy people, there's a warning:

He who is late to rise will be rushing all day.

And even worse than that:

He who is last the beast will catch.

It's no good to be slow to do other things either:

He who is slow to get married will grow a long beard.

But there is some hope for people who take their time, because:

A slow horse will reach the mill.


He who waits long at the ferry will get over sometime.

Let's take another look at some of the proverbs I mentioned.

He who listens best hears the best.

He who holds his tongue will keep his friend.

Where the river is narrowest, greatest is its noise.

The worst cow in the field lows the loudest.

He who sows best reaps best.

He who is late to rise will be rushing all day.

He who is last the beast will catch.

He who is slow to get married will grow a long beard.

He who waits long at the ferry will get over sometime.

That's all. Goodbye for now.

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.