FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

History - Archive Eachdraidh - Tasglann

The Stone of Scone (2)

Clach Sgàin (2)

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The Stone of Scone (1)

Clach Sgàin (1)

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The Great Cloth (4)

An Clò Mòr (4)

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An Clò Mòr (3)

The Great Cloth (3)

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The Great Cloth (2)

An Clò Mòr (2)

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The Great Cloth (1)

An Clò Mòr (1)

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The Royal Northern Infirmary (2)

Taigh-eiridinn a’ Chinn a Tuath (2)

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The loss of the William H Welch (2)

Call an William H Welch (2)

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Call an William H Welch (1)

The loss of the William H Welch (1)

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Air attacks in Wester Ross (2)

Ionnsaighean-adhair ann an Ros an Iar (2)

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Air attacks in Wester Ross

Ionnsaighean-adhair ann an Ros an Iar

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The Death of Alexander III

Bàs Alasdair III

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Hákon's Navy (3)

Cabhlach Hákon (3)

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Alexander III, King of Scotland (2)

Alasdair III, Rìgh na h-Alba (2)

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Alexander III, King of Scotland (1)

Alasdair III, Rìgh na h-Alba (1)

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Vatersay Raiders (2)

Raiders Bhatarsaigh (2)

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Vatersay Raiders (1)

Raiders Bhatarsaigh (1)

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Barevan (2)

Bàrr Èibhinn (2)

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Kilravock Castle (1)

Caisteal Chill Ràthaig (1)

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Seal Island (3)

Eilean nan Ròn (3)

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James Roberston, Botanist (2)

Seumas MacDhonnchaidh, Lus-eòlaiche (2)

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Highland superstitions

Saobh-chràbhaidhean Gàidhealach

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Fern fires on Hallowe'en

Teintean rainich air Oidhche Shamhna

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Rev. James Robertson (2)

An t-Urr. Seumas MacDhonnchaidh (2)

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Mald memorial

Carragh-chuimhne Mhàld 

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Two anecdotes from Rannoch

Dà naidheachd à Raineach

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The Shawbost Freebooter (4)

Ceatharnach Shiaboist (4)

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The Shawbost Freebooter (3)

Ceatharnach Shiaboist (3)

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The Shawbost Freebooter (2)

Ceatharnach Shiaboist (2)

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Tanning without Bark

Cartadh gun Rùsg

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Vaccination in 1773

A' Bhanachdach ann an 1773

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The Apples of Scotland

Ùbhlan na h-Alba

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Synod of Whitby (2)

Seanadh Whitby (2)

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Seanadh Whitby (1)

The Synod of Whitby (1)

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St. Drostan

Naomh Drostan

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The Book of Deer (3)

Leabhar Dhèir (3)

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The Book of Deer (2)

Leabhar Dhèir (2)

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The Book of Deer (1)

Leabhar Dhèir (1)

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Fearchar Lighiche (5)

Fearchar Lighiche (5)

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Fearchar Lighiche (4)

Fearchar Lighiche (4)

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The Stories of Heroes

Sgeulachdan nan Gaisgeach

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The Present from Above

An Tiodhlac bho gu h-Àrd

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The Battle of Cromdale (3)

Cath Chromdhail (3)

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The Battle of Cromdale (2)

Cath Chromdhail (2)

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The Battle of Cromdale

Cath Chromdhail (1)

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Neil Gow

Niall Gobha

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The Dell of the Milk

Lagan a’ Bhainne

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Clach Cailleach nam Muc

Clach Cailleach nam Muc

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Redcastle (2)

An Caisteal Ruadh (2)

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Andrew Watson

Anndra MacBhàtair

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Beltane Festival (2)

Fèill na Bealltainn (2)

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Griogal Cridhe (3)

Griogal Cridhe (3)

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Griogal Cridhe (2)

Griogal Cridhe (2)

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General Wade (2)

An Seanailear Wade (2)

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General Wade (1)

An Seanailear Wade (1)

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Hugh Miller and Racism (3)

Ùisdean Mac a’ Mhuilleir agus Gràin-chinnidh (3)

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Ùisdean Mac a’ Mhuilleir agus Gràin-chinnidh (2)

Hugh Miller and Racism (2)

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Gaelic at Glasgow University (4)

A’ Ghàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu (4)

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Gaelic at Glasgow University (3)

A’ Ghàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu (3)

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Gaelic at Glasgow University (2)

A’ Ghàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu (2)

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Gaelic at Glasgow University (1)

A’ Ghàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu (1)

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Clanranald’s thrush

Smeòrach Chlann Raghnaill

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Clan Donald’s thrush (2)

Smeòrach Chlann Dòmhnaill (2)

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Clan Donald’s thrush (1)

Smeòrach Chlann Dòmhnaill (1)

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Mac an t-Srònaich (1)

Mac an t-Srònaich (1)

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The best Gaelic

‘A’ Ghàidhlig as fheàrr’

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Big Neil of the trout

Niall Mòr nam Breac

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Lady Lindsay

A’ Bhaintighearna Liondsaidh

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Robert the Bruce in Inverness (2)

Am Brusach ann an Inbhir Nis (2)

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Robert the Bruce in Inverness (1)

Am Brusach ann an Inbhir Nis (1)

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Red Herrings

Sgadain Dearga

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Isle Martin

Eilean Mhàrtainn

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An Gàidheal – Poetry

An Gàidheal – Bàrdachd

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An Gàidheal – Lèirmheas

An Gàidheal – A review

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An Gàidheal – Riddles

An Gàidheal – Tòimhseachain

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The Rout of Moy (2)

Ruaig na Mòighe (2)

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The Rout of Moy (1)

Ruaig na Mòighe (1)

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The Battle of Glen Fruin (3)

Cath Ghlinn Freòin (3)

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The Battle of Glen Fruin (2)

Cath Ghlinn Freòin (2)

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The Battle of Glen Fruin (1)

Cath Ghlinn Freòin (1)

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Loch a’ Ghartain (3)

Loch Garten (3)

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An Uamh Mhòr (2)

The Big Cave (2)

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Bàs Chaluim Chille (2)

The Death of St Columba (2)

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Bàs Chaluim Chille (1)

The Death of St Columba (1)

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An Gibean mar Leigheas

The Gibean as a cure

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A song about hunting whales

Òran mu Shealg nam Mucan-mara

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The Balaena

Am Balaena

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Carbadan Argyll (2)

Argyll petrol cars (2)

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Carbadan Argyll (1)

Argyll petrol cars (1)

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Football and Scotland

Ball-coise agus Alba

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Alexander Carmichael and the Napier Commission (2)

Alasdair MacIlleMhìcheil agus Coimisean Napier (2)

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Alexander Carmichael and the Napier Commission

Alasdair MacIlleMhìcheil agus Coimisean Napier (1)

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The Golden Retriever

An Cù-eunaich Buidhe

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King James IV (2)

Rìgh Seumas IV (2)

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King James IV

Rìgh Seumas IV (1)

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The Nigg Stone

Clach an Eig

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The King's Ferry

Aiseag an Rìgh

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Fearchar a’ Ghunna (3)

Fearchar a’ Ghunna (3)

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Fearchar a’ Ghunna (2)

Fearchar a’ Ghunna (2)

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Fearchar a’ Ghunna (1)

Fearchar a’ Ghunna (1)

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The poor little person’s prayer

Ùrnaigh na creubhaig

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The Clanranald books

Leabhraichean Chlann Raghnaill

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Radio Caledonia (2)

Radio Caledonia (2)

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Radio Caledonia (1)

Radio Caledonia (1)

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The Yellow London Lady

A’ Bhan-Lunnainneach Bhuidhe

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Litreachas nan Gàidheal agus an Tìr

Gaelic literature and the landcape

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The Shielings of Pàirc

Àirighean na Pàirce

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The murder of MacIntosh of Tirinie

Murt Mhic an Tòisich Tìr Ìngnidh

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Mar a thàinig an guirmean a dh’Alba (2)

How woad came to scotland (2)

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How woad came to Scotland (1)

Mar a Thàinig an Guirmean a dh’Alba (1)

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Kishorn Dwarfs

Troichean Chiseoirn

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Slavery and Scotland (2)

Tràilleachd agus Alba (2)

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Slavery and Scotland (1)

Tràilleachd agus Alba (1)

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Commemorating the New Testament (2)

Comharrachadh an Tiomnaidh Nuaidh (2)

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The 'Bedford Highlanders' (2)

Na ‘Bedford Highlanders’(2)

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The 'Bedford Highlanders' (1)

Na ‘Bedford Highlanders’(1)

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Saint Munnu (2)

Naomh Munnu (2)

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Naomh Munnu (1)

Saint Munnu (1)

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Donald Campbell, ‘The Kingussie Bard (2)

Dòmhnall Phàil, Bàrd Cheann a’ Ghiùthsaich (2)

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Donald Campbell, ‘The Kingussie Bard (1)

Dòmhnall Phàil, Bàrd Cheann a’ Ghiùthsaich (1)

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New Zealand and immigration

New Zealand agus Luchd-imrich

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William Elphinstone, Bishop of Aberdeen (1)

Uilleam Elphinstone, Easbaig Obar Dheathain (1)

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Big Alasdair Son of the King

Alasdair Mòr Mac an Rìgh

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Flower of Scotland

Flower of Scotland

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The year of the mouse

Bliadhna nan luch 

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The year of the sheep (2)

Bliadhna nan caorach (2)

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The year of the sheep (1)

Bliadhna nan caorach (1)

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The Treaty of Perth (1266) (2)

Co-chòrdadh Pheairt (1266) (2)

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The Treaty of Perth (1266) (1)

Co-chòrdadh Pheairt (1266) (1)

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Poetry (2)

Bàrdachd (2)

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Poetry (1)

Bàrdachd (1)

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The American Act of Independence

Neo-eisimeileachd nan Stàitean Aonaichte

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Eilean Donan Castle (2)

Caisteal Eilean Donnain (2)

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Eilean Donan Castle (1)

Caisteal Eilean Donnain (1)

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The Vikings in Tiree

Na Lochlannaich ann an Tiriodh

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Big Ruairidh and the second sight

Ruairidh Mòr agus an Dà-shealladh

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The skull of Robert the Bruce

Claigeann a’ Bhrusaich

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Cairnsmuir Disaster

Call a’ Chairnsmuir

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Skerryvore Lighthouse (1)

Taigh-solais na Sgeir Mhòir (1)

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Murder in Strathspey (2)

Murt ann an Srath Spè (2)

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Murder in Strathspey (1)

Murt ann an Srath Spè (1)

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Destruction of Ardnarea (2)

Sgrios Àird na Riadh (2)

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Destruction of Ardnarea (1)

Sgrios Àird na Riadh (1)

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Stromeferry Riot (3)

Aimhreit an t-Sròim (3)

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Stromeferry Riot (2)

Aimhreit an t-Sròim (2)

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Stromeferry Riot (1)

Aimhreit an t-Sròim (1)

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An SS Ferret (3)

An SS Ferret (3)

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An SS Ferret (2)

An SS Ferret (2)

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An SS Ferret (1)

An SS Ferret (1)

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Leitir Fura (1)

Leitir Fura (1)

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Flodigarry and Eilean Flodigarry (1)

Flòdaigearraidh agus Eilean a’ Chinn Mhòir (1)

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Birlinn Chlann Raghnaill (2)

Birlinn Chlann Raghnaill (2)

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Birlinn Chlann Raghnaill (1)

Birlinn Chlann Raghnaill (1)

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The Knoydart Seven (1)

Seachdnar Chnòideirt (1)

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The Admiral (4)

An Admiral (2) (2)

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The Admiral (3)

An Admiral (1) (2)

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The Admiral (2)

An Admiral (2) (1)

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The Admiral (1)

An Admiral (1) (1)

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Brahan Seer (3)

Coinneach Odhar Fiosaiche (3)

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Brahan Seer (2)

Coinneach Odhar Fiosaiche (2)

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Brahan Seer (1)

Coinneach Odhar Fiosaiche (1)

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The Knights Templar (2)

Na Ridirean Teampallach (2)

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The Knights Templar (1)

Na Ridirean Teampallach (1)

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The guard of the Black Corrie

Freiceadain a’ Choire Dhuibh

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Lisbon Earthquake (2)

Crith-thalmhainn Lisbon (2)

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Lisbon Earthquake (1)

Crith-thalmhainn Lisbon (1)

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Steall à Iomadh Lòn

Steall à Iomadh Lòn

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The Declaration of Arbroath (2)

Taisbeanadh Obar Bhrothaig (2)

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The Declaration of Arbroath (1)

Taisbeanadh Obar Bhrothaig (1)

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Yairs and the Sturgeon (1)

Cairidhean agus am Bradan Sligeach (1)

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McGregor's Leap

Leum MhicGriogair

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Death of the Deer (3)

Bàs an Daimh (3)

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Death of the Deer (2)

Bàs an Daimh (2)

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Death of the Deer (1)

Bàs an Daimh (1)

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National Gallery of Scotland

Gailearaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba

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The New Testament

An Tiomnadh Nuadh

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The Gaelic Bible (3)

Am Bìobaill Gàidhlig

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The Gaelic Bible (2)

A' Bhìoball Gàidhlig (2)

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Where did the word Nollaig come from?

Co às a thàinig am facal Nollaig?

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Graveyard watch

Faire chlaidh

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Lochaber Poet (2)

Bàrd Loch Abar (2)

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Both Mhoireil

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Black-haired John of Lewis (4)

Iain Dubh Leòdhasach (4)

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Black-haired John of Lewis (3)

Iain Dubh Leòdhasach (3)

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Black-haired John of Lewis (2)

Iain Dubh Leòdhasach (2)

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Black-haired John of Lewis (1)

Iain Dubh Leòdhasach (1)

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Archibald Cook

Gilleasbaig Cook

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Archibald and Finlay Cook

Gilleasbaig is Fionnlagh Cook

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The Battle of Kringen

Blàr Khringen

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A bad omen on the Titanic

Manadh air an Titanic

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Thugam agus Bhuam

Thugam agus Bhuam

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The Highland Regiment

An Rèisimeid Ghàidhealaich

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Antonine Wall (5)

Balla Antonine (5)

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Antonine Wall (4)

Balla Antonine (4)

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Antonine Wall (3)

Balla Antonine (3)

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The Old Fox

Seann Mhadadh Ruadh

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Keil School

Sgoil na Cille

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The Statutes of Iona (2)

Reachdas Ì

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The Statutes of Iona (1)

Reachdas Eilean Ì

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Cotton mills in Stanley

Muileann-cotain ann an Stanley

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Minister for Gaelic

Ministear airson na Gàidhlig

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Bonnie Prince Charlie

Teàrlach Òg Stiùbhart

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The Ann Alexander

An Ann Alexander

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The Linnet

An Linnet

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County Mayo

Contae Mhaigh Eo

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Finan MacDonald

Fionghan MacDhòmhnaill

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People of Mingulay

Muinntir Mhiughalaigh

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History of Scotland

Eachdraidh na h-Alba

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Eigg (2)

Eige (2)

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Eigg (1)

Eige (1)

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The loss of the Flannan Isles (2)

Call na h-Eileanan Flannach (2)

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The loss of the Flannan Isles (1)

Call na h-Eileanan Flannach (1)

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Martin Martin

Màrtainn MacIlleMhàrtainn

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Culbin Sands (2)

Bàr Inbhir Èireann (2)

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Culbin Sands (1)

Bàr Inbhir Èireann (1)

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James Mason

Seumas Mason

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The Potato Riots

Ar-a-mach a’ Bhuntàta

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Alasdair Ferguson

Alasdair Fearghasdan

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The Frasers of Lovat

Clann ’ic Shimidh

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John of Moidart 

Iain Muideartach

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Field of Shirts

Blàr na Lèine

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The Great Fight of Wick (2)

Sabaid Mhòr Inbhir Ùige (2)

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The Sheriff read the Riot Act and the Great Fight of Wick 

Siorram Achd na h-Aimhreit, agus Sabaid Mhòr Inbhir Ùige

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The Great Fight of Wick (1)

Sabaid Mhòr Inbhir Ùige (1)

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The congregation of Wick

Coitheanal Inbhir Ùige

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La Marie de Dunquerque

La Marie de Dunquerque

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The Ship of the People

Long nan Daoine

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Ath nam Muileach

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Reverend Norman MacLeod (10)

An t-Urramach Tormod MacLeòid (10)

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Reverend Norman MacLeod (9)

An t-Urramach Tormod MacLeòid (9)

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Reverend Norman MacLeod (8)

An t-Urramach Tormod MacLeòid (8)

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Reverend Norman MacLeod (7)

An t-Urramach Tormod MacLeòid (7)

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Reverend Norman MacLeod (6)

An t-Urramach Tormod MacLeòid (6)

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Reverend Norman MacLeod (5)

An t-Urramach Tormod MacLeòid (5)

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Reverend Norman MacLeod (4)

An t-Urramach Tormod MacLeòid (4)

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Reverend Norman MacLeod (3)

An t-Urramach Tormod MacLeòid (3)

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Reverend Norman MacLeod (2)

An t-Urramach Tormod MacLeòid (2)

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Reverend Norman MacLeod (1)

An t-Urramach Tormod MacLeòid (1)

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The Welsh in Saskatchewan

Na Cuimrich ann an Saskatchewan

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The MacLeans (2)

Na Leathanaich (2)

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The MacLeans (1)

Na Leathanaich (1)

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The Falklands

Na h-Eileanan Falcland

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