Documentaries Prògraman Aithriseachd
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Bothan sa Choille
[Ramsay] Nist’, shaoileadh tu gum biodh seo toiseach horror story air choireigin far an cràdh mi sa choille leam fhìn.
[Ramsay] Ach seo far a bheil mi a’ fuireach a-nochd.
[Ramsay] Tha bothan beag agam air a chur air dòigh far a bheil mi a’ fuireach a-nochd agus tha mi dìreach a’ faicinn a’ chiad sealladh dheth an-dràsta.
[Ramsay] That e gu math cute actually.
[Ramsay] Tha e brèagha.
[Ramsay] Nist’, seo mo chiad sealladh dhen dachaigh agam airson na h-oidhche.
[Ramsay] Wow.
[Ramsay] Tha seo gu math cute.
[Ramsay] Seall a h-uile rud a th’ agam.
[Ramsay] Nist’, stòbh – bidh siud gu math handy a-nochd.
[Ramsay] O agus tha iad air an teine a dhèanamh suas dhomh. Bidh sin gu math handy.
[Ramsay] Coire – gu math feumail.
[Ramsay] Agus leabaidh gu math mòr.
A Cabin in the Woods
[Ramsay] Now, you’d think that this was the start of a horror story where I’d suffer in the woods, alone.
[Ramsay] But this is where I’m staying tonight.
[Ramsay] I’ve organised a small cabin for me to stay in tonight and I’m just seeing it for the first time just now.
[Ramsay] It’s actually quite cute.
[Ramsay] It’s lovely.
[Ramsay] Now, this is my first look of my home for the night.
[Ramsay] Wow.
[Ramsay] This is very cute.
[Ramsay] Look at everything I have. [Ramsay]
Now, a stove – this will be very handy tonight.
[Ramsay] Oh, and they’ve made a fire up for me. That will be very handy.
[Ramsay] A kettle – very useful.
[Ramsay] And a very big bed.
Bothan sa Choille
[Ramsay] Nist’, shaoileadh tu gum biodh seo toiseach horror story air choireigin far an cràdh mi sa choille leam fhìn.
[Ramsay] Ach seo far a bheil mi a’ fuireach a-nochd.
[Ramsay] Tha bothan beag agam air a chur air dòigh far a bheil mi a’ fuireach a-nochd agus tha mi dìreach a’ faicinn a’ chiad sealladh dheth an-dràsta.
[Ramsay] That e gu math cute actually.
[Ramsay] Tha e brèagha.
[Ramsay] Nist’, seo mo chiad sealladh dhen dachaigh agam airson na h-oidhche.
[Ramsay] Wow.
[Ramsay] Tha seo gu math cute.
[Ramsay] Seall a h-uile rud a th’ agam.
[Ramsay] Nist’, stòbh – bidh siud gu math handy a-nochd.
[Ramsay] O agus tha iad air an teine a dhèanamh suas dhomh. Bidh sin gu math handy.
[Ramsay] Coire – gu math feumail.
[Ramsay] Agus leabaidh gu math mòr.
A Cabin in the Woods
[Ramsay] Now, you’d think that this was the start of a horror story where I’d suffer in the woods, alone.
[Ramsay] But this is where I’m staying tonight.
[Ramsay] I’ve organised a small cabin for me to stay in tonight and I’m just seeing it for the first time just now.
[Ramsay] It’s actually quite cute.
[Ramsay] It’s lovely.
[Ramsay] Now, this is my first look of my home for the night.
[Ramsay] Wow.
[Ramsay] This is very cute.
[Ramsay] Look at everything I have. [Ramsay]
Now, a stove – this will be very handy tonight.
[Ramsay] Oh, and they’ve made a fire up for me. That will be very handy.
[Ramsay] A kettle – very useful.
[Ramsay] And a very big bed.