Food Biadh
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
An tort le peuran ’s càise gorm aig Griogair
[Griogair] Tort saoidhle, cha bhi fios aig na h-aoighean dè chanas iad nuair a thig e chun a’ bhùird. Tha mise dèidheil air fìon dearg agus càis’ gorm, mar sin tha mi a’ dol a chur an dà rud còmhla airson tart a dhèanamh agus a’ cleachdadh peuran. Anns a’ phana tha leth-phinnt fìon dearg, leth phinnt de bhùrn fuar, agus cuideachd sùgh à leth liomaid. Agus còmhla ris an sin tha mi a’ dol a chur sia unnsachan siùcar, siùcar mìn tha mise a’ cleachdadh ach chan eil e gu diofar, faodaidh sibh granulated a chleachdadh. Cuiridh mi seo a-nis air an teas gus an ruig e ìre goile agus nì e sùgh math far am bruich mi na peuran.
Griogair] Is a-nis see na peuran a rùsgadh. Tha mi gam fàgail slàn agus tha ceithir agam an seo. Lorg mi recipe nam peuran a tha seo ann an leabhar mo sheanmhar agus bha mi a’ smaoineachadh rium fhìn: tha fìon dearg a’ dol a-steach an seo, ’s dè thèid math còmhla ris ach càis’ gorm, mar sin nì seo tart a tha math dha-rìribh.
[Griogair] Siud na peuran air an rùsgadh, agus tha mi gam fàgail slàn agus tha mi fèir a’ dol gan cur a-steach còmhla ris a’ fìon agus an t-siùcar sa bhùrn. Tha mi a’ dol ga chur a-nis air teas nas ìsle, agus fàgaidh sinn iad an sin le mullach air a’ phana airson deich mionaidean. Fhad ’s a tha na peuran a’ bruich, nì mi am pastraidh. Anns a’ bhobhla, tha ceud agus deich grama de dh’ìm bog agus aon ugh. Agus airson blas caran eadar-dhealaicht’ a thoirt dha, tha trithead grama de phecans a th’ agam air am bleith an seo agus cuiridh mi sin a-steach còmhla ris. Agus a’ cleachdadh whisk tha mi a’ dol a chur sin ri chèile.
[Griogair] ’S cuiridh mi a-steach ceud agus seachdad sa còig grama flùr plèan ach fàgaidh mi beagan air chùl. Chì mi ciamar a thig a h-uile càil còmhla. Agus tha mi fèir a’ cleachdadh mo làmh. Tha mi airson ’s gun tig an taois air falbh fodhp’. Tha an t-àm agam carachadh de na peuran. Seall fhèin an dath, cho dorch’ dearg ri seudan. Leigidh mi leotha bruich air am fìor shocair airson deich mionaidean eile fhad ‘s a tha mise rolaigeadh na taoise ach an till i ann an soitheach deich òirlich tarsainn.
[Griogair] Tha na peuran a-nis bruich anns an fìon dearg. Agus a-nis, am pìos eile, leis a’ chàis’ ghorm. Tha ceud milleliotair de bhàrr tiugh agam. Tha mi fèir a’ dol ga chur ann an siuga. Agus aon ugh. Agus tha dà cheud agus fichead grama de chàis’ gorm agam an seo. ’S an rud a tha mi a’ dol a dhèanamh tha mi a’ dol a chleachdadh an treas cuid airson a sgeadachadh aig an deireadh. So cleachdaidh sinn an còrr an-dràst’ agus brisidh sinn sin a-steach còmhla ris an ugh agus a’ bhàrr. Seo a-nis. Agus tha mi fèir a’ dol a chleachdadh forc agus tha mi a’ dol a mheasgachadh sin còmhla.
[Griogair] Nis chan e quiche a tha seo. Chan eil sinn ag iarraidh ach gu leòr mixture a thèid ann am bonn an tion’ againn. Agus a-nis airson na peuran anns a’ fìon dearg. Agus feumaidh sinn an gearradh an toiseach. ’S tha mi fèir a’ dol gan togail às a’ phana, mas urrainn dhomh.
[Griogair] Tha seo a-nis deiseil airson an àmhainn agus tha e a’ dol ann aig ceud agus ochdad airson fichead mionaid no ‘s dòch’ fichead sa còig. Cum ur sùil air, chan eil sibh ag iarraidh gun fhàs dath nam peuran ro dhorch’. An uair ’s gu bheil e deiseil, sgapaidh mi an còrr de chriomagan a’ chàise ghoirm còmhla ri cnòthan peacan a dheasaich mi na bu tràithe ann an siorap. Nise, chan eil mise dol a bhodraigeadh le forc. Mmmm, tha na blasan sin milis, saillte, fìon, càise agus na peuran, a h-uile càil ag obair cho math. Math dha-rìribh. Càit a bheil a’ fìon agam?
Gregor’s tart with pears and blue cheese
[Gregor] A deep-cut tart, the visitors won’t know what to say when it comes to the table. I’m keen on red wine and blue cheese, so I’m going to put the two things together to make a tart using pears. In the pan there’s half a pint of red wine, half a pint of cold water, and also the juice from half a lemon. And together with that I’m going to put six ounces of sugar, I’m using caster sugar but it doesn’t make a difference, you can use granulated. I’ll now put on the heat until it reaches boiling point, and it will make a good juice where I’ll cook the pears.
[Gregor] And now to peel the pears. I’m leaving them whole, and I have four here. I found the recipe for these pears in my granny’s book and I was thinking to myself: red wine goes in here, and what goes well with that but blue cheese, so this will make an excellent tart.
[Gregor] That’s the pears peeled, and I’m leaving them whole and I’m just going to put them in together with the wine and the sugar and the water. I’m going to put them now on a lower heat and we’ll leave them there with a lid on the pan for ten minutes. While the pears are cooking, I’ll make the pastry. In the bowl there is 110g of soft butter and one egg. And to give it a bit of different taste, I have 30g of ground pecans here and I’ll put that in with it. And using a whisk I’m going to mix that together.
[Gregor] And I’ll add 175g of plain flour but I’ll leave a wee bit behind. I’ll see how everything comes together. And I’m just going to use my hand. I want the dough to come away under them. It’s time for me to mix the pears. Look at the colour, as dark red as jewels. I’ll let them cook very slowly for ten more minutes while I roll the dough so that it sits in a ten-inch-wide dish.
[Gregor] The pears are now cooking in the red wine. And now the other part, with the blue cheese. I have 100ml of thick cream. I’m just going to put it in a jug. And one egg. And I have 220g of blue cheese here. And the thing I’m going to do, I’m going to use a third for decoration at the end. So we’ll use the rest now and we’ll break that in with the egg and the cream. There you are. And I’m just going to use a fork and I’m going to mix that together.
[Gregor] Now this is not a quiche. We just want enough mixture to go in the bottom of our tin. And now for the pears that are in the red wine. And we need to cut them first. And I’m just going to lift them out of the pan.
[Gregor] This is now ready for the oven and it’s going in at 180 for 20 minutes or maybe 25. Keep your eye on it, you don’t want the colour of the pears to get too dark. When it’s ready, I’ll spread the rest of the crumbs of blue cheese on together with the pecan nuts that I prepared earlier in syrup. Now, I’m not going to bother with a fork. Mmmm, that tastes sweet, salty, wine, cheese and the pears, everything works so well. Very good. Where is my wine?
An tort le peuran ’s càise gorm aig Griogair
[Griogair] Tort saoidhle, cha bhi fios aig na h-aoighean dè chanas iad nuair a thig e chun a’ bhùird. Tha mise dèidheil air fìon dearg agus càis’ gorm, mar sin tha mi a’ dol a chur an dà rud còmhla airson tart a dhèanamh agus a’ cleachdadh peuran. Anns a’ phana tha leth-phinnt fìon dearg, leth phinnt de bhùrn fuar, agus cuideachd sùgh à leth liomaid. Agus còmhla ris an sin tha mi a’ dol a chur sia unnsachan siùcar, siùcar mìn tha mise a’ cleachdadh ach chan eil e gu diofar, faodaidh sibh granulated a chleachdadh. Cuiridh mi seo a-nis air an teas gus an ruig e ìre goile agus nì e sùgh math far am bruich mi na peuran.
Griogair] Is a-nis see na peuran a rùsgadh. Tha mi gam fàgail slàn agus tha ceithir agam an seo. Lorg mi recipe nam peuran a tha seo ann an leabhar mo sheanmhar agus bha mi a’ smaoineachadh rium fhìn: tha fìon dearg a’ dol a-steach an seo, ’s dè thèid math còmhla ris ach càis’ gorm, mar sin nì seo tart a tha math dha-rìribh.
[Griogair] Siud na peuran air an rùsgadh, agus tha mi gam fàgail slàn agus tha mi fèir a’ dol gan cur a-steach còmhla ris a’ fìon agus an t-siùcar sa bhùrn. Tha mi a’ dol ga chur a-nis air teas nas ìsle, agus fàgaidh sinn iad an sin le mullach air a’ phana airson deich mionaidean. Fhad ’s a tha na peuran a’ bruich, nì mi am pastraidh. Anns a’ bhobhla, tha ceud agus deich grama de dh’ìm bog agus aon ugh. Agus airson blas caran eadar-dhealaicht’ a thoirt dha, tha trithead grama de phecans a th’ agam air am bleith an seo agus cuiridh mi sin a-steach còmhla ris. Agus a’ cleachdadh whisk tha mi a’ dol a chur sin ri chèile.
[Griogair] ’S cuiridh mi a-steach ceud agus seachdad sa còig grama flùr plèan ach fàgaidh mi beagan air chùl. Chì mi ciamar a thig a h-uile càil còmhla. Agus tha mi fèir a’ cleachdadh mo làmh. Tha mi airson ’s gun tig an taois air falbh fodhp’. Tha an t-àm agam carachadh de na peuran. Seall fhèin an dath, cho dorch’ dearg ri seudan. Leigidh mi leotha bruich air am fìor shocair airson deich mionaidean eile fhad ‘s a tha mise rolaigeadh na taoise ach an till i ann an soitheach deich òirlich tarsainn.
[Griogair] Tha na peuran a-nis bruich anns an fìon dearg. Agus a-nis, am pìos eile, leis a’ chàis’ ghorm. Tha ceud milleliotair de bhàrr tiugh agam. Tha mi fèir a’ dol ga chur ann an siuga. Agus aon ugh. Agus tha dà cheud agus fichead grama de chàis’ gorm agam an seo. ’S an rud a tha mi a’ dol a dhèanamh tha mi a’ dol a chleachdadh an treas cuid airson a sgeadachadh aig an deireadh. So cleachdaidh sinn an còrr an-dràst’ agus brisidh sinn sin a-steach còmhla ris an ugh agus a’ bhàrr. Seo a-nis. Agus tha mi fèir a’ dol a chleachdadh forc agus tha mi a’ dol a mheasgachadh sin còmhla.
[Griogair] Nis chan e quiche a tha seo. Chan eil sinn ag iarraidh ach gu leòr mixture a thèid ann am bonn an tion’ againn. Agus a-nis airson na peuran anns a’ fìon dearg. Agus feumaidh sinn an gearradh an toiseach. ’S tha mi fèir a’ dol gan togail às a’ phana, mas urrainn dhomh.
[Griogair] Tha seo a-nis deiseil airson an àmhainn agus tha e a’ dol ann aig ceud agus ochdad airson fichead mionaid no ‘s dòch’ fichead sa còig. Cum ur sùil air, chan eil sibh ag iarraidh gun fhàs dath nam peuran ro dhorch’. An uair ’s gu bheil e deiseil, sgapaidh mi an còrr de chriomagan a’ chàise ghoirm còmhla ri cnòthan peacan a dheasaich mi na bu tràithe ann an siorap. Nise, chan eil mise dol a bhodraigeadh le forc. Mmmm, tha na blasan sin milis, saillte, fìon, càise agus na peuran, a h-uile càil ag obair cho math. Math dha-rìribh. Càit a bheil a’ fìon agam?
Gregor’s tart with pears and blue cheese
[Gregor] A deep-cut tart, the visitors won’t know what to say when it comes to the table. I’m keen on red wine and blue cheese, so I’m going to put the two things together to make a tart using pears. In the pan there’s half a pint of red wine, half a pint of cold water, and also the juice from half a lemon. And together with that I’m going to put six ounces of sugar, I’m using caster sugar but it doesn’t make a difference, you can use granulated. I’ll now put on the heat until it reaches boiling point, and it will make a good juice where I’ll cook the pears.
[Gregor] And now to peel the pears. I’m leaving them whole, and I have four here. I found the recipe for these pears in my granny’s book and I was thinking to myself: red wine goes in here, and what goes well with that but blue cheese, so this will make an excellent tart.
[Gregor] That’s the pears peeled, and I’m leaving them whole and I’m just going to put them in together with the wine and the sugar and the water. I’m going to put them now on a lower heat and we’ll leave them there with a lid on the pan for ten minutes. While the pears are cooking, I’ll make the pastry. In the bowl there is 110g of soft butter and one egg. And to give it a bit of different taste, I have 30g of ground pecans here and I’ll put that in with it. And using a whisk I’m going to mix that together.
[Gregor] And I’ll add 175g of plain flour but I’ll leave a wee bit behind. I’ll see how everything comes together. And I’m just going to use my hand. I want the dough to come away under them. It’s time for me to mix the pears. Look at the colour, as dark red as jewels. I’ll let them cook very slowly for ten more minutes while I roll the dough so that it sits in a ten-inch-wide dish.
[Gregor] The pears are now cooking in the red wine. And now the other part, with the blue cheese. I have 100ml of thick cream. I’m just going to put it in a jug. And one egg. And I have 220g of blue cheese here. And the thing I’m going to do, I’m going to use a third for decoration at the end. So we’ll use the rest now and we’ll break that in with the egg and the cream. There you are. And I’m just going to use a fork and I’m going to mix that together.
[Gregor] Now this is not a quiche. We just want enough mixture to go in the bottom of our tin. And now for the pears that are in the red wine. And we need to cut them first. And I’m just going to lift them out of the pan.
[Gregor] This is now ready for the oven and it’s going in at 180 for 20 minutes or maybe 25. Keep your eye on it, you don’t want the colour of the pears to get too dark. When it’s ready, I’ll spread the rest of the crumbs of blue cheese on together with the pecan nuts that I prepared earlier in syrup. Now, I’m not going to bother with a fork. Mmmm, that tastes sweet, salty, wine, cheese and the pears, everything works so well. Very good. Where is my wine?