History Eachdraidh
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Coimhearsnachdan ùra air a' phrèiridh lom
[Dòmhnall] Às aonais a' Chanadian Pacific Railway (CPR) cha bhiodh an dùthaich mhòr fharsaing a bha seo air càil a dhèanamh dheth anns an t-saoghal a bha ag atharrachadh cho mòr. Airson a' chiad uair bha e cothromach siubhal bho chladach gu cladach, sear gu siar.
[Dòmhnall] Chaidh an CPR fhosgladh gu h-oifigeil ann an ochd deug ceithir fichead 's a sia. Cha robh a dhìth a-nise ach daoine a stèidheachadh air a' phrèiridh an cois na rèile. Thàinig cuid aca bho thuathan truagha taobh sear Chanada. Thigeadh càch às an Roinn Eòrpa agus far Gàidhealtachd na h-Alba, far an robh strì a-rithist eadar na daoine 's na h-uachdarain.
[Dòmhnall] Ann an ochd deug ceithir fichead 's a dhà chaidh an ceòl air ceòl air feadh na fìdhle an dèidh Blàr a' Bhràighe anns an Eilean Sgitheanach. Chaidh fearann a chreach thall 's a-bhos 's chaidh na saighdearan gu tuath. An ath-bhliadhna a-rithist chaidh Land League na Gàidhealtachd a stèidheachadh. Mu thoiseach nan ochdadan bha eaconomaidh na Gàidhealtachd air fàs na bu làidire. Bha àireamh an t-sluaigh air èirigh chun na h-ìre aig an robh e ron Ghort Mhòr. Ach le neart eacanomaigeach thàinig spionnadh ùr poilitigeach. Chuir seasamh nan croitearan na h-uachdarain fo eagal. Dh'fheumadh iad an tuath a chumail fo smachd agus 's e aon dòigh air sin a dhèanamh an cur a-null thairis.
[Dòmhnall] Dh'ionnsaich a' Bhean-Uasal Emily Gordon Cathcart an dreuchd bho a h-athair, a rinn fuadaichean cho uabhasach 's a bh' ann an Alba. Cha b' e a-mhàin oighreachd Uibhist a Deas a dh'fhàg e aice ach cuideachd a bheachdan tàireil air sluagh na tuatha.
[Crìsdean Dillon] Uill Lady Gordon Cathcart a' coimhead air na daoine gu math suarach. Bha i gu math dì-mheasail mu na daoine. Mar sin cha robh diù a' choin aice dhaibh. Cha robh iad, tha mi cinnteach, ann an iomadach dòigh fiù 's Crìosdail ann an dòigh sam bith. 'S e an dòigh a bhiodh aice-se air coimhead air sluagh Uibhist, chanainn-sa, an aon seòrsa dòigh 's a bh' aig, nuair a bha iad ag iarraidh na tràillean thall ann an Afraga, na daoine dubha a bha sin, dìreach gan slaodadh 's gan tilgeil air bòrd bàta. Bha iad na b' ìsle na na brùidean. Bhiodh barrachd meas aice air each no air a' chù.
[Dòmhnall] As t-earrach ochd deug ceithir fichead 's a trì phàigh an oighreachd airson leth-cheud eileanach a chur gu taobh siar Chanada 's lean dà cheud eile iad an ath-bhliadhna a-rithist. Bha iad a' dol a dh'àite air an robh Wapella, an teis-meadhan a' phrèiridh lom.
[Dòmhnall] Aig Eaglais an Naoimh Anndra ‘s e air a' phrèiridh faisg air Wapella fhuair sinn fàilte mhòr bho luchd nan eilthireach a thàinig an seo à Uibhist a Deas 's à Beinn na Faoghla.
[Dòmhnall] Rinn iad beatha dhaibh fhèin an seo, agus thog iad coimhearsnachd le an creideamh agus an eaglais na teis-meadhan.
[Seòras Mac a' Phearsain] George MacPherson.
[Dòmhnall] George, how are you?
[Màiri Anna Boardman] Bha sinn a' dràibheadh seachd mìle dhan eaglais a h-uile Didòmhnaich le eich. Mo sheanmhair 's ò a h-uile duine a bha a' dol dhan eaglais.
[Màiri Anna Boardman] Chaidh mo bhaptiseadh/bhaisteadh agus rinn mi a' chiad chommunion 's confirmation agus phòs mi anns an eaglais.
Chaidh am prògram seo, Na h-Eilthirich, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 1999.
New communities on the desolate prairie
[Donald] Without the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) this huge wide country wouldn't have coped in the rapidly changing world. For the first time it was feasible to travel from coast to coast, east to west.
[Donald] The CPR was officially opened in 1886. All that was needed then was to settle people on the prairie beside the railway. Some of them came from eastern Canada's poor settlements. Others would come from Europe and from the Highlands of Scotland, where there was again a struggle between the people and the landlords.
[Donald] In eighteen eighty two the cat was set among the pigeons after the Battle of Braes in the Isle of Skye. Land was raided all over as the soldiers went north. The next year again the Highland Land League was established. Around the beginning of the 80s the Highland economy had grown stronger. The population had risen to the level that it was at before the Great Famine. But with economic strength came a new political power. The crofters' position frightened the landlords. They had to keep control of the people and one way of doing that was to send them abroad.
[Donald] Lady Emily Gordon Cathcart learnt the job from her father, who carried out some of Scotland's most terrible clearances. It wasn't just South Uist estate that he left her but also his disparaging opinions of the place's population.
[Crìsdean Dillon] Well Lady Gordon Cathcart looked upon the population as being very worthless?. She very much disliked the people. So she couldn't care less for them. They weren't, I'm sure, in many ways even Christianly, I'd say, the same way that ... had, when they wanted the slaves over in Africa, those black people, just dragged them and threw them aboard a boat. They were lower than the beasts. She would have been more fond of a horse or the dog.
[Donald] In the spring of 1883 the estate paid to send fifty islanders to western Canada and another two hundred followed them the next year again. They were going to a place called Wapella, in the heart of the desolate prairie.
[Donald] At Saint Andrew's Church in the prairie nearly Wapella we received a great welcome from the relations of the emigrants who came here from South Uist and from Benbecula.
[Donald] They made a life for themselves here, and they built a community with their religion and the church at its heart.
[George MacPherson] George MacPherson.
[Donald] George, how are you?
[Mairi Anna Boardman] We drove seven miles to the church every Sunday with horses. My grandmother and oh everyone that was going to the church.
[Mairi Anna Boardman] I was baptised and I did the first communion and confirmation and I married in the church.
This programme, Na h-Eilthirich, was first broadcast in 1999.
Coimhearsnachdan ùra air a' phrèiridh lom
[Dòmhnall] Às aonais a' Chanadian Pacific Railway (CPR) cha bhiodh an dùthaich mhòr fharsaing a bha seo air càil a dhèanamh dheth anns an t-saoghal a bha ag atharrachadh cho mòr. Airson a' chiad uair bha e cothromach siubhal bho chladach gu cladach, sear gu siar.
[Dòmhnall] Chaidh an CPR fhosgladh gu h-oifigeil ann an ochd deug ceithir fichead 's a sia. Cha robh a dhìth a-nise ach daoine a stèidheachadh air a' phrèiridh an cois na rèile. Thàinig cuid aca bho thuathan truagha taobh sear Chanada. Thigeadh càch às an Roinn Eòrpa agus far Gàidhealtachd na h-Alba, far an robh strì a-rithist eadar na daoine 's na h-uachdarain.
[Dòmhnall] Ann an ochd deug ceithir fichead 's a dhà chaidh an ceòl air ceòl air feadh na fìdhle an dèidh Blàr a' Bhràighe anns an Eilean Sgitheanach. Chaidh fearann a chreach thall 's a-bhos 's chaidh na saighdearan gu tuath. An ath-bhliadhna a-rithist chaidh Land League na Gàidhealtachd a stèidheachadh. Mu thoiseach nan ochdadan bha eaconomaidh na Gàidhealtachd air fàs na bu làidire. Bha àireamh an t-sluaigh air èirigh chun na h-ìre aig an robh e ron Ghort Mhòr. Ach le neart eacanomaigeach thàinig spionnadh ùr poilitigeach. Chuir seasamh nan croitearan na h-uachdarain fo eagal. Dh'fheumadh iad an tuath a chumail fo smachd agus 's e aon dòigh air sin a dhèanamh an cur a-null thairis.
[Dòmhnall] Dh'ionnsaich a' Bhean-Uasal Emily Gordon Cathcart an dreuchd bho a h-athair, a rinn fuadaichean cho uabhasach 's a bh' ann an Alba. Cha b' e a-mhàin oighreachd Uibhist a Deas a dh'fhàg e aice ach cuideachd a bheachdan tàireil air sluagh na tuatha.
[Crìsdean Dillon] Uill Lady Gordon Cathcart a' coimhead air na daoine gu math suarach. Bha i gu math dì-mheasail mu na daoine. Mar sin cha robh diù a' choin aice dhaibh. Cha robh iad, tha mi cinnteach, ann an iomadach dòigh fiù 's Crìosdail ann an dòigh sam bith. 'S e an dòigh a bhiodh aice-se air coimhead air sluagh Uibhist, chanainn-sa, an aon seòrsa dòigh 's a bh' aig, nuair a bha iad ag iarraidh na tràillean thall ann an Afraga, na daoine dubha a bha sin, dìreach gan slaodadh 's gan tilgeil air bòrd bàta. Bha iad na b' ìsle na na brùidean. Bhiodh barrachd meas aice air each no air a' chù.
[Dòmhnall] As t-earrach ochd deug ceithir fichead 's a trì phàigh an oighreachd airson leth-cheud eileanach a chur gu taobh siar Chanada 's lean dà cheud eile iad an ath-bhliadhna a-rithist. Bha iad a' dol a dh'àite air an robh Wapella, an teis-meadhan a' phrèiridh lom.
[Dòmhnall] Aig Eaglais an Naoimh Anndra ‘s e air a' phrèiridh faisg air Wapella fhuair sinn fàilte mhòr bho luchd nan eilthireach a thàinig an seo à Uibhist a Deas 's à Beinn na Faoghla.
[Dòmhnall] Rinn iad beatha dhaibh fhèin an seo, agus thog iad coimhearsnachd le an creideamh agus an eaglais na teis-meadhan.
[Seòras Mac a' Phearsain] George MacPherson.
[Dòmhnall] George, how are you?
[Màiri Anna Boardman] Bha sinn a' dràibheadh seachd mìle dhan eaglais a h-uile Didòmhnaich le eich. Mo sheanmhair 's ò a h-uile duine a bha a' dol dhan eaglais.
[Màiri Anna Boardman] Chaidh mo bhaptiseadh/bhaisteadh agus rinn mi a' chiad chommunion 's confirmation agus phòs mi anns an eaglais.
Chaidh am prògram seo, Na h-Eilthirich, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 1999.
New communities on the desolate prairie
[Donald] Without the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) this huge wide country wouldn't have coped in the rapidly changing world. For the first time it was feasible to travel from coast to coast, east to west.
[Donald] The CPR was officially opened in 1886. All that was needed then was to settle people on the prairie beside the railway. Some of them came from eastern Canada's poor settlements. Others would come from Europe and from the Highlands of Scotland, where there was again a struggle between the people and the landlords.
[Donald] In eighteen eighty two the cat was set among the pigeons after the Battle of Braes in the Isle of Skye. Land was raided all over as the soldiers went north. The next year again the Highland Land League was established. Around the beginning of the 80s the Highland economy had grown stronger. The population had risen to the level that it was at before the Great Famine. But with economic strength came a new political power. The crofters' position frightened the landlords. They had to keep control of the people and one way of doing that was to send them abroad.
[Donald] Lady Emily Gordon Cathcart learnt the job from her father, who carried out some of Scotland's most terrible clearances. It wasn't just South Uist estate that he left her but also his disparaging opinions of the place's population.
[Crìsdean Dillon] Well Lady Gordon Cathcart looked upon the population as being very worthless?. She very much disliked the people. So she couldn't care less for them. They weren't, I'm sure, in many ways even Christianly, I'd say, the same way that ... had, when they wanted the slaves over in Africa, those black people, just dragged them and threw them aboard a boat. They were lower than the beasts. She would have been more fond of a horse or the dog.
[Donald] In the spring of 1883 the estate paid to send fifty islanders to western Canada and another two hundred followed them the next year again. They were going to a place called Wapella, in the heart of the desolate prairie.
[Donald] At Saint Andrew's Church in the prairie nearly Wapella we received a great welcome from the relations of the emigrants who came here from South Uist and from Benbecula.
[Donald] They made a life for themselves here, and they built a community with their religion and the church at its heart.
[George MacPherson] George MacPherson.
[Donald] George, how are you?
[Mairi Anna Boardman] We drove seven miles to the church every Sunday with horses. My grandmother and oh everyone that was going to the church.
[Mairi Anna Boardman] I was baptised and I did the first communion and confirmation and I married in the church.
This programme, Na h-Eilthirich, was first broadcast in 1999.