FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Documentaries Prògraman Aithriseachd

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Bud a’ dol chun a’ bheat

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Sweeny] Chan eil sibh air mòran fhaicinn dha Bud, an cù-chaorach agam, gu ruige seo. Tha mi air a bhith ga fhalach seach gu bheil mi air a bhith ga thrèanadh gus am faigh mi air a chleachdadh airson na caoraich obrachadh.

[Sweeny] Bidh na caoraich a tha seo a’ tighinn a-mach chun a’ mhòintich aig amannan eadar-dhealaichte den bhliadhna. Tha an talamh seo mar phàirt de thalamh a’ bhaile againne agus faodaidh gach croitear stoc a chur a-mach ann. Tha mise ga chleachdadh an-dràsta airson faochadh a thoirt dhan lot. Tha pailteas feòir ’s fraoich ann agus cuideachd fasgadh math dha na caoraich.

[Sweeny] Tha latha mar seo a’ còrdadh ri Bud ach gu mì-fhortanach dhàsan feumaidh e na caoraich fhàgail an-dràsta agus feumaidh e a dhol a thadhal air a’ bheat.

[Sweeny] An-diugh tha Bud a’ dol chun a’ bheat airson amvaccine booster aige so bidh e a’ faighinn booster a h-uile bliadhna agus seo an t-àm dhàsan a thighinn a-nall a Steòrnabhagh. Chan eil e a’ còrdadh ris a bhith ann an càr no ann am pickup no càil mar sin so bidh e a’ faireachdainn gu math brònach an-dràst’ ach bidh e ceart gu leòr nuair a gheibh sinn dhachaigh. Cha toir seo fad sam bith, dìreach an injection a thoirt dha agus bidh e a’ toirt dha once-over.

[Sweeny] Tha e a cheart cho cudromach gum faigh Bud service agus MOT gach bliadhna cuideachd.

[Sweeny] Just in for the vaccine, will I put him up on the table?

[Vet] Yeah, if you don’t mind.

[Sweeny] Right, come on.

[Vet] You busy at the minute?

[Sweeny] Yes, flat out.

[Sweeny] Tha Bud a’ faighinn booster an-diugh den vaccine aige a bhios ga dhìon bho ghalaran an leithid parvovirus agus distemper.

[Sweeny] Uill ’s fheàrr seo a dhèanamh airson a bhith sàbhailte.

[Vet] Great. How old is he? Four?

[Sweeny] Three.

[Vet] And he’s good. You pop him down.

[Sweeny] No problems?

[Vet] Yeah, none.

[Sweeny] Come on, trobhad.

[Vet] Alright?

[Sweeny] Right, thanks very much.

[Vet] Bye now.

[Sweeny] Cheers.

[Sweeny] Chan eil càil ceàrr air a’ chù, ach a-staigh na cheann. Tha e mar a mhaighstir – tha e dìreach rud beag doolally.

Chaidh am prògram seo, An Lot, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015. Le taing do MacTV.



Bud goes to the vet

English Beurla

[Sweeny] You haven’t seen much of Bud, my sheepdog, until now . I’ve been hiding him since I’ve been training him for use at working the sheep.

[Sweeny] These sheep come out to the moor at different times of the year . This land is part of our village’s land and each crofter can put stock out on it. I’m using it just now to give the croft a break. There’s an abundance of grass and heather and also good shelter for the sheep.

[Sweeny] Bud enjoys a day like this but unfortunately for him he must leave the sheep just now and he must go to visit the vet.

[Sweeny] Today Bud is going to the vet for his vaccine booster so he gets a booster every year and this is the time for him to go across to Stornoway . He doesn’t enjoy being in a car or in a pickup or anything like that so he’ll be feeling very miserable just now but he’ll be alright when we get home. This won’t take long at all, just give him the injection and he’ll give him a once-over.

[Sweeny] It’s just as important that Bud gets a service and MOT each year too.

[Sweeny] Just in for the vaccine, will I put him up on the table?

[Vet] Yeah, if you don’t mind.

[Sweeny] Right, come on.

[Vet] You busy at the minute?

[Sweeny] Yes, flat out.

[Sweeny] Bud is getting a booster today of his vaccine that protects him from diseases such as parvovirus and distemper.

[Sweeny] Well it’s best done to be safe.

[Vet] Great. How old is he? Four?

[Sweeny] Three.

[Vet] And he’s good. You pop him down.

[Sweeny] No problems?

[Vet] Yeah, none.

[Sweeny] Come on, come on.

[Vet] Alright?

[Sweeny] Right, thanks very much.

[Vet] Bye now.

[Sweeny] Cheers.

[Sweeny] There’s nothing wrong with the dog, but what’s his head . He’s like his master – he’s just a little doolally.

This programme, An Lot, was first broadcast in 2015. Courtesy of MacTV



Bud a’ dol chun a’ bheat

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Sweeny] Chan eil sibh air mòran fhaicinn dha Bud, an cù-chaorach agam, gu ruige seo. Tha mi air a bhith ga fhalach seach gu bheil mi air a bhith ga thrèanadh gus am faigh mi air a chleachdadh airson na caoraich obrachadh.

[Sweeny] Bidh na caoraich a tha seo a’ tighinn a-mach chun a’ mhòintich aig amannan eadar-dhealaichte den bhliadhna. Tha an talamh seo mar phàirt de thalamh a’ bhaile againne agus faodaidh gach croitear stoc a chur a-mach ann. Tha mise ga chleachdadh an-dràsta airson faochadh a thoirt dhan lot. Tha pailteas feòir ’s fraoich ann agus cuideachd fasgadh math dha na caoraich.

[Sweeny] Tha latha mar seo a’ còrdadh ri Bud ach gu mì-fhortanach dhàsan feumaidh e na caoraich fhàgail an-dràsta agus feumaidh e a dhol a thadhal air a’ bheat.

[Sweeny] An-diugh tha Bud a’ dol chun a’ bheat airson amvaccine booster aige so bidh e a’ faighinn booster a h-uile bliadhna agus seo an t-àm dhàsan a thighinn a-nall a Steòrnabhagh. Chan eil e a’ còrdadh ris a bhith ann an càr no ann am pickup no càil mar sin so bidh e a’ faireachdainn gu math brònach an-dràst’ ach bidh e ceart gu leòr nuair a gheibh sinn dhachaigh. Cha toir seo fad sam bith, dìreach an injection a thoirt dha agus bidh e a’ toirt dha once-over.

[Sweeny] Tha e a cheart cho cudromach gum faigh Bud service agus MOT gach bliadhna cuideachd.

[Sweeny] Just in for the vaccine, will I put him up on the table?

[Vet] Yeah, if you don’t mind.

[Sweeny] Right, come on.

[Vet] You busy at the minute?

[Sweeny] Yes, flat out.

[Sweeny] Tha Bud a’ faighinn booster an-diugh den vaccine aige a bhios ga dhìon bho ghalaran an leithid parvovirus agus distemper.

[Sweeny] Uill ’s fheàrr seo a dhèanamh airson a bhith sàbhailte.

[Vet] Great. How old is he? Four?

[Sweeny] Three.

[Vet] And he’s good. You pop him down.

[Sweeny] No problems?

[Vet] Yeah, none.

[Sweeny] Come on, trobhad.

[Vet] Alright?

[Sweeny] Right, thanks very much.

[Vet] Bye now.

[Sweeny] Cheers.

[Sweeny] Chan eil càil ceàrr air a’ chù, ach a-staigh na cheann. Tha e mar a mhaighstir – tha e dìreach rud beag doolally.

Chaidh am prògram seo, An Lot, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015. Le taing do MacTV.



Bud goes to the vet

English Beurla

[Sweeny] You haven’t seen much of Bud, my sheepdog, until now . I’ve been hiding him since I’ve been training him for use at working the sheep.

[Sweeny] These sheep come out to the moor at different times of the year . This land is part of our village’s land and each crofter can put stock out on it. I’m using it just now to give the croft a break. There’s an abundance of grass and heather and also good shelter for the sheep.

[Sweeny] Bud enjoys a day like this but unfortunately for him he must leave the sheep just now and he must go to visit the vet.

[Sweeny] Today Bud is going to the vet for his vaccine booster so he gets a booster every year and this is the time for him to go across to Stornoway . He doesn’t enjoy being in a car or in a pickup or anything like that so he’ll be feeling very miserable just now but he’ll be alright when we get home. This won’t take long at all, just give him the injection and he’ll give him a once-over.

[Sweeny] It’s just as important that Bud gets a service and MOT each year too.

[Sweeny] Just in for the vaccine, will I put him up on the table?

[Vet] Yeah, if you don’t mind.

[Sweeny] Right, come on.

[Vet] You busy at the minute?

[Sweeny] Yes, flat out.

[Sweeny] Bud is getting a booster today of his vaccine that protects him from diseases such as parvovirus and distemper.

[Sweeny] Well it’s best done to be safe.

[Vet] Great. How old is he? Four?

[Sweeny] Three.

[Vet] And he’s good. You pop him down.

[Sweeny] No problems?

[Vet] Yeah, none.

[Sweeny] Come on, come on.

[Vet] Alright?

[Sweeny] Right, thanks very much.

[Vet] Bye now.

[Sweeny] Cheers.

[Sweeny] There’s nothing wrong with the dog, but what’s his head . He’s like his master – he’s just a little doolally.

This programme, An Lot, was first broadcast in 2015. Courtesy of MacTV