FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Documentaries Prògraman Aithriseachd

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Claoidhe na ministrealachd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Preseantair] Air ais anns a’ cholaiste tha na h-oileanaich a’ gabhail cupa tì còmhla ri chèile. Ach uaireannan chan eil obair na ministrealachd cho sochair seo, mar a tha deagh fhios aig ministear a’ Bhac, an t-Urramach Calum Iain MacLeòid.

[Calum Iain] Tha mi gu bhith ag innse beagan mu thimcheall trioblaid a bha na mo bheatha nuair a bha mi na mo mhinistear ann an Barabhas. Rud ris an canar chronic fatigue.

[Calum Iain] It’s a very personal experience of burnout that I’d like to share with you this morning.

[Calum Iain] ’S e seòrsa de burnout a bh’ ann agus bha mi dheth, chan e a-mhàin sia mìosan ach thug mi timcheall air ochd mìosan deug gus an d’ fhuair mi air ais air mo chasan, gu bhith ri coileanadh mo mhinistrealachd làn-ùine.

[Calum Iain] Ministry had now become a bit of a blur. The great commission, well it’s somewhere out there but as for me, I’m out of commission.

[Calum Iain] Tha mi airson misneachd a thoirt dhaibh agus rabhadh cuideachd a chur far an comhair airson gum bi iad fhèin a’ tuigsinn, uill, gu bheil sinn buailteach tuilleadh mòr agus cus a dhèanamh aig amannan.

[Calum Iain] This is my diary for 2006. That’s what it looked like… And it doesn’t get any better.

[Innes] Uill tha e gu math close to the bone, mar a chanas iad. Bha mi fhìn tinn còig bliadhnaichean air ais son naoi mìosan. Bha depression orm agus bha fatigue orm agus bha mi anns an ospadal airson mìosan ’s mìosan. Nuair a bha Calum Iain a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn an chronic fatigue a bh’ aige agus am pressure a bha e a’ cur air fhèin anns a’ mhinistrealachd bha dìreach, bha cuimhne agam fhìn air na faireachdainnean a bh’ agam mu dheidhinn Dia, mu dheidhinn Chriosd, mu dheidhinn mi fhìn a’ dol a-steach dhan mhinistrealachd.

[Calum Iain] My legs feel like two lumps of lead. They all but give way and when I return home I stagger in the door, my eyes well up and I just say to Dina “I’m not well”.

[Innes] Tha mi eòlach air depression. Tha mi eòlach air tinneas. Tha mi eòlach air a bhith a’ faireachdainn absolutely hopeless agus tha mi eòlach cuideachd air God’s faithfulness. Uill sin a bha e ag ràdh, God’s faithfulness.

[Calum Iain] And Alasdair Ross’s words would just echo in the background God’s faithfulness.

[Innes] Ò chòrd an clas ud rium. Chòrd e rium ach bha e duilich aig an aon àm.

[Calum Iain] And it’s on that note that I wish to finish.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015.



The exhaustion of the ministry

English Beurla

[Presenter] Back in the college the students are having a cup of tea together. But sometimes the work of the ministry isn’t as relaxed as this, as Back minister, the Reverend Calum Iain MacLeod, knows well.

[Calum Iain] I’m going to talk a little about a problem in my life when I was the minister in Barvas. Something called chronic fatigue.

[Calum Iain] It’s a very personal experience of burnout that I’d like to share with you this morning.

[Calum Iain] It was a sort of burnout and I was off not just for six months but it took about 18 months before I got back on my feet, to fulfilling my ministerial duties full-time.

[Calum Iain] Ministry had now become a bit of a blur. The great commission, well it’s somewhere out there but as for me, I’m out of commission.

[Calum Iain] I want to give them confidence and also to warn them for that they understand, well, that we are susceptible to doing far too much at times.

[Calum Iain] This is my diary for 2006. That’s what it looked like… And it doesn’t get any better.

[Innes] Well it’s very close to the bone, as they say. I myself was ill five years ago for nine months. I had depression and I had fatigue and I was in the hospital was months and months. When Calum Iain was talking about the chronic fatigue that he had and the pressure that he was putting on himself in the ministry just, I myself remembered my feelings about God, about Christ, about myself going into the ministry.

[Calum Iain] My legs feel like two lumps of lead. They all but give way and when I return home I stagger in the door, my eyes well up and I just say to Dina “I’m not well”.

[Innes] I know about depression. I know about illness. I know about feeling absolutely hopeless and I also know God’s faithfulness. Well that’s what he was saying, God’s faithfulness.

[Calum Iain] And Alasdair Ross’s words would just echo in the background - God’s faithfulness.

[Innes] Oh I enjoy that class. I enjoyed it but it was difficult at the same time.

[Calum Iain] And it’s on that note that I wish to finish.

This programme, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, was first broadcast in 2015.



Claoidhe na ministrealachd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Preseantair] Air ais anns a’ cholaiste tha na h-oileanaich a’ gabhail cupa tì còmhla ri chèile. Ach uaireannan chan eil obair na ministrealachd cho sochair seo, mar a tha deagh fhios aig ministear a’ Bhac, an t-Urramach Calum Iain MacLeòid.

[Calum Iain] Tha mi gu bhith ag innse beagan mu thimcheall trioblaid a bha na mo bheatha nuair a bha mi na mo mhinistear ann an Barabhas. Rud ris an canar chronic fatigue.

[Calum Iain] It’s a very personal experience of burnout that I’d like to share with you this morning.

[Calum Iain] ’S e seòrsa de burnout a bh’ ann agus bha mi dheth, chan e a-mhàin sia mìosan ach thug mi timcheall air ochd mìosan deug gus an d’ fhuair mi air ais air mo chasan, gu bhith ri coileanadh mo mhinistrealachd làn-ùine.

[Calum Iain] Ministry had now become a bit of a blur. The great commission, well it’s somewhere out there but as for me, I’m out of commission.

[Calum Iain] Tha mi airson misneachd a thoirt dhaibh agus rabhadh cuideachd a chur far an comhair airson gum bi iad fhèin a’ tuigsinn, uill, gu bheil sinn buailteach tuilleadh mòr agus cus a dhèanamh aig amannan.

[Calum Iain] This is my diary for 2006. That’s what it looked like… And it doesn’t get any better.

[Innes] Uill tha e gu math close to the bone, mar a chanas iad. Bha mi fhìn tinn còig bliadhnaichean air ais son naoi mìosan. Bha depression orm agus bha fatigue orm agus bha mi anns an ospadal airson mìosan ’s mìosan. Nuair a bha Calum Iain a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn an chronic fatigue a bh’ aige agus am pressure a bha e a’ cur air fhèin anns a’ mhinistrealachd bha dìreach, bha cuimhne agam fhìn air na faireachdainnean a bh’ agam mu dheidhinn Dia, mu dheidhinn Chriosd, mu dheidhinn mi fhìn a’ dol a-steach dhan mhinistrealachd.

[Calum Iain] My legs feel like two lumps of lead. They all but give way and when I return home I stagger in the door, my eyes well up and I just say to Dina “I’m not well”.

[Innes] Tha mi eòlach air depression. Tha mi eòlach air tinneas. Tha mi eòlach air a bhith a’ faireachdainn absolutely hopeless agus tha mi eòlach cuideachd air God’s faithfulness. Uill sin a bha e ag ràdh, God’s faithfulness.

[Calum Iain] And Alasdair Ross’s words would just echo in the background God’s faithfulness.

[Innes] Ò chòrd an clas ud rium. Chòrd e rium ach bha e duilich aig an aon àm.

[Calum Iain] And it’s on that note that I wish to finish.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015.



The exhaustion of the ministry

English Beurla

[Presenter] Back in the college the students are having a cup of tea together. But sometimes the work of the ministry isn’t as relaxed as this, as Back minister, the Reverend Calum Iain MacLeod, knows well.

[Calum Iain] I’m going to talk a little about a problem in my life when I was the minister in Barvas. Something called chronic fatigue.

[Calum Iain] It’s a very personal experience of burnout that I’d like to share with you this morning.

[Calum Iain] It was a sort of burnout and I was off not just for six months but it took about 18 months before I got back on my feet, to fulfilling my ministerial duties full-time.

[Calum Iain] Ministry had now become a bit of a blur. The great commission, well it’s somewhere out there but as for me, I’m out of commission.

[Calum Iain] I want to give them confidence and also to warn them for that they understand, well, that we are susceptible to doing far too much at times.

[Calum Iain] This is my diary for 2006. That’s what it looked like… And it doesn’t get any better.

[Innes] Well it’s very close to the bone, as they say. I myself was ill five years ago for nine months. I had depression and I had fatigue and I was in the hospital was months and months. When Calum Iain was talking about the chronic fatigue that he had and the pressure that he was putting on himself in the ministry just, I myself remembered my feelings about God, about Christ, about myself going into the ministry.

[Calum Iain] My legs feel like two lumps of lead. They all but give way and when I return home I stagger in the door, my eyes well up and I just say to Dina “I’m not well”.

[Innes] I know about depression. I know about illness. I know about feeling absolutely hopeless and I also know God’s faithfulness. Well that’s what he was saying, God’s faithfulness.

[Calum Iain] And Alasdair Ross’s words would just echo in the background - God’s faithfulness.

[Innes] Oh I enjoy that class. I enjoyed it but it was difficult at the same time.

[Calum Iain] And it’s on that note that I wish to finish.

This programme, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, was first broadcast in 2015.