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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Càit an robh Dòmhnallaich Ghlinn Chomhainn a’ falach nam mart a ghoid iad?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Ramsay] Nist, cha b’ urrainn dhomh mo chùl a chur ri Gleann Comhann gun cuairt a ghabhail am measg nam beann. Bha mi a-riamh airson Coire Gabhail fhaicinn, far biodh Dòmhnallaich Ghlinn Chomhainn a’ falach nam mart a bha iad a’ goid, na h-eucoirich!

[Ramsay] Tha mise air tòiseachadh air coiseachd ’s tha sinn air an rathad gu The Lost Valley agus tha mi an dòchas nach e sin… nach e mise a bhios air chall actually. Air sgath ’s chan eil mi builleach cinnteach ca’ eil mi a’ dol.

[Ramsay] Shin thu. Caraidean ùra. Seall seo, cho cas sa tha e. Chan eil fhios a’m am faic sibh sin. Gu math cas. So tha sinn a’ leantainn oirnn suas an seo. Tha mi a’ creidsinn gum feumaidh mi dol suas an seo. Suas, suas, suas. Agus seall an uisge, tha mi a’ dol a dhol… tha mi a’ dol sìos òl às. ‘S feumaidh mi deoch uisge. ‘S dh’abair) cuideigin an t-uisge a b’ fheàrr a dh’fhaodadh tu òl. Seo sinn. So tha mi a’ creidsinn gu bheil tòrr… gu bheil iad ag innse dhut a bhith ag òl bhon uisge a tha a’ gluasad. Watch nach tuit mi. Tha sin math.

[Ramsay] Tha mi a’ creidsinn gu bheil mi a’ tuigsinn a-nis cuideachd carson a bha na Dòmhnallaich a’ falach a’ chruidh aca seo. Chan fhaigheadh tu a-staigh, cha bhiodh tu an dùil gum biodh lag cho mòr seo ’s gleann cho mòr seo. Dìreach suas an t-slighe sin agus tha mi a’ creidsinn gun robh iad gu math glic ‘s gu math seòlta agus gun robh iad airidh air a’ crodh a ghoid iad, cha chanadh duine eile sin ge-tà, ach co-dhiù.

[Ramsay] Agus seo mi shuas, Coire Gabhail, an gleann falaichte.

[Ramsay] Cha b’ urrainn dhomh tighinn a Ghleann Comhann gun a bhith a’ dol a-mach a’ coiseachd nam beann agus ’s mi tha toilichte gun tàinig. Agus, cho furasta sa tha seo, nì thu ann an dìreach dà uair a thìde e. Dh’fhaodadh duine sam a bith a dhèanamh.

[Ramsay] Cha dìochuimhnich mi an deireadh seachdain sònraichte seo gu bràth, ‘s e a bha math. Tha dìreach ùine gu leòr air fhàgail airson fiaradh beag mus fhalbh mi. ’S dòcha gun toir am fonn agus m’ èideadh tomhas dhuibh dè a tha fa-near dhomh.

[Ramsay] Ged nach e builleach Aston Martin a th’ agam, ‘s e an aon dath a th’ ann – tha e glas. ’S cha chreid mi nach eil a dhìth a-nist ach M agus Martini bheag.

[Ramsay] Oh no you would hit it and then blow it wouldn’t you?

[Ramsay] Tha an oighreachd agam dìreach shìos ann a shin, Skyfall!

[Ramsay] Dìreach mun am pìos sin.

[Ramsay] Och, abair amadan.

[Ramsay] Uill, tha mi smaointinn gu bheil gu leòr a mhì-mhodh a tha sin airson aon deireadh-sheachdain. Ach tha an t-àm agamsa greasadh orm air ais a Ghlaschu, beagan fois a ghabhail ron t-seachdain agus chì mi ca’ am bi mi an-ath-dheireadh-sheachdain. Air falbh leis an donas rud a tha seo.

[Ramsay] Mach à seo! See ya suckers!



Where did the MacDonalds hide their stolen cattle?

English Beurla

[Ramsay] Now, I couldn’t turn my back on Glencoe without taking a trip amongst the mountains. I’ve always wanted to see The Lost Valley, where the MacDonalds of Glencoe would hide the cattle that they had stolen, the criminals!

[Ramsay] I’ve started walking and we’re on the road to The Lost Valley and I hope that it isn’t… that it isn’t me that will be lost actually. Because I’m not quite sure where I’m going.

[Ramsay] There you are. New friends. Look at this, how steep it is. I don’t know if you can see that. Very steep. So we’re carrying on up here. I think I need to go up here. Up, up, up. And look at the water, I’m going to go… I’m going do go down to drink out of it. And I need a drink of water. And someone (?told me) that it’s the best water you can drink. Here we are. So I believe that there are many… that they tell you to drink water that’s moving. Watch that I don’t fall. That’s good.

[Ramsay] I think that I understand now why the MacDonalds hid their cattle here. You couldn’t get in, you wouldn’t expect that there would be such a big hollow here and such a big glen here. Just up that path, I believe that they were very smart and very cunning and that they deserved the cattle that they stole. Well, no one else would say that though, but anyway.

[Ramsay] And this is me up, Coire Gabhail, the Hidden Glen.

[Ramsay] I couldn’t come to Glencoe without going out walking on the mountains, and I’m glad I came. And how easy this is, you can do it in just two hours. Anyone could do it

[Ramsay] I won’t ever forget this special weekend, it was so good. There’s just enough time left for a wee bit of a detour before we go. Maybe the tune or my outfit will give you a hint of what I have in mind.

[Ramsay] Although it’s not quite an Aston Martin that I have, it’s the same colour – it’s grey. And I think that all I need now is M and a wee martini.

[Ramsay] Oh no you would hit it and then blow it wouldn’t you.

[Ramsay] My estate is just down there, Skyfall!

[Ramsay] Just at that part.

[Ramsay] Och, what an idiot.

[Ramsay] Well, I think that’s plenty hijinks for one weekend. But it’s time for me to get a move on back to Glasgow, relax a bit before the week and I’ll see where I am next week. Away with this awful thing.

[Ramsay] Out of here! See ya suckers!



Càit an robh Dòmhnallaich Ghlinn Chomhainn a’ falach nam mart a ghoid iad?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Ramsay] Nist, cha b’ urrainn dhomh mo chùl a chur ri Gleann Comhann gun cuairt a ghabhail am measg nam beann. Bha mi a-riamh airson Coire Gabhail fhaicinn, far biodh Dòmhnallaich Ghlinn Chomhainn a’ falach nam mart a bha iad a’ goid, na h-eucoirich!

[Ramsay] Tha mise air tòiseachadh air coiseachd ’s tha sinn air an rathad gu The Lost Valley agus tha mi an dòchas nach e sin… nach e mise a bhios air chall actually. Air sgath ’s chan eil mi builleach cinnteach ca’ eil mi a’ dol.

[Ramsay] Shin thu. Caraidean ùra. Seall seo, cho cas sa tha e. Chan eil fhios a’m am faic sibh sin. Gu math cas. So tha sinn a’ leantainn oirnn suas an seo. Tha mi a’ creidsinn gum feumaidh mi dol suas an seo. Suas, suas, suas. Agus seall an uisge, tha mi a’ dol a dhol… tha mi a’ dol sìos òl às. ‘S feumaidh mi deoch uisge. ‘S dh’abair) cuideigin an t-uisge a b’ fheàrr a dh’fhaodadh tu òl. Seo sinn. So tha mi a’ creidsinn gu bheil tòrr… gu bheil iad ag innse dhut a bhith ag òl bhon uisge a tha a’ gluasad. Watch nach tuit mi. Tha sin math.

[Ramsay] Tha mi a’ creidsinn gu bheil mi a’ tuigsinn a-nis cuideachd carson a bha na Dòmhnallaich a’ falach a’ chruidh aca seo. Chan fhaigheadh tu a-staigh, cha bhiodh tu an dùil gum biodh lag cho mòr seo ’s gleann cho mòr seo. Dìreach suas an t-slighe sin agus tha mi a’ creidsinn gun robh iad gu math glic ‘s gu math seòlta agus gun robh iad airidh air a’ crodh a ghoid iad, cha chanadh duine eile sin ge-tà, ach co-dhiù.

[Ramsay] Agus seo mi shuas, Coire Gabhail, an gleann falaichte.

[Ramsay] Cha b’ urrainn dhomh tighinn a Ghleann Comhann gun a bhith a’ dol a-mach a’ coiseachd nam beann agus ’s mi tha toilichte gun tàinig. Agus, cho furasta sa tha seo, nì thu ann an dìreach dà uair a thìde e. Dh’fhaodadh duine sam a bith a dhèanamh.

[Ramsay] Cha dìochuimhnich mi an deireadh seachdain sònraichte seo gu bràth, ‘s e a bha math. Tha dìreach ùine gu leòr air fhàgail airson fiaradh beag mus fhalbh mi. ’S dòcha gun toir am fonn agus m’ èideadh tomhas dhuibh dè a tha fa-near dhomh.

[Ramsay] Ged nach e builleach Aston Martin a th’ agam, ‘s e an aon dath a th’ ann – tha e glas. ’S cha chreid mi nach eil a dhìth a-nist ach M agus Martini bheag.

[Ramsay] Oh no you would hit it and then blow it wouldn’t you?

[Ramsay] Tha an oighreachd agam dìreach shìos ann a shin, Skyfall!

[Ramsay] Dìreach mun am pìos sin.

[Ramsay] Och, abair amadan.

[Ramsay] Uill, tha mi smaointinn gu bheil gu leòr a mhì-mhodh a tha sin airson aon deireadh-sheachdain. Ach tha an t-àm agamsa greasadh orm air ais a Ghlaschu, beagan fois a ghabhail ron t-seachdain agus chì mi ca’ am bi mi an-ath-dheireadh-sheachdain. Air falbh leis an donas rud a tha seo.

[Ramsay] Mach à seo! See ya suckers!



Where did the MacDonalds hide their stolen cattle?

English Beurla

[Ramsay] Now, I couldn’t turn my back on Glencoe without taking a trip amongst the mountains. I’ve always wanted to see The Lost Valley, where the MacDonalds of Glencoe would hide the cattle that they had stolen, the criminals!

[Ramsay] I’ve started walking and we’re on the road to The Lost Valley and I hope that it isn’t… that it isn’t me that will be lost actually. Because I’m not quite sure where I’m going.

[Ramsay] There you are. New friends. Look at this, how steep it is. I don’t know if you can see that. Very steep. So we’re carrying on up here. I think I need to go up here. Up, up, up. And look at the water, I’m going to go… I’m going do go down to drink out of it. And I need a drink of water. And someone (?told me) that it’s the best water you can drink. Here we are. So I believe that there are many… that they tell you to drink water that’s moving. Watch that I don’t fall. That’s good.

[Ramsay] I think that I understand now why the MacDonalds hid their cattle here. You couldn’t get in, you wouldn’t expect that there would be such a big hollow here and such a big glen here. Just up that path, I believe that they were very smart and very cunning and that they deserved the cattle that they stole. Well, no one else would say that though, but anyway.

[Ramsay] And this is me up, Coire Gabhail, the Hidden Glen.

[Ramsay] I couldn’t come to Glencoe without going out walking on the mountains, and I’m glad I came. And how easy this is, you can do it in just two hours. Anyone could do it

[Ramsay] I won’t ever forget this special weekend, it was so good. There’s just enough time left for a wee bit of a detour before we go. Maybe the tune or my outfit will give you a hint of what I have in mind.

[Ramsay] Although it’s not quite an Aston Martin that I have, it’s the same colour – it’s grey. And I think that all I need now is M and a wee martini.

[Ramsay] Oh no you would hit it and then blow it wouldn’t you.

[Ramsay] My estate is just down there, Skyfall!

[Ramsay] Just at that part.

[Ramsay] Och, what an idiot.

[Ramsay] Well, I think that’s plenty hijinks for one weekend. But it’s time for me to get a move on back to Glasgow, relax a bit before the week and I’ll see where I am next week. Away with this awful thing.

[Ramsay] Out of here! See ya suckers!











a’ gluasad





a digression, meandering