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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Cò ris a bha Sealainn Nuadh coltach nuair a bha Callum ann?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Callum] Haidh a h-uile duine! Is mise Callum agus ’s ann às an t-Eilean Sgitheanach a tha mi. Tha mi fichead ’s a h-aon bliadhna a dh’aois agus tha mise an-dràsta a’ dèanamh beagan siubhail mun cuairt Sealainn Nuadh. Mura h-eil fhios agad, tha sinne a-nis sìos gu ìre a dhà dhen an lockdown agus tha sin a’ ciallachadh gu bheil a h-uile càil air fhosgladh suas a-rithist. So an-diugh bha mi airson sealltainn dhut dè mar a tha Queenstown an-dràst’ agus tha mi an dòchas gun còrd an bhidio seo riut.

[Callum] Seo na dh’fheumas mi cur orm air sgàth ’s gu bheil e cho fuar a-nis ann an Queenstown.

[Callum] ‘S e na bùithtean agus àitichean-ithe a’ chiad rud tha mi airson sealltainn dhan a h-uile duine oir ’s e sin a’ chiad rud a rinn mise nuair a chaidh sinn sìos gu ìre a dhà.

[Callum] Seo aon de na sràidean far a bheil na bùithtean ann an Queenstown.

[Callum] Sin an Patagonia ann a shin, tha iadsan a’ dèanamh ice cream as fheàrr ann an Queenstown.

[Callum] Tha Starbucks againn suas ann a sheo.

[Callum] Seo 1876, ’s e pub beag a th’ ann agus tha iadsan a’ dèanamh biadh math agus tha na deochan aca saor cuideachd.

[Callum] Cookie Time ann a shin, tha iadsan a dèanamh cookies really math ann an Queenstown agus tha na milkshakes agus a h-uile càil aca cho math cuideachd.

[Callum] Tha Fergburger rud beag ainmeil an seo agus tha e an-còmhnaidh trang.

[Callum] Sin Devil Burger ann a shin agus ri a taobh tha Balls and Bangles agus tha iadsan a dèanamh bagels dìreach a tha mìorbhaileach.

[Callum] Seo aon ghàrradh a th’ againn an seo. Tha e làn rudan spòrsail ri dhèanamh so ’s urrainn dhut a' dol chun an skateboard park no an ice rink. Cuideachd, tha àite ann airson tennis a chluich agus ’s urrainn dhut frisbee goilf a chluich cuideachd.

[Callum] Seo an tràigh far a bheil a h-uile duine a tighinn air latha teth. Bidh a’ mhòr-chuid de dhaoine ag ithe agus ag òl sìos an seo agus tron an samhradh tha an loch làn le bàtaichean a tha air a bhith a' cur air dòigh airson nan luchd-turais.

[Callum] Tha mi an dòchas gun do chòrd an bhidio seo dhut agus tha mi an dòchas gu bheil sibh uile a’ cumail sàbhailte. Tìoraidh



What was New Zealand like when Callum was there?

English Beurla

[Callum] Hi everyone! I’m Callum and I’m from the Isle of Skye. I’m 21 years old and I’m currently doing a bit of travelling around New Zealand. If you don’t know, we’re now down to level two of the lockdown and that means that everything has opened up again. So today I wanted to show you what Queensland is like right now and I hope that you enjoy this video.

[Callum] This is what I need to wear because it’s so cold now in Queenstown.

[Callum] The shops and places to eat are the first thing I want to show everyone because that’s the first thing I did when we went down to level two.

[Callum] This is one of the streets where the shops are in Queenstown.

[Callum] That’s Patagonia there, they make the best ice cream in Queenstown.

[Callum] We have Starbucks up here.

[Callum] This is 1876, it’s a small pub and they do good food and cheap drinks too.

[Callum] Cookie Time there, they do really good cookies in Queenstown and their milkshakes and everything is so good too.

[Callum] Fergburger is a wee bit famous here and it’s always busy.

That’s Devil Burger there and next to it Balls and Bangles and they do amazing bagels.

[Callum] This is a garden we have here. It’s full of fun things to do so you can go to the skateboard park or the ice rink. Also, there’s a place to play tennis and you can also play frisbee golf.

[Callum] This is the beach where everyone comes on a hot day. Most people eat and drink down here and through the summer the lake is full of boats that have been organised for the tourists.

[Callum] I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope that you’re all keeping safe. Cheerio.



Cò ris a bha Sealainn Nuadh coltach nuair a bha Callum ann?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Callum] Haidh a h-uile duine! Is mise Callum agus ’s ann às an t-Eilean Sgitheanach a tha mi. Tha mi fichead ’s a h-aon bliadhna a dh’aois agus tha mise an-dràsta a’ dèanamh beagan siubhail mun cuairt Sealainn Nuadh. Mura h-eil fhios agad, tha sinne a-nis sìos gu ìre a dhà dhen an lockdown agus tha sin a’ ciallachadh gu bheil a h-uile càil air fhosgladh suas a-rithist. So an-diugh bha mi airson sealltainn dhut dè mar a tha Queenstown an-dràst’ agus tha mi an dòchas gun còrd an bhidio seo riut.

[Callum] Seo na dh’fheumas mi cur orm air sgàth ’s gu bheil e cho fuar a-nis ann an Queenstown.

[Callum] ‘S e na bùithtean agus àitichean-ithe a’ chiad rud tha mi airson sealltainn dhan a h-uile duine oir ’s e sin a’ chiad rud a rinn mise nuair a chaidh sinn sìos gu ìre a dhà.

[Callum] Seo aon de na sràidean far a bheil na bùithtean ann an Queenstown.

[Callum] Sin an Patagonia ann a shin, tha iadsan a’ dèanamh ice cream as fheàrr ann an Queenstown.

[Callum] Tha Starbucks againn suas ann a sheo.

[Callum] Seo 1876, ’s e pub beag a th’ ann agus tha iadsan a’ dèanamh biadh math agus tha na deochan aca saor cuideachd.

[Callum] Cookie Time ann a shin, tha iadsan a dèanamh cookies really math ann an Queenstown agus tha na milkshakes agus a h-uile càil aca cho math cuideachd.

[Callum] Tha Fergburger rud beag ainmeil an seo agus tha e an-còmhnaidh trang.

[Callum] Sin Devil Burger ann a shin agus ri a taobh tha Balls and Bangles agus tha iadsan a dèanamh bagels dìreach a tha mìorbhaileach.

[Callum] Seo aon ghàrradh a th’ againn an seo. Tha e làn rudan spòrsail ri dhèanamh so ’s urrainn dhut a' dol chun an skateboard park no an ice rink. Cuideachd, tha àite ann airson tennis a chluich agus ’s urrainn dhut frisbee goilf a chluich cuideachd.

[Callum] Seo an tràigh far a bheil a h-uile duine a tighinn air latha teth. Bidh a’ mhòr-chuid de dhaoine ag ithe agus ag òl sìos an seo agus tron an samhradh tha an loch làn le bàtaichean a tha air a bhith a' cur air dòigh airson nan luchd-turais.

[Callum] Tha mi an dòchas gun do chòrd an bhidio seo dhut agus tha mi an dòchas gu bheil sibh uile a’ cumail sàbhailte. Tìoraidh



What was New Zealand like when Callum was there?

English Beurla

[Callum] Hi everyone! I’m Callum and I’m from the Isle of Skye. I’m 21 years old and I’m currently doing a bit of travelling around New Zealand. If you don’t know, we’re now down to level two of the lockdown and that means that everything has opened up again. So today I wanted to show you what Queensland is like right now and I hope that you enjoy this video.

[Callum] This is what I need to wear because it’s so cold now in Queenstown.

[Callum] The shops and places to eat are the first thing I want to show everyone because that’s the first thing I did when we went down to level two.

[Callum] This is one of the streets where the shops are in Queenstown.

[Callum] That’s Patagonia there, they make the best ice cream in Queenstown.

[Callum] We have Starbucks up here.

[Callum] This is 1876, it’s a small pub and they do good food and cheap drinks too.

[Callum] Cookie Time there, they do really good cookies in Queenstown and their milkshakes and everything is so good too.

[Callum] Fergburger is a wee bit famous here and it’s always busy.

That’s Devil Burger there and next to it Balls and Bangles and they do amazing bagels.

[Callum] This is a garden we have here. It’s full of fun things to do so you can go to the skateboard park or the ice rink. Also, there’s a place to play tennis and you can also play frisbee golf.

[Callum] This is the beach where everyone comes on a hot day. Most people eat and drink down here and through the summer the lake is full of boats that have been organised for the tourists.

[Callum] I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope that you’re all keeping safe. Cheerio.



An t-Eilean Sgitheanach

The Isle of Skye













