FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Food Biadh

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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A’ cur feòil is measan còmhla

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Ruaraidh] Tha mise a’ dèanamh an dinnsear agus tha thu a’ dèanamh nan currain.

[Uisdean] So, dè tha thu a’ dol a shadail a-steach an seo?

[Ruaraidh] Chan eil fhios agam, ’s dòcha beagan mil, ’s dòcha soy sauce.

[Uisdean] Aye, bhiodh sin math.

[Ruaraidh] Beagan uisge agus dìreach leig leis bruich.

[Uisdean] Aye.

[Ruaraidh] Gus am bi na currain ann an sùgh sticeach, tiugh, blasta.

[Uisdean] Bidh sin math.

[Ruaraidh] Bidh e fèir a’ coimhead sgoinneil.

[Uisdean] Tha mil ann an sin cuideachd.

[Ruaraidh] Tha mil ann a sheo, tha. Chan eil sinn air feum air cus dinnsear, a bheil?

[Uisdean] O chan eil, tha thu ag iarraidh blasad dinnsear, chan eil thu ga iarraidh ro làidir.

[Ruaraidh] Gu leòr ann a shin Uisdean, saoil?

[Uisdean] Cha chreid mi nach eil.

[Ruaraidh] Nì mi rud beag nas mìn e.

[Uisdean] Tha thu a’ dèanamh math rudan a dhèanamh mìn an-diugh.

[Ruaraidh] A-nis, tha mi a’ fàs math.

[Uisdean] Tha mi fhìn dol a dhèanamh dìreach rud beag courgettes còmhla ris an gigot agus an couscous. Agus tha mi nam inntinn gus sad mi rud beag peur na mheasg cuideachd.

[Ruaraidh] Inntinneach.

[Uisdean] Well tha rudan milis a’ dol na chois so

[Ruaraidh] Chuir mi beagan mil a-staigh an sin, beagan dhen a sin. Sin agad soy sauce ann a shin. Cha shaoileadh tu gu bràth gun deigheadh dinnsear agus currain còmhla cho math.

[Uisdean] Och tha iad.. tha iad a’ dol còmhla gu math.

[Ruaraidh] Och sad a-steach e ma-thà.

[Uisdean] Seo a-nis dìreach dèan leth dhen a sin, trim bheag dhen an sin. Nis, cha chreid mi nach dèan sinn sia pìosan beaga dhen am pìos àrd agus ’s dòcha ceithir den am pìos ìosal. Is nì mis’ am peur seo, tha mi nis... Tha soitheach an siud agam le bùrn is cuiridh mi fèir rud beag sùgh lioman ann cuideachd. Nuair a nì mi am pear sadaidh mi a-steach airson a’ pheur ga chumail brèagha agus gus nach tig dath air.

[Ruaraidh] Tha na pìosan seo rudeigin mòr, a bheil? An e sin na bha thu ag iarraidh?

[Uisdean] No, tha sin glè mhath.

[Ruaraidh] Sin alright?

[Uisdean] Sin glè mhath. Tha mise a’ dol a dh’fheuchainn ris an soitheach a tha sin... Bidh am blas aca an aon rud ach tha mi fèir ag iarraidh, is caomh leam, am pìos sin air a’ cheann. Am pìos sin air ceann a’ chourgette, tha e blasta.

[Ruaraidh] Bidh daoine a’ dèanamh rudan le dìthean a’ chourgette.

[Uisdean] Bithidh tha sìthean a’ chourgette, tha e math. Chan eil mise a’ feumachdainn ach leth de pheur.

[Ruaraidh] Tha mise a’ dol a thoirt sùil air am pork belly.

[Uisdean] O Dhia thoirt sùil air an sin!

[Ruaraidh] Ok ma-thà, mar a tha seo a’ coimhead. O bhalaich.

[Uisdean] Tha sin a’ coimhead math

[Ruaraidh] Tha sin a’ coimhead math. A’ coimhead math dha-rìribh. Rud beag dhen t-sùgh.

[Uisdean] A bheil torr fruit agadsa an sin cuideachd?

[Ruaraidh] Ùbhlan, ùbhlan, aye. Tha mi dìreach a’ dol a dhèanamh cinnteach nach loisg iad. Bidh droch bhlas air an sùgh an uair sin.

[Uisdean] Bidh, aye, ’s e sin an rud a tha thu ag iarraidh, tha thu ag iarraidh teasachadh...

[Ruaraidh] Seo an sùgh a’ tighinn dheth mar tha.

[Uisdean] O tha sin math.

[Ruaraidh] Tha sin math. Cuir mi sin a-steach ’s dòcha airson uair a thìde eile.

[Uisdean] Aye.

[Ruaraidh] Chan eil an craiceann builleach cruaidh fhathast.

[Uisdean] Aye, faodaidh tu, dh’ fhaodadh e ga chur a-steach nuair a tha a h-uile càil eile dheth agus blast a thoir dha agus bheir sin an craiceann an àrd.



Bringing meat and fruit together

English Beurla

[Ruaraidh] Now I’m preparing the ginger and you are preparing the carrots.

[Uisdean] So, what are you going to throw in here?

[Ruaraidh] I don’t know, maybe some honey, maybe some soy sauce.

[Uisdean] Aye, that would be good.

[Ruaraidh] A little water and just let it boil.

[Uisdean] Aye.

[Ruaraidh] So that the carrots will be in a sticky, thick, tasty sauce.

[Uisdean] That will be good.

[Ruaraidh] It will just look fantastic.

[Uisdean] There’s honey there as well.

[Ruaraidh] There’s honey here. We don’t need much ginger, do we?

[Uisdean] Oh no, you to taste the ginger, but you don’t want it to be too strong.

[Ruaraidh] Is there enough there do you think Uisdean?

[Uisdean] No, I don’t think so.

[Ruaraidh] I’ll chop it a bit finer.

[Uisdean] You are making progress at making things finer today.

[Ruaraidh] Now, I’m getting good at this.

[Uisdean] I’m going to make some courgettes with the gigot and the couscous. And I’m in half a mind to add some pear into the mix as well.

[Ruaraidh] Interesting.

[Uisdean] Well, there’s sweet things in it so…

[Ruaraidh] I’ll put a bit of honey in there, a little bit of that. And you’ve got some soy sauce there. You’d never think that ginger and carrots would go well together.

[Uisdean] Oh they do… they go well together.

[Ruaraidh] Oh throw it in then.

[Uisdean] There we go, just cut it in half there and make a cut there. Now, I think we’ll cut it into six pieces lengthwise and maybe four width-wise. I’ll do this pear, I’m now… I have that dish with water and I’ll put just a bit of lemon juice in that one too. When I make the pear, I’ll throw it in to keep it looking nice and to stop it from turning brown.

[Ruaraidh] These slices are a bit big, aren’t they? Is that what you wanted?

[Uisdean] No, that’s very good.

[Ruaraidh] Is that alright?

[Uisdean] That’s very good. I’m now going to try to… that dish… They’ll taste the same, but that’s just what I want. I like, that bit the head, that bit the head of the courgette, it’s tasty.

[Ruaraidh] They do. The flower of the courgette, it’s good.

[Uisdean] They do but every part of the courgette is good. I only need half the pear.

[Ruaraidh] I’m going to have a look at the pork belly.

[Uisdean] Oh yes have a look at that!

[Ruaraidh] Ok then, let’s see how this looks. Oh boy.

[Uisdean] That looks good.

[Ruaraidh] That looks good. It looks really good. A little bit of juice.

[Uisdean] Have you got lots of fruit there too?

[Ruaraidh] Apples, apples, aye. I’m just going to make sure that it doesn’t burn. The juice will have a bad taste if it does.

[Uisdean] It will, aye, that’s what you want, you want to heat it up…

[Ruaraidh] Here there’s some juice coming off of it already.

[Uisdean] Oh that’s good.

[Ruaraidh] That’s good. I’ll put it in for maybe another hour.

[Uisdean] Aye.

[Ruaraidh] The skin hasn’t fully hardened yet.

[Uisdean] Aye, you could put it in when everything else is off and give it a blast and that will bring the skin up.



A’ cur feòil is measan còmhla

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Ruaraidh] Tha mise a’ dèanamh an dinnsear agus tha thu a’ dèanamh nan currain.

[Uisdean] So, dè tha thu a’ dol a shadail a-steach an seo?

[Ruaraidh] Chan eil fhios agam, ’s dòcha beagan mil, ’s dòcha soy sauce.

[Uisdean] Aye, bhiodh sin math.

[Ruaraidh] Beagan uisge agus dìreach leig leis bruich.

[Uisdean] Aye.

[Ruaraidh] Gus am bi na currain ann an sùgh sticeach, tiugh, blasta.

[Uisdean] Bidh sin math.

[Ruaraidh] Bidh e fèir a’ coimhead sgoinneil.

[Uisdean] Tha mil ann an sin cuideachd.

[Ruaraidh] Tha mil ann a sheo, tha. Chan eil sinn air feum air cus dinnsear, a bheil?

[Uisdean] O chan eil, tha thu ag iarraidh blasad dinnsear, chan eil thu ga iarraidh ro làidir.

[Ruaraidh] Gu leòr ann a shin Uisdean, saoil?

[Uisdean] Cha chreid mi nach eil.

[Ruaraidh] Nì mi rud beag nas mìn e.

[Uisdean] Tha thu a’ dèanamh math rudan a dhèanamh mìn an-diugh.

[Ruaraidh] A-nis, tha mi a’ fàs math.

[Uisdean] Tha mi fhìn dol a dhèanamh dìreach rud beag courgettes còmhla ris an gigot agus an couscous. Agus tha mi nam inntinn gus sad mi rud beag peur na mheasg cuideachd.

[Ruaraidh] Inntinneach.

[Uisdean] Well tha rudan milis a’ dol na chois so

[Ruaraidh] Chuir mi beagan mil a-staigh an sin, beagan dhen a sin. Sin agad soy sauce ann a shin. Cha shaoileadh tu gu bràth gun deigheadh dinnsear agus currain còmhla cho math.

[Uisdean] Och tha iad.. tha iad a’ dol còmhla gu math.

[Ruaraidh] Och sad a-steach e ma-thà.

[Uisdean] Seo a-nis dìreach dèan leth dhen a sin, trim bheag dhen an sin. Nis, cha chreid mi nach dèan sinn sia pìosan beaga dhen am pìos àrd agus ’s dòcha ceithir den am pìos ìosal. Is nì mis’ am peur seo, tha mi nis... Tha soitheach an siud agam le bùrn is cuiridh mi fèir rud beag sùgh lioman ann cuideachd. Nuair a nì mi am pear sadaidh mi a-steach airson a’ pheur ga chumail brèagha agus gus nach tig dath air.

[Ruaraidh] Tha na pìosan seo rudeigin mòr, a bheil? An e sin na bha thu ag iarraidh?

[Uisdean] No, tha sin glè mhath.

[Ruaraidh] Sin alright?

[Uisdean] Sin glè mhath. Tha mise a’ dol a dh’fheuchainn ris an soitheach a tha sin... Bidh am blas aca an aon rud ach tha mi fèir ag iarraidh, is caomh leam, am pìos sin air a’ cheann. Am pìos sin air ceann a’ chourgette, tha e blasta.

[Ruaraidh] Bidh daoine a’ dèanamh rudan le dìthean a’ chourgette.

[Uisdean] Bithidh tha sìthean a’ chourgette, tha e math. Chan eil mise a’ feumachdainn ach leth de pheur.

[Ruaraidh] Tha mise a’ dol a thoirt sùil air am pork belly.

[Uisdean] O Dhia thoirt sùil air an sin!

[Ruaraidh] Ok ma-thà, mar a tha seo a’ coimhead. O bhalaich.

[Uisdean] Tha sin a’ coimhead math

[Ruaraidh] Tha sin a’ coimhead math. A’ coimhead math dha-rìribh. Rud beag dhen t-sùgh.

[Uisdean] A bheil torr fruit agadsa an sin cuideachd?

[Ruaraidh] Ùbhlan, ùbhlan, aye. Tha mi dìreach a’ dol a dhèanamh cinnteach nach loisg iad. Bidh droch bhlas air an sùgh an uair sin.

[Uisdean] Bidh, aye, ’s e sin an rud a tha thu ag iarraidh, tha thu ag iarraidh teasachadh...

[Ruaraidh] Seo an sùgh a’ tighinn dheth mar tha.

[Uisdean] O tha sin math.

[Ruaraidh] Tha sin math. Cuir mi sin a-steach ’s dòcha airson uair a thìde eile.

[Uisdean] Aye.

[Ruaraidh] Chan eil an craiceann builleach cruaidh fhathast.

[Uisdean] Aye, faodaidh tu, dh’ fhaodadh e ga chur a-steach nuair a tha a h-uile càil eile dheth agus blast a thoir dha agus bheir sin an craiceann an àrd.



Bringing meat and fruit together

English Beurla

[Ruaraidh] Now I’m preparing the ginger and you are preparing the carrots.

[Uisdean] So, what are you going to throw in here?

[Ruaraidh] I don’t know, maybe some honey, maybe some soy sauce.

[Uisdean] Aye, that would be good.

[Ruaraidh] A little water and just let it boil.

[Uisdean] Aye.

[Ruaraidh] So that the carrots will be in a sticky, thick, tasty sauce.

[Uisdean] That will be good.

[Ruaraidh] It will just look fantastic.

[Uisdean] There’s honey there as well.

[Ruaraidh] There’s honey here. We don’t need much ginger, do we?

[Uisdean] Oh no, you to taste the ginger, but you don’t want it to be too strong.

[Ruaraidh] Is there enough there do you think Uisdean?

[Uisdean] No, I don’t think so.

[Ruaraidh] I’ll chop it a bit finer.

[Uisdean] You are making progress at making things finer today.

[Ruaraidh] Now, I’m getting good at this.

[Uisdean] I’m going to make some courgettes with the gigot and the couscous. And I’m in half a mind to add some pear into the mix as well.

[Ruaraidh] Interesting.

[Uisdean] Well, there’s sweet things in it so…

[Ruaraidh] I’ll put a bit of honey in there, a little bit of that. And you’ve got some soy sauce there. You’d never think that ginger and carrots would go well together.

[Uisdean] Oh they do… they go well together.

[Ruaraidh] Oh throw it in then.

[Uisdean] There we go, just cut it in half there and make a cut there. Now, I think we’ll cut it into six pieces lengthwise and maybe four width-wise. I’ll do this pear, I’m now… I have that dish with water and I’ll put just a bit of lemon juice in that one too. When I make the pear, I’ll throw it in to keep it looking nice and to stop it from turning brown.

[Ruaraidh] These slices are a bit big, aren’t they? Is that what you wanted?

[Uisdean] No, that’s very good.

[Ruaraidh] Is that alright?

[Uisdean] That’s very good. I’m now going to try to… that dish… They’ll taste the same, but that’s just what I want. I like, that bit the head, that bit the head of the courgette, it’s tasty.

[Ruaraidh] They do. The flower of the courgette, it’s good.

[Uisdean] They do but every part of the courgette is good. I only need half the pear.

[Ruaraidh] I’m going to have a look at the pork belly.

[Uisdean] Oh yes have a look at that!

[Ruaraidh] Ok then, let’s see how this looks. Oh boy.

[Uisdean] That looks good.

[Ruaraidh] That looks good. It looks really good. A little bit of juice.

[Uisdean] Have you got lots of fruit there too?

[Ruaraidh] Apples, apples, aye. I’m just going to make sure that it doesn’t burn. The juice will have a bad taste if it does.

[Uisdean] It will, aye, that’s what you want, you want to heat it up…

[Ruaraidh] Here there’s some juice coming off of it already.

[Uisdean] Oh that’s good.

[Ruaraidh] That’s good. I’ll put it in for maybe another hour.

[Uisdean] Aye.

[Ruaraidh] The skin hasn’t fully hardened yet.

[Uisdean] Aye, you could put it in when everything else is off and give it a blast and that will bring the skin up.




skin, crackling


a carrot






a flower

Ruairidh, who is from Harris, uses this word.


a flower

Uisdean, who is from Lewis, this word.