FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Food Biadh

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Na sgonaichean àmhainn aig Teenie NicChoinnich

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] ’S ann san àmhainn as trice a thathar a’ dèanamh sgonaichean an-diugh agus ’s i an àmhainn a th’ aca ann an seo aig Cafaidh Ionad Coimhearsnachd Ùige. Às a h-uile rud math a th’ aca, tha am fèill as motha air an sgona flùir.

[Màiri] Teenie, tha fhios gu bheil na sgonaichean agaibh a’ còrdadh ris an luchd-turais a tha a’ tadhal air a’ chafaidh.

[Teenie] Tha. Uill tha an fheadhainn a tha gan ithe tha iad ag ràdh gu bheil iad math co-dhiù.

[Màiri] Dè tha a’ dol dha na sgonaichean agaibhse ma-thà?

[Teenie] Tha ochd unnsan SR [self-raising] flour agus tha aon unns’ siùcair ’s tha cairteal spàin-teatha cream of tartar agus leth sin a-rithist de sòda a’ dol ann, agus trì unnsan ime agus ugh agus ceithir tablespoons bainne. Tha mi a’ cur am flùr a-steach an toiseach.

[Màiri] Tha mise an dòchas gum faigh mi tips an seo an-diugh airson nan sgonaichean agamsa. Gu math tric chan eil iad a’ dol leam idir.

[Teenie] Ciamar? Dè bhios ceàrr orra?

[Màiri] Bidh am mullach aca, dìreach mus, tha iad a’ coimhead, tha blas sgoinneil orra ach dìreach mus geàrr mi iad tha am mullach a’ briseadh, a’ tighinn às a chèile.

[Teenie] ’S a bheil an taobh a-staigh, a bheil e, a bheil an taobh a-staigh alright?

[Màiri] Tha.

[Teenie] Uill ’s ann mar sin,tha iad ag ràdh gu bheil còir aca a bhith gu math crumbly air an taobh a-muigh agus bog anns a’ mheadhan. Gur ann mar sin, ach uaireannan,

[Màiri] Ach mar gum biodh gu bheil am mullach air splutadh?

[Teenie] ’S dè bhios tu a’ cur? Dè raising agents a bhios tu a’ cur ann?

[Màiri] Sòda-arain.

[Teenie] Sòda-arain.

[Màiri] Agus flùr self-raising.

[Teenie] Am bi thu a’ cur cream of tartar ann?

[Màiri] Cha bhi.

[Teenie] Feuch, feuch cream of tartar agus sòda.

[Teenie] Tha mi a’ dol a mheasgachadh seo an toiseach mus cuir mi an t-ìm ann.

[Màiri] An e sibhse a tha a’ dèanamh nan sgonaichean anns a’ chafaidh?

[Teenie] Mm-huh.

[Màiri] Dè eile a bhios sibh a’ dèanamh?

[Teenie] Pancakes. Chocolate cake. Lemon cake. Lemon drizzle cake. Sin e.

[Màiri] Tha sin uile a’ còrdadh ri daoine, nach eil?

[Teenie] Mm-huh.

[Màiri] Agus rudan cuideachd a tha sin, mairidh iad a dhà no trì làithean. Cha leig thu leas. Cha leigeadh sibh leas an dèanamh a h-uile latha.

[Teenie] Cha leig, cha leig. Bidh e a rèir de mar a tha chocliobhar ’s a tha e a’ falbh ach y’know cumaidh lemon cake co-dhiù, lemon drizzle cake, cumaidh sin a dhà no trì làithean airson tha an icing air na cèicichean, tha i gan cumail. Ach tha na sgonaichean – ’s e aon latha a bhios, y’know, mur am falbh iad feumaidh sinn an toirt dhachaigh agus an ithe.

[Teenie] Ok so tha mi air an t-ìm a chur a-steach a-nis agus feumaidh mi a-nise mo làmhan a chur a-steach agus a mheasgachadh.

[Màiri] Agus a bheil sibh trang a’ bèicearachd fad an latha aig ur n-obair?

[Teenie] Ò cha bhi. Tha uaireannan, tha làithean ’s chan fhaigh thu cothrom fiù ’s copan teatha a ghabhail gun luaidh air a bhith a’ bèicearachd so gu math tric ’s ann mus fhosgail sinn no an dèidh dhuinn dùnadh a bhios sinn a’ dèanamh na bèicearachd.

[Teenie] Tha sinn deiseil dhen seo a-nis. Tha an t-ìm air obrachadh a-steach agus tha mi a-nise a’ dol a bhriseadh ugh ann. Aon ugh a bhios a’ dol ann.

[Màiri] Tha tòrr nach eil a’ cur uighean dha na sgonaichean aca idir. Bidh mise ach.

[Teenie] Gu math tric ’s e, ’s fheàrr leamsa ugh fresh y’know a bhios tu a’ faighinn ma tha cearcan aig duine, ma gheibh thu ugh bhon a tha e, tha na sgonaichean tòrr nas buidhe ’s tha e a’ coimhead nas fheàrr. Chan eil iad cho pale.

[Teenie] ’S a-nis tha bainne a’ dol ann. Ceithir spàinean-teatha.

[Màiri] Cia mheud sgona a nì seo? An dèan e dusan sgona?

[Teenie] Ochd. Chan eil e a’ dèanamh mòran. Ochd. Tha ochd gu leòr airson an tearoom bhon feumaidh iad a bhith fresh ’s mur h-eil iad fresh, y’know, feumaidh tu an tilgeil a-mach. So tha mi a’ measgachadh seo ri chèile. ’S tha i gu math bog. Sin a-nis. Tha sin deiseil a-nis.

[Teenie] A-nis tha mi a’ dol a thionndadh seo a-mach ’s a’ dol gaobrachadh, chan eil mi a’ dol a dhèanamh mòran obrachadh air.

[Màiri] Mar as lugha làimhseachadh a gheibh seo ’s ann as fheàrr, nach ann?

[Teenie] ’S ann ach feumaidh e rud beag. Cho fad ’s nach cuir thu a h-uile càil a’ toirt an èadhar a-mach às y’know, ma chuireas tu an èadhar a-mach às chan èirich iad.

[Màiri] ’S cha bhi sibhse ga roileagadh idir.

[Teenie] Cha bhi, no.

[Màiri] Ga obrachadh le na làmhan agaibh.

[Teenie] Mm-huh.

[Màiri] Cha chreid mi nach robh mise a’ dèanamh sin ceàrr cuideachd. Bidh mi ga roileagadh ach cha chreid mi nach eil mi a’ toirt cus roileagaidh dha.

[Teenie] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil uaireannan roileagadh, bidh mise a’ faighinn co-dhiù gu bheil e a’ toirt an èadhar a-mach às.

[Teenie] Ga shlaodadh a-mach agus ga bhruthadh sìos ’s ga thionndadh.

[Màiri] Càite an do dh’ionnsaich sibh bèicearachd ma-thà ’s cuin a thòisich sibh?

[Teenie] Mo mhàthair. Bhiodh mo mhàthair a’ dèanamh deaseachadh a h-uile latha cha mhòr y’know ’s bha againn ri, cha do dh’fheuch mi a-riamh air ach bhithinn a’ coimhead dè bha i a’ dèanamh ’s bhiodh i , bha sgonaichean math aice-se. Bhiodh ise a’ dèanamh treacle scones cuideachd ’s bha iad àlainn.

[Màiri] An do dh’fheuch sibhse na sgonaichean trèicil?

[Teenie] Dh’fheuch! Goirid an dèidh dhomh pòsadh dh’fheuch mi treacle scones agus dheigheadh iad tron bhalla! Cha do dh’obraich iad dhòmhsa co-dhiù.

[Teenie] Ok sin iad a-nis deiseil airson a dhol dhan àmhainn.

[Teenie] ’S e a sia a fhuair sinn a-mach às an sin.

[Màiri] Agus dè cho teth a-nis ’s a tha an àmhainn agaibhse?

[Teenie] Dà cheud. Deich mionaidean, ’s mathaid dusan. Cha bhi e càil nas fhaide na sin ’s cha bhi iad ceart.

[Teenie] Ok so cuiridh sinn a-nis dhan àmhainn iad.

[Teenie] Siuthad ma-thà, feuch thusa an toiseach iad.

[Teenie] A bheil iad coltach ris na sgonaichean agad fhèin?

[Màiri] Tha iad gu math coltach riutha ach dìreach gu bheil iad, nach eil iad a’ briseadh às a chèile mar a tha an fheadhainn agamsa!

[Teenie] Ò na can càil an-dràsta.

[Màiri] An ath-thuras ge-tà, cha thachair sin. Nì mi cinnteach nach cuir mi an uiread de shòda ann.

[Teenie] Feuch sin. A bheil thu ag iarraidh silidh?

[Màiri] Chì sinn a-nis ciamar a chaidh dhuibh.

[Màiri] Blasta.

[Teenie] Tha iad gu math milis, nach eil?

[Màiri] Agus aotrom.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Teenie MacKenzie’s oven scones

English Beurla

[Mairi] Nowadays scones are usually made in the oven and it’s the oven that they have here at Uig’s Community Centre Cafe. Out of all the good things that they have, the flour scone is the most popular.

[Mairi] Teenie, it’s known that visitors who visit the cafe certainly enjoy your scones.

[Teenie] They do. Well those that eat them say that they are good anyway.

[Mairi] What goes into your scones then?

[Teenie] Eight ounces of SR [self-raising] flour and one ounce of sugar and a quarter of a teaspoon of cream of tartar and half of that again of soda goes in, and three ounces of butter and an egg and four tablespoons of milk. I’m adding the flour first.

[Mairi] I hope that I’ll get tips here today for my scones. Very often they don’t work for me at all.

[Teenie] How? What’s wrong with them?

[Mairi] The top of them, just before, they look, they taste brilliant but just before I cut them the top breaks, comes apart.

[Teenie] And is the inside, is it, is the inside alright?

[Mairi] It is.

[Teenie] Well it’s like that, they say that they ought to be very crumbly on the outside and soft in the middle. That that’s, But sometimes.

[Mairi] Like those but as if the top has split?

[Teenie] And what do you add? What raising agents do you add?

[Mairi] Bread soda.

[Teenie] Bread soda.

[Mairi] And self-raising flour.

[Teenie] Do you add cream of tartar?

[Mairi] I don’t.

[Teenie] Try it, try cream of tartar and soda.

[Teenie] I’m going to mix this first before I add the butter.

[Mairi] Is it yourself that makes the scones in the cafe?

[Teenie] Mm-huh.

[Mairi] What else do you make?

[Teenie] Pancakes. Chocolate cake. Lemon cake. Lemon drizzle cake. That’s it.

[Mairi] People like all that, don’t they?

[Teenie] Mm-huh.

[Mairi] And the thing also with that, they will last two or three days. You don’t need to. You wouldn’t need to make them every day.

[Teenie] You wouldn’t, no. It depends on how quickly they go but you know the lemon cake, lemon drizzle cake, will keep at least, that will keep two or three days since there is icing on the cakes, it keeps them. But the scones – it’s one day, you know if they don’t go we have to take them home and eat them.

[Teenie] Ok so I’ve added the butter now and I must now put my hands in and mix it.

[Mairi] And are you busy baking all day at work?

[Teenie] Oh no. Sometimes there is, there are days and you can’t get a chance to even have a cup of tea let alone do baking so very often it’s before we open or after we close that we do the baking.

[Teenie] We’re ready with this now. The butter has been worked in and I’m now going to break an egg in. One egg that goes in.

[Mairi] Lots of people don’t put eggs in their scones at all. I do but.

[Teenie] Very often it’s, I prefer a fresh egg, you know, that you get if a person has hens, if you get an egg since it’s, the scones are much more orange and they look better. They aren’t so pale.

[Teenie] And now milk is added. Four teaspoons.

[Mairi] How many scones will this make? Will it make a dozen scones?

[Teenie] Eight. It doesn’t make many. Eight. Eight is enough for the tearoom since they must be fresh and if they aren’t fresh y’know you must throw them out. So I’m mixing this together. And it is very soft. There now. That’s ready now.

[Teenie] Now I’m going to turn this out and going to. I’m not going to work it much.

[Mairi] The less handling this gets the better, isn’t it?

[Teenie] It is but it needs a little. As long as you don’t put everything, take the air out of it you know, if you take the air out of it they won’t rise.

[Mairi] And you don’t roll it at all.

[Teenie] I don’t, no.

[Mairi] Work it with your hands.

[Teenie] Mm-huh.

[Mairi] I think that I’ve been doing that wrong too. I roll it but I think that I roll it too much.

[Teenie] I think that sometimes rolling, I find anyway that it takes the air out of it.

[Teenie] Stretch it out and push it down and turn it.

[Mairi] Where did you learn to bake then and when did you start?

[Teenie] My mother. My mother would make preparations nearly every day you know and we had to. I never tried it but I would watch what she was doing and she would, she had good scones. She would make treacle scones too and they were beautiful.

[Mairi] Did you try the treacle scones?

[Teenie] I did! Shortly after I married I tried treacle scones and they would have gone through the wall.They didn’t work for me anyway.

[Teenie] Ok that’s them now ready to go into the oven.

[Teenie] It’s six that we got out of that.

[Mairi] And now how hot is your oven?

[Teenie] Two hundred. Ten minutes, maybe twelve. It won’t be longer than that or they won’t be right.

[Teenie] Ok so we’ll now put them into the oven.

[Teenie] Go for it then, you try them first.

[Teenie] Are they similar to your own scones?

[Mairi] They are very similar to them but just that they’re not breaking apart like my ones!

[Teenie] Oh don’t say anything just now.

[Mairi] Next time though, that won’t happen. I’ll make sure not to add as much soda.

[Teenie] Try that. Do you want jam?

[Mairi] We’ll see now how you got on.

[Mairi] Tasty.

[Teenie] They are very sweet, aren’t they?

[Mairi] And light.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV



Na sgonaichean àmhainn aig Teenie NicChoinnich

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] ’S ann san àmhainn as trice a thathar a’ dèanamh sgonaichean an-diugh agus ’s i an àmhainn a th’ aca ann an seo aig Cafaidh Ionad Coimhearsnachd Ùige. Às a h-uile rud math a th’ aca, tha am fèill as motha air an sgona flùir.

[Màiri] Teenie, tha fhios gu bheil na sgonaichean agaibh a’ còrdadh ris an luchd-turais a tha a’ tadhal air a’ chafaidh.

[Teenie] Tha. Uill tha an fheadhainn a tha gan ithe tha iad ag ràdh gu bheil iad math co-dhiù.

[Màiri] Dè tha a’ dol dha na sgonaichean agaibhse ma-thà?

[Teenie] Tha ochd unnsan SR [self-raising] flour agus tha aon unns’ siùcair ’s tha cairteal spàin-teatha cream of tartar agus leth sin a-rithist de sòda a’ dol ann, agus trì unnsan ime agus ugh agus ceithir tablespoons bainne. Tha mi a’ cur am flùr a-steach an toiseach.

[Màiri] Tha mise an dòchas gum faigh mi tips an seo an-diugh airson nan sgonaichean agamsa. Gu math tric chan eil iad a’ dol leam idir.

[Teenie] Ciamar? Dè bhios ceàrr orra?

[Màiri] Bidh am mullach aca, dìreach mus, tha iad a’ coimhead, tha blas sgoinneil orra ach dìreach mus geàrr mi iad tha am mullach a’ briseadh, a’ tighinn às a chèile.

[Teenie] ’S a bheil an taobh a-staigh, a bheil e, a bheil an taobh a-staigh alright?

[Màiri] Tha.

[Teenie] Uill ’s ann mar sin,tha iad ag ràdh gu bheil còir aca a bhith gu math crumbly air an taobh a-muigh agus bog anns a’ mheadhan. Gur ann mar sin, ach uaireannan,

[Màiri] Ach mar gum biodh gu bheil am mullach air splutadh?

[Teenie] ’S dè bhios tu a’ cur? Dè raising agents a bhios tu a’ cur ann?

[Màiri] Sòda-arain.

[Teenie] Sòda-arain.

[Màiri] Agus flùr self-raising.

[Teenie] Am bi thu a’ cur cream of tartar ann?

[Màiri] Cha bhi.

[Teenie] Feuch, feuch cream of tartar agus sòda.

[Teenie] Tha mi a’ dol a mheasgachadh seo an toiseach mus cuir mi an t-ìm ann.

[Màiri] An e sibhse a tha a’ dèanamh nan sgonaichean anns a’ chafaidh?

[Teenie] Mm-huh.

[Màiri] Dè eile a bhios sibh a’ dèanamh?

[Teenie] Pancakes. Chocolate cake. Lemon cake. Lemon drizzle cake. Sin e.

[Màiri] Tha sin uile a’ còrdadh ri daoine, nach eil?

[Teenie] Mm-huh.

[Màiri] Agus rudan cuideachd a tha sin, mairidh iad a dhà no trì làithean. Cha leig thu leas. Cha leigeadh sibh leas an dèanamh a h-uile latha.

[Teenie] Cha leig, cha leig. Bidh e a rèir de mar a tha chocliobhar ’s a tha e a’ falbh ach y’know cumaidh lemon cake co-dhiù, lemon drizzle cake, cumaidh sin a dhà no trì làithean airson tha an icing air na cèicichean, tha i gan cumail. Ach tha na sgonaichean – ’s e aon latha a bhios, y’know, mur am falbh iad feumaidh sinn an toirt dhachaigh agus an ithe.

[Teenie] Ok so tha mi air an t-ìm a chur a-steach a-nis agus feumaidh mi a-nise mo làmhan a chur a-steach agus a mheasgachadh.

[Màiri] Agus a bheil sibh trang a’ bèicearachd fad an latha aig ur n-obair?

[Teenie] Ò cha bhi. Tha uaireannan, tha làithean ’s chan fhaigh thu cothrom fiù ’s copan teatha a ghabhail gun luaidh air a bhith a’ bèicearachd so gu math tric ’s ann mus fhosgail sinn no an dèidh dhuinn dùnadh a bhios sinn a’ dèanamh na bèicearachd.

[Teenie] Tha sinn deiseil dhen seo a-nis. Tha an t-ìm air obrachadh a-steach agus tha mi a-nise a’ dol a bhriseadh ugh ann. Aon ugh a bhios a’ dol ann.

[Màiri] Tha tòrr nach eil a’ cur uighean dha na sgonaichean aca idir. Bidh mise ach.

[Teenie] Gu math tric ’s e, ’s fheàrr leamsa ugh fresh y’know a bhios tu a’ faighinn ma tha cearcan aig duine, ma gheibh thu ugh bhon a tha e, tha na sgonaichean tòrr nas buidhe ’s tha e a’ coimhead nas fheàrr. Chan eil iad cho pale.

[Teenie] ’S a-nis tha bainne a’ dol ann. Ceithir spàinean-teatha.

[Màiri] Cia mheud sgona a nì seo? An dèan e dusan sgona?

[Teenie] Ochd. Chan eil e a’ dèanamh mòran. Ochd. Tha ochd gu leòr airson an tearoom bhon feumaidh iad a bhith fresh ’s mur h-eil iad fresh, y’know, feumaidh tu an tilgeil a-mach. So tha mi a’ measgachadh seo ri chèile. ’S tha i gu math bog. Sin a-nis. Tha sin deiseil a-nis.

[Teenie] A-nis tha mi a’ dol a thionndadh seo a-mach ’s a’ dol gaobrachadh, chan eil mi a’ dol a dhèanamh mòran obrachadh air.

[Màiri] Mar as lugha làimhseachadh a gheibh seo ’s ann as fheàrr, nach ann?

[Teenie] ’S ann ach feumaidh e rud beag. Cho fad ’s nach cuir thu a h-uile càil a’ toirt an èadhar a-mach às y’know, ma chuireas tu an èadhar a-mach às chan èirich iad.

[Màiri] ’S cha bhi sibhse ga roileagadh idir.

[Teenie] Cha bhi, no.

[Màiri] Ga obrachadh le na làmhan agaibh.

[Teenie] Mm-huh.

[Màiri] Cha chreid mi nach robh mise a’ dèanamh sin ceàrr cuideachd. Bidh mi ga roileagadh ach cha chreid mi nach eil mi a’ toirt cus roileagaidh dha.

[Teenie] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil uaireannan roileagadh, bidh mise a’ faighinn co-dhiù gu bheil e a’ toirt an èadhar a-mach às.

[Teenie] Ga shlaodadh a-mach agus ga bhruthadh sìos ’s ga thionndadh.

[Màiri] Càite an do dh’ionnsaich sibh bèicearachd ma-thà ’s cuin a thòisich sibh?

[Teenie] Mo mhàthair. Bhiodh mo mhàthair a’ dèanamh deaseachadh a h-uile latha cha mhòr y’know ’s bha againn ri, cha do dh’fheuch mi a-riamh air ach bhithinn a’ coimhead dè bha i a’ dèanamh ’s bhiodh i , bha sgonaichean math aice-se. Bhiodh ise a’ dèanamh treacle scones cuideachd ’s bha iad àlainn.

[Màiri] An do dh’fheuch sibhse na sgonaichean trèicil?

[Teenie] Dh’fheuch! Goirid an dèidh dhomh pòsadh dh’fheuch mi treacle scones agus dheigheadh iad tron bhalla! Cha do dh’obraich iad dhòmhsa co-dhiù.

[Teenie] Ok sin iad a-nis deiseil airson a dhol dhan àmhainn.

[Teenie] ’S e a sia a fhuair sinn a-mach às an sin.

[Màiri] Agus dè cho teth a-nis ’s a tha an àmhainn agaibhse?

[Teenie] Dà cheud. Deich mionaidean, ’s mathaid dusan. Cha bhi e càil nas fhaide na sin ’s cha bhi iad ceart.

[Teenie] Ok so cuiridh sinn a-nis dhan àmhainn iad.

[Teenie] Siuthad ma-thà, feuch thusa an toiseach iad.

[Teenie] A bheil iad coltach ris na sgonaichean agad fhèin?

[Màiri] Tha iad gu math coltach riutha ach dìreach gu bheil iad, nach eil iad a’ briseadh às a chèile mar a tha an fheadhainn agamsa!

[Teenie] Ò na can càil an-dràsta.

[Màiri] An ath-thuras ge-tà, cha thachair sin. Nì mi cinnteach nach cuir mi an uiread de shòda ann.

[Teenie] Feuch sin. A bheil thu ag iarraidh silidh?

[Màiri] Chì sinn a-nis ciamar a chaidh dhuibh.

[Màiri] Blasta.

[Teenie] Tha iad gu math milis, nach eil?

[Màiri] Agus aotrom.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Teenie MacKenzie’s oven scones

English Beurla

[Mairi] Nowadays scones are usually made in the oven and it’s the oven that they have here at Uig’s Community Centre Cafe. Out of all the good things that they have, the flour scone is the most popular.

[Mairi] Teenie, it’s known that visitors who visit the cafe certainly enjoy your scones.

[Teenie] They do. Well those that eat them say that they are good anyway.

[Mairi] What goes into your scones then?

[Teenie] Eight ounces of SR [self-raising] flour and one ounce of sugar and a quarter of a teaspoon of cream of tartar and half of that again of soda goes in, and three ounces of butter and an egg and four tablespoons of milk. I’m adding the flour first.

[Mairi] I hope that I’ll get tips here today for my scones. Very often they don’t work for me at all.

[Teenie] How? What’s wrong with them?

[Mairi] The top of them, just before, they look, they taste brilliant but just before I cut them the top breaks, comes apart.

[Teenie] And is the inside, is it, is the inside alright?

[Mairi] It is.

[Teenie] Well it’s like that, they say that they ought to be very crumbly on the outside and soft in the middle. That that’s, But sometimes.

[Mairi] Like those but as if the top has split?

[Teenie] And what do you add? What raising agents do you add?

[Mairi] Bread soda.

[Teenie] Bread soda.

[Mairi] And self-raising flour.

[Teenie] Do you add cream of tartar?

[Mairi] I don’t.

[Teenie] Try it, try cream of tartar and soda.

[Teenie] I’m going to mix this first before I add the butter.

[Mairi] Is it yourself that makes the scones in the cafe?

[Teenie] Mm-huh.

[Mairi] What else do you make?

[Teenie] Pancakes. Chocolate cake. Lemon cake. Lemon drizzle cake. That’s it.

[Mairi] People like all that, don’t they?

[Teenie] Mm-huh.

[Mairi] And the thing also with that, they will last two or three days. You don’t need to. You wouldn’t need to make them every day.

[Teenie] You wouldn’t, no. It depends on how quickly they go but you know the lemon cake, lemon drizzle cake, will keep at least, that will keep two or three days since there is icing on the cakes, it keeps them. But the scones – it’s one day, you know if they don’t go we have to take them home and eat them.

[Teenie] Ok so I’ve added the butter now and I must now put my hands in and mix it.

[Mairi] And are you busy baking all day at work?

[Teenie] Oh no. Sometimes there is, there are days and you can’t get a chance to even have a cup of tea let alone do baking so very often it’s before we open or after we close that we do the baking.

[Teenie] We’re ready with this now. The butter has been worked in and I’m now going to break an egg in. One egg that goes in.

[Mairi] Lots of people don’t put eggs in their scones at all. I do but.

[Teenie] Very often it’s, I prefer a fresh egg, you know, that you get if a person has hens, if you get an egg since it’s, the scones are much more orange and they look better. They aren’t so pale.

[Teenie] And now milk is added. Four teaspoons.

[Mairi] How many scones will this make? Will it make a dozen scones?

[Teenie] Eight. It doesn’t make many. Eight. Eight is enough for the tearoom since they must be fresh and if they aren’t fresh y’know you must throw them out. So I’m mixing this together. And it is very soft. There now. That’s ready now.

[Teenie] Now I’m going to turn this out and going to. I’m not going to work it much.

[Mairi] The less handling this gets the better, isn’t it?

[Teenie] It is but it needs a little. As long as you don’t put everything, take the air out of it you know, if you take the air out of it they won’t rise.

[Mairi] And you don’t roll it at all.

[Teenie] I don’t, no.

[Mairi] Work it with your hands.

[Teenie] Mm-huh.

[Mairi] I think that I’ve been doing that wrong too. I roll it but I think that I roll it too much.

[Teenie] I think that sometimes rolling, I find anyway that it takes the air out of it.

[Teenie] Stretch it out and push it down and turn it.

[Mairi] Where did you learn to bake then and when did you start?

[Teenie] My mother. My mother would make preparations nearly every day you know and we had to. I never tried it but I would watch what she was doing and she would, she had good scones. She would make treacle scones too and they were beautiful.

[Mairi] Did you try the treacle scones?

[Teenie] I did! Shortly after I married I tried treacle scones and they would have gone through the wall.They didn’t work for me anyway.

[Teenie] Ok that’s them now ready to go into the oven.

[Teenie] It’s six that we got out of that.

[Mairi] And now how hot is your oven?

[Teenie] Two hundred. Ten minutes, maybe twelve. It won’t be longer than that or they won’t be right.

[Teenie] Ok so we’ll now put them into the oven.

[Teenie] Go for it then, you try them first.

[Teenie] Are they similar to your own scones?

[Mairi] They are very similar to them but just that they’re not breaking apart like my ones!

[Teenie] Oh don’t say anything just now.

[Mairi] Next time though, that won’t happen. I’ll make sure not to add as much soda.

[Teenie] Try that. Do you want jam?

[Mairi] We’ll see now how you got on.

[Mairi] Tasty.

[Teenie] They are very sweet, aren’t they?

[Mairi] And light.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV