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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Aithris na h-aimsire

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] Halò, feasgar math dhuibh, uill do chuid tron latha an-diugh, mhairidh na turadh agus bha greisean mhath do shoilleireachd, agus do bhoillsgean grèine ann cuideachd, ach cha robh i mar sin don a h-uile duine agus an sgoth car dorcha, bagarrach le meallan air taobh siar na dùthcha agus ghluais na meallain sin nas fhaide sear ro dheireadh an latha. Agus ’s ann mar sin a bhios i airson cnap mhath den t-seachdain, bidh meallain ann aig amannan ach aig a’ cheart àm, bidh greisean-grèine ann cuideachd ach tha i gu bhith faireachdainn car fionnar, gu sònraichte airson an àm seo dhen bhliadhna.

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] A-steach chun a-nochd ma-tà barrachd mheallain gu bhith a’ gluasad bhon taobh siar chun an taobh sear ach tro uairean beagan na maidne, a’ chuid as motha dhe na meallain gu bhith a’ crìonadh seach mu chladaichean an taobh iar far am bi dhà no trì fhathast ro mhadainn. Bidh greisean mhatha de dh’iarmailt shoilleir anns an teothachd anns na bailtean-mòra gu bhith tuiteam gu ochd no naoi Celsius ach nas ìsle na seo air an tuath, gu sònraichte ann an ear-thuath na dùthcha, ma dh’fhaodte cho ìosal ri trì Celsius, mar sin oidhche fionnar a bhios ann do mhòran.

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] Mar sin, a-màireach a’ tòiseachadh fionnar agus car coltach ris mar a bha i tron latha an-diugh, an meallain gu bhith a’ tòiseachadh a’ biathadh a-steach bhon taobh siar agus gluaisidh iad nas fhaide sear mar a thèid an latha air adhart.

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] Chan fhaic a h-uile h-àite meall ge-tà ach mas e ’s gum bi meall agaibh ma dh’fhaodte gum bi i slaodach ann a bhith gluasad leis gum bi a’ ghaoth lag, ach eadar na meallain, chìthear greisean de thuradh, greisean de shoilleireachd agus de bhoillsgean grèine, gu sònraichte mu na h-eileanan mu thuath, ma dh’fhaodte gum bi cothrom meall a’ dol seachad air Sealltainn ge-tà.

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] Ach an aon seòrsa sgeulachd a bhios ann dha na h-Eileanan Siar ach an teothachd ge-tà car ìosal mar a bha mi a ràdh airson an àm seo den bhliadhna is gu bhith a’ ruighinn eadar ceithir deug agus sia deug Celsius aig a’ char as fheàrr.

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] A-steach gu beul na h-oidhche ma-tà, na meallan car bitheanta fhathast, a’ gluasad nas fhaide sear ach mar a thèid an oidhche air adhart, cuid mhath dhiubh gu bhith a’ crìonadh gu ìre mhòr.

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] Diciadain a’ tòiseachadh tioram, soilleir ann an ear-thuath na dùthcha agus mu na h-Eileanan mu thuath ach mar a thèid an latha air adhart an t-uisge gu bhith a’ fàs nas truime ann an ceann a tuath na dùthcha, gu sònraichte agus mu na h-eileanan siar. Ach meadhan ceann a deas na dùthcha aig a bhith a’ maireachdainn na turadh anns na sgìrean- sa agus an teothachd mar a bha mi a ràdh gu bhith car ìosal airson an àm seo dhen bhliadhna tri deug gu seachd deug Celsius anns a’ chumantas.

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] Mas e ’s gu bheil sibh a’ coimhead airson rudeigin nas tiorama, uill, Diardaoin an latha as fheàrr airson sin. Bidh beagan de smugraich ann aig amannan mu cheann a tuath na dùthcha ach dha mòran ’s ann an turadh a bhios i le greisean mhatha de shoilleireachd agus de bhoillsgean grèine agus seo gu bhith a’ togail an teothachd beagan nas àirde, trì deug gu seachd deug Celsius anns a’ chumantas ach ceann a deas na dùthcha gu bhith faicinn an teothachd as àirde, ochd deug Celsius an seo. Oidhche mhath.



A weather report

English Beurla

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] Hello, good afternoon to you well for some through the day, the break in the clouds will last and there was spells of brightness, and spells of sunshine too, but it was not like that for everyone and the cloud was dark, menacing on the west coast of the country and those showers moved further east before the end of the day. And that’s what it will be like for a good chunk of the week, there will be showers at times, but at the same time, there will be sunny spells too but it’s going to feel quite cool, especially for this time of year.

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] In to tonight then, more showers will be moving from the west coast to the east coast but through the wee hours of the morning, most of the showers will be withering out unlike the coasts on west side where there will be two or three before morning. There will be good spells of sunny skies and the temperature in the cities will be falling to eight or nine Celsius but lower than this north, especially in the north-east of the country, perhaps as low as three Celsius, as such a cool night for many.

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] As such, morning starts cool and is quite like it was through the day today, the showers will begin to feed in from the west coast and they’ll move further east as the day goes on.

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] Not everywhere will see a shower though, but if you have a shower, perhaps it will be slow as the wind is weak, but between the showers, good breaks in the cloud will be seen, spells of light and spells of sunshine, especially in the islands up north, perhaps there will be a chance of showers going past Shetland though.

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] But the same sort of story for the Western Isles, but the temperature is quite low as I was saying for this time of year and will reach between fourteen and sixteen degrees Celsius at the best point.

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] Into dusk then, the showers are still quite frequent, moving further east but as the night goes on, lots of them withering quite a bit.

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] Wednesday begins dry, bright in the north-east of the country around the islands in the north but as the day moves on the rain gets heavier in the north of the country, especially and around the Western Isles. But middle of the southern part of the country will be enduring the break in the clouds in those areas and the temperature, as I said, quite low for this time of year, thirteen to seventeen Celsius in general.

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] If you are looking for something drier, well, Thursday is the best day for that. There will be a wee bit of very fine drizzle at times in the north of the country but for many there will be a break in the weather with good spells of light and sunshine and this will lift the temperature a wee bit, thirteen to seventeen degrees Celsius in general but in the south of the country will see the highest temperature, eighteen degrees Celsius here. Goodnight.



Aithris na h-aimsire

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] Halò, feasgar math dhuibh, uill do chuid tron latha an-diugh, mhairidh na turadh agus bha greisean mhath do shoilleireachd, agus do bhoillsgean grèine ann cuideachd, ach cha robh i mar sin don a h-uile duine agus an sgoth car dorcha, bagarrach le meallan air taobh siar na dùthcha agus ghluais na meallain sin nas fhaide sear ro dheireadh an latha. Agus ’s ann mar sin a bhios i airson cnap mhath den t-seachdain, bidh meallain ann aig amannan ach aig a’ cheart àm, bidh greisean-grèine ann cuideachd ach tha i gu bhith faireachdainn car fionnar, gu sònraichte airson an àm seo dhen bhliadhna.

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] A-steach chun a-nochd ma-tà barrachd mheallain gu bhith a’ gluasad bhon taobh siar chun an taobh sear ach tro uairean beagan na maidne, a’ chuid as motha dhe na meallain gu bhith a’ crìonadh seach mu chladaichean an taobh iar far am bi dhà no trì fhathast ro mhadainn. Bidh greisean mhatha de dh’iarmailt shoilleir anns an teothachd anns na bailtean-mòra gu bhith tuiteam gu ochd no naoi Celsius ach nas ìsle na seo air an tuath, gu sònraichte ann an ear-thuath na dùthcha, ma dh’fhaodte cho ìosal ri trì Celsius, mar sin oidhche fionnar a bhios ann do mhòran.

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] Mar sin, a-màireach a’ tòiseachadh fionnar agus car coltach ris mar a bha i tron latha an-diugh, an meallain gu bhith a’ tòiseachadh a’ biathadh a-steach bhon taobh siar agus gluaisidh iad nas fhaide sear mar a thèid an latha air adhart.

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] Chan fhaic a h-uile h-àite meall ge-tà ach mas e ’s gum bi meall agaibh ma dh’fhaodte gum bi i slaodach ann a bhith gluasad leis gum bi a’ ghaoth lag, ach eadar na meallain, chìthear greisean de thuradh, greisean de shoilleireachd agus de bhoillsgean grèine, gu sònraichte mu na h-eileanan mu thuath, ma dh’fhaodte gum bi cothrom meall a’ dol seachad air Sealltainn ge-tà.

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] Ach an aon seòrsa sgeulachd a bhios ann dha na h-Eileanan Siar ach an teothachd ge-tà car ìosal mar a bha mi a ràdh airson an àm seo den bhliadhna is gu bhith a’ ruighinn eadar ceithir deug agus sia deug Celsius aig a’ char as fheàrr.

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] A-steach gu beul na h-oidhche ma-tà, na meallan car bitheanta fhathast, a’ gluasad nas fhaide sear ach mar a thèid an oidhche air adhart, cuid mhath dhiubh gu bhith a’ crìonadh gu ìre mhòr.

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] Diciadain a’ tòiseachadh tioram, soilleir ann an ear-thuath na dùthcha agus mu na h-Eileanan mu thuath ach mar a thèid an latha air adhart an t-uisge gu bhith a’ fàs nas truime ann an ceann a tuath na dùthcha, gu sònraichte agus mu na h-eileanan siar. Ach meadhan ceann a deas na dùthcha aig a bhith a’ maireachdainn na turadh anns na sgìrean- sa agus an teothachd mar a bha mi a ràdh gu bhith car ìosal airson an àm seo dhen bhliadhna tri deug gu seachd deug Celsius anns a’ chumantas.

[Derek Mac an Tòisich – Neach-aithris] Mas e ’s gu bheil sibh a’ coimhead airson rudeigin nas tiorama, uill, Diardaoin an latha as fheàrr airson sin. Bidh beagan de smugraich ann aig amannan mu cheann a tuath na dùthcha ach dha mòran ’s ann an turadh a bhios i le greisean mhatha de shoilleireachd agus de bhoillsgean grèine agus seo gu bhith a’ togail an teothachd beagan nas àirde, trì deug gu seachd deug Celsius anns a’ chumantas ach ceann a deas na dùthcha gu bhith faicinn an teothachd as àirde, ochd deug Celsius an seo. Oidhche mhath.



A weather report

English Beurla

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] Hello, good afternoon to you well for some through the day, the break in the clouds will last and there was spells of brightness, and spells of sunshine too, but it was not like that for everyone and the cloud was dark, menacing on the west coast of the country and those showers moved further east before the end of the day. And that’s what it will be like for a good chunk of the week, there will be showers at times, but at the same time, there will be sunny spells too but it’s going to feel quite cool, especially for this time of year.

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] In to tonight then, more showers will be moving from the west coast to the east coast but through the wee hours of the morning, most of the showers will be withering out unlike the coasts on west side where there will be two or three before morning. There will be good spells of sunny skies and the temperature in the cities will be falling to eight or nine Celsius but lower than this north, especially in the north-east of the country, perhaps as low as three Celsius, as such a cool night for many.

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] As such, morning starts cool and is quite like it was through the day today, the showers will begin to feed in from the west coast and they’ll move further east as the day goes on.

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] Not everywhere will see a shower though, but if you have a shower, perhaps it will be slow as the wind is weak, but between the showers, good breaks in the cloud will be seen, spells of light and spells of sunshine, especially in the islands up north, perhaps there will be a chance of showers going past Shetland though.

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] But the same sort of story for the Western Isles, but the temperature is quite low as I was saying for this time of year and will reach between fourteen and sixteen degrees Celsius at the best point.

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] Into dusk then, the showers are still quite frequent, moving further east but as the night goes on, lots of them withering quite a bit.

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] Wednesday begins dry, bright in the north-east of the country around the islands in the north but as the day moves on the rain gets heavier in the north of the country, especially and around the Western Isles. But middle of the southern part of the country will be enduring the break in the clouds in those areas and the temperature, as I said, quite low for this time of year, thirteen to seventeen Celsius in general.

[Derek Macintosh – Reporter] If you are looking for something drier, well, Thursday is the best day for that. There will be a wee bit of very fine drizzle at times in the north of the country but for many there will be a break in the weather with good spells of light and sunshine and this will lift the temperature a wee bit, thirteen to seventeen degrees Celsius in general but in the south of the country will see the highest temperature, eighteen degrees Celsius here. Goodnight.