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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Tubaist Clutha

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Dòmhnall Angaidh Moireasdan] Fhuair an rannsachadh air tubaist heileacoptair a’ Clutha nach tug am pìleat feart air rabhaidhean gun robh ìre a’ chonnaidh ìosail. Thuirt an t-Àrd Sìorraidh, Craig Turnbull, gur e sin, gu sìmplidh, a dh’adhbhraich an tubaist agus nach biodh e air tachairt nam biodh an Caiptean Daibhidh Traill air na modhan-obrach ceart a leantainn. Chaochail deichnear nuair a thàinig heileacoptair a-nuas tro mhullach an taigh-seinnse san t-Samhain dà mhìle ’s a trì deug. Tha cuid de chàirdean den fheadhainn a bhàsaich feargach, ge-tà, mu cho-dhùnaidhean an rannsachaidh. Tha Niall Bartlett ag aithris.

[Niall Bartlett] Tha mi an seo aig làraich an Clutha, a-nis faisg air sia bliadhna bhon tubaist anns an deach deichnear a mharbhadh. Anns an dà bhliadhna mu dheireadh tha rannsachadh air a bhith an sàs gus ionnsachadh ciamar dìreach a thachair an tubaist, agus an-diugh chaidh aithisg an rannsachaidh fhoillseachadh.

[Niall Bartlett] Seo aodannan an deichnear a chaill am beathannan air oidhche na tubaiste. Bha na teaghlaichean aca am measg nam feadhainn bhon cuala an rannsachadh fianais, a thuilleadh air eòlaichean agus cuideachd daoine a bha an làthair aig an tubaist.

[Niall Bartlett] Anns na co-dhùnaidhean aige, thuirt an Siorram Turnbull nach robh teagamh aige gur e pìleat an heileacoptair, Daibhidh Traill, as coireach airson an tubaist, leis nach tuig e aire do na còig rabhaidhean) a fhuair e fhad ’s a bha e a’ sgèith. Dh’adhbhraich an gainnead connaidh air an einnsean fàileadh, agus a-rèir an t-siorraim seo rud nach biodh air tachairt nan robh am pìleat air dòighean-obrach àbhaisteach a leantainn. Ach ’s e sin co-dhùnadh leis nach eil a h-uile duine riaraichte. Tha cuid den bheachd nach bu chòir don choire a chur air maighstir Traill, agus nach eil an rannsachadh air coinneachadh ris an dleastanas a bh’ aige ris na teaghlaichean.

[Duine] Just to say the Crown’s performance at the FAI was at best inept, you know. They treated the witnesses with a feather duster. They didn’t even go into detail about it. I didn’t feel at all represented. I think the Crown was just what are the FAI was supposed to do, you know. But what’s happened today, if you want, for a better word, for the truth or justice for the families to find out what had happened, they’re never ever going to find out now, you know, with that conclusion from Sheriff Turnbull.

[Niall Bartlett] Chuir an t-Siorram impidh air cho iongantach ’s a bha suidheachadh na tubaiste, agus e ag ràdh gun robh e neo-chreidsinneach gum b’ urrainn a leithid tachairt a-rithist, fiù ’s às aonais nan ceum sàbhailteach ùr a chaidh a chur an cèill ri linn na tubaiste.

[Bill Innes] The duilgheadasan mu dheidhinn heileacoptar. Cha robh e còir gun tachradh gu bràth gun stadadh an dà einnsean cho faisg air ri chèile, ach mar a tha mi a’ tuigsinn chùisean, cha do rachadh aon einnsean a-mach à connadh. Bha còir aig an siostam air gu leòr de chonnadh a bhith aca airson ’s gum maireadh an dàrna einnsean airson ùine gu leòr airson an heileacoptar a chur sìos air an talamh. Ach bha am pìleat a’ smaointinn gun robh rudeigin ceàrr air na bha e a’ faicinn. Bhiodh e ag ràdh ris fhèin “uill, ged a stadadh aon einnsean bidh am fear eile a’ dol fada gu leòr airson gum faigheadh sìos gu talamh tròcaireach.

[Niall Bartlett] Rinn an t-Siorram moladh air iadsan a bha an sàs anns an rannsachadh, is e ag aithneachadh gun robh am beathannan air atharrachadh gu tur. Niall Bartlett, BBC An Là, Glaschu.



Tubaist Clutha

English Beurla

[Donald Morrison] The inquiry into the Clutha helicopter accident has found that the pilot ignored low fuel warnings. The Sheriff Principal said that, simply, was what caused the crash and that it wouldn’t have happened if Captain David Traill had followed the correct procedures. Ten people died when a helicopter came down through the roof of the pub in November 2013. Relatives of some of the deceased are also angry, however, about the findings of the inquiry. Niall Bartlett reports.

[Niall Bartlett] I’m here at the site of The Clutha, now almost six years since the accident in which ten were killed. In the last two years an inquiry has been held in order to learn exactly how the accident happened, and today the inquiry report was published.

[Niall Bartlett] These are the faces of the ten who lost their lives on the night of the accident. Their families were among those the inquiry heard evidence from, in addition to experts and people who were present at the accident.

[Niall Bartlett] In his conclusions, Sheriff Turnbull said he had no doubt that the pilot of the helicopter, David Traill, was to blame for the accident because he ignored the five warnings he got whilst he was flying. A lack of fuel caused the engine to fail, and according to the Sheriff this would not have happened had the pilot followed usual work procedures. But this is a finding not everyone is satisfied with. Some are of the opinion that the blame shouldn’t be put on Mr. Traill and that the inquiry hasn’t met its obligation to the families.

[Man] Just to say the Crown’s performance at the FAI was at best inept, you know. They treated the witnesses with a feather duster. They didn’t even go into detail about it. I didn’t feel at all represented. I think the Crown was just [? was just what] the FAI was supposed to do, you know. But what’s happened today, if you want, for a better word, for the truth or justice for the families to find out what had happened, they’re never ever going to find out now, you know, with that conclusion from Sheriff Turnbull.

[Niall Bartlett] The Sheriff emphasised how unusual the circumstances of the accident were, saying it was inconceivable its like could happen again even without new safety procedures that were implemented as a result of the accident.

[Bill Innes] There are challenges with helicopters. It’s not right that it should ever happen that the two engines should cut out so close together, but as I understand things one engine didn’t run out of fuel. The system should have ensured that they had enough fuel in order that the second engine would have kept going long enough to get the helicopter down on the ground. But the pilot thought something was wrong with what he was seeing. He would be saying to himself “well, even though one engine stopped the other one will keep going long enough to get me down to merciful earth”.

[Niall Bartlett] The Sheriff praised everyone involved in the inquiry, recognising that their lives had completely changed. Niall Bartlett, BBC An Là, Glasgow.



Tubaist Clutha

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Dòmhnall Angaidh Moireasdan] Fhuair an rannsachadh air tubaist heileacoptair a’ Clutha nach tug am pìleat feart air rabhaidhean gun robh ìre a’ chonnaidh ìosail. Thuirt an t-Àrd Sìorraidh, Craig Turnbull, gur e sin, gu sìmplidh, a dh’adhbhraich an tubaist agus nach biodh e air tachairt nam biodh an Caiptean Daibhidh Traill air na modhan-obrach ceart a leantainn. Chaochail deichnear nuair a thàinig heileacoptair a-nuas tro mhullach an taigh-seinnse san t-Samhain dà mhìle ’s a trì deug. Tha cuid de chàirdean den fheadhainn a bhàsaich feargach, ge-tà, mu cho-dhùnaidhean an rannsachaidh. Tha Niall Bartlett ag aithris.

[Niall Bartlett] Tha mi an seo aig làraich an Clutha, a-nis faisg air sia bliadhna bhon tubaist anns an deach deichnear a mharbhadh. Anns an dà bhliadhna mu dheireadh tha rannsachadh air a bhith an sàs gus ionnsachadh ciamar dìreach a thachair an tubaist, agus an-diugh chaidh aithisg an rannsachaidh fhoillseachadh.

[Niall Bartlett] Seo aodannan an deichnear a chaill am beathannan air oidhche na tubaiste. Bha na teaghlaichean aca am measg nam feadhainn bhon cuala an rannsachadh fianais, a thuilleadh air eòlaichean agus cuideachd daoine a bha an làthair aig an tubaist.

[Niall Bartlett] Anns na co-dhùnaidhean aige, thuirt an Siorram Turnbull nach robh teagamh aige gur e pìleat an heileacoptair, Daibhidh Traill, as coireach airson an tubaist, leis nach tuig e aire do na còig rabhaidhean) a fhuair e fhad ’s a bha e a’ sgèith. Dh’adhbhraich an gainnead connaidh air an einnsean fàileadh, agus a-rèir an t-siorraim seo rud nach biodh air tachairt nan robh am pìleat air dòighean-obrach àbhaisteach a leantainn. Ach ’s e sin co-dhùnadh leis nach eil a h-uile duine riaraichte. Tha cuid den bheachd nach bu chòir don choire a chur air maighstir Traill, agus nach eil an rannsachadh air coinneachadh ris an dleastanas a bh’ aige ris na teaghlaichean.

[Duine] Just to say the Crown’s performance at the FAI was at best inept, you know. They treated the witnesses with a feather duster. They didn’t even go into detail about it. I didn’t feel at all represented. I think the Crown was just what are the FAI was supposed to do, you know. But what’s happened today, if you want, for a better word, for the truth or justice for the families to find out what had happened, they’re never ever going to find out now, you know, with that conclusion from Sheriff Turnbull.

[Niall Bartlett] Chuir an t-Siorram impidh air cho iongantach ’s a bha suidheachadh na tubaiste, agus e ag ràdh gun robh e neo-chreidsinneach gum b’ urrainn a leithid tachairt a-rithist, fiù ’s às aonais nan ceum sàbhailteach ùr a chaidh a chur an cèill ri linn na tubaiste.

[Bill Innes] The duilgheadasan mu dheidhinn heileacoptar. Cha robh e còir gun tachradh gu bràth gun stadadh an dà einnsean cho faisg air ri chèile, ach mar a tha mi a’ tuigsinn chùisean, cha do rachadh aon einnsean a-mach à connadh. Bha còir aig an siostam air gu leòr de chonnadh a bhith aca airson ’s gum maireadh an dàrna einnsean airson ùine gu leòr airson an heileacoptar a chur sìos air an talamh. Ach bha am pìleat a’ smaointinn gun robh rudeigin ceàrr air na bha e a’ faicinn. Bhiodh e ag ràdh ris fhèin “uill, ged a stadadh aon einnsean bidh am fear eile a’ dol fada gu leòr airson gum faigheadh sìos gu talamh tròcaireach.

[Niall Bartlett] Rinn an t-Siorram moladh air iadsan a bha an sàs anns an rannsachadh, is e ag aithneachadh gun robh am beathannan air atharrachadh gu tur. Niall Bartlett, BBC An Là, Glaschu.



Tubaist Clutha

English Beurla

[Donald Morrison] The inquiry into the Clutha helicopter accident has found that the pilot ignored low fuel warnings. The Sheriff Principal said that, simply, was what caused the crash and that it wouldn’t have happened if Captain David Traill had followed the correct procedures. Ten people died when a helicopter came down through the roof of the pub in November 2013. Relatives of some of the deceased are also angry, however, about the findings of the inquiry. Niall Bartlett reports.

[Niall Bartlett] I’m here at the site of The Clutha, now almost six years since the accident in which ten were killed. In the last two years an inquiry has been held in order to learn exactly how the accident happened, and today the inquiry report was published.

[Niall Bartlett] These are the faces of the ten who lost their lives on the night of the accident. Their families were among those the inquiry heard evidence from, in addition to experts and people who were present at the accident.

[Niall Bartlett] In his conclusions, Sheriff Turnbull said he had no doubt that the pilot of the helicopter, David Traill, was to blame for the accident because he ignored the five warnings he got whilst he was flying. A lack of fuel caused the engine to fail, and according to the Sheriff this would not have happened had the pilot followed usual work procedures. But this is a finding not everyone is satisfied with. Some are of the opinion that the blame shouldn’t be put on Mr. Traill and that the inquiry hasn’t met its obligation to the families.

[Man] Just to say the Crown’s performance at the FAI was at best inept, you know. They treated the witnesses with a feather duster. They didn’t even go into detail about it. I didn’t feel at all represented. I think the Crown was just [? was just what] the FAI was supposed to do, you know. But what’s happened today, if you want, for a better word, for the truth or justice for the families to find out what had happened, they’re never ever going to find out now, you know, with that conclusion from Sheriff Turnbull.

[Niall Bartlett] The Sheriff emphasised how unusual the circumstances of the accident were, saying it was inconceivable its like could happen again even without new safety procedures that were implemented as a result of the accident.

[Bill Innes] There are challenges with helicopters. It’s not right that it should ever happen that the two engines should cut out so close together, but as I understand things one engine didn’t run out of fuel. The system should have ensured that they had enough fuel in order that the second engine would have kept going long enough to get the helicopter down on the ground. But the pilot thought something was wrong with what he was seeing. He would be saying to himself “well, even though one engine stopped the other one will keep going long enough to get me down to merciful earth”.

[Niall Bartlett] The Sheriff praised everyone involved in the inquiry, recognising that their lives had completely changed. Niall Bartlett, BBC An Là, Glasgow.




working practices




ten people

a thuilleadh air

in addition to


lack of

