FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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An t-sìde

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Sarah Cruickshank] Feasgar math dhuibh. Uill, latha gruamach agus gu math bog do mhòran againn an-diugh le uisge air sgaoileadh sear tron dùthaich, tron fheasgar an-diugh agus coltas gu math glas air an adhar mar a chì sinn an seo. Agus seo is adhbhar dhen sin, bruthadh ìosal agus an siostam a tha seo air sguabadh sear. Tha i fhathast faisg air làimh airson na h-oidhche a-nochd agus tuilleadh fhrasan ri thighinn san iar-thuath. Ach leis an sin èadhar nas fhuaire gu bhith a’ tighinn a-steach tron oidhche a-nochd agus an èadhar as blàithe air a bhith againn air na làithean a dh’fhalbh air phutadh a-mach. Mar sin, son oidhche a-nochd tioram do mhòran agus fo iarmailt shoilleir. Tha i gu bhith gu math nas fhuaire na tha i air a bhith le beagan reothaidh agus ma dh’fhaoidte beagan deighe far a bheil frasan air tuiteam tron latha.

[Sarah Cruickshank] Tuilleadh fhrasan ri thighinn san iar-thuath far am mairidh gaoth ach a’ ghaoth sin fhathast làidir a’ ruighinn neart gèile tarsainn air Sealltainn fhathast son na h-oidhche a-nochd agus gu math fuar mar sin son madainn a-màireach ’s i a’ tuiteam a’ tuiteam faisg air ìre reothaidh. Ach son iar-thuath na dùthcha, tuilleadh de fhrasan ri thighinn, a’ tionndadh geamhradail nuair a thig iad a-steach tarsainn talamh nas àirde, ach iad a’ gluasad deas tron fheasgar a-màireach agus a’ tòiseachadh air seargachadh.

[Sarah Cruickshank] Tuilleadh de dh’fhrasan ri thighinn mu iar-thuath na dùthcha ach nas luaithe gu bhith ann feasgar a-màireach, ach latha gu math fuar a bhios ann gu h-àraid an coimeas ris an latha an-diugh, ceithir gu ruige sia Celsius aig a’ char as àirde agus fhathast car gaothach tarsainn ceann a tuath na Gàidhealtachd suas a dh’ionnsaigh air na h-Eileanan mu thuath. Ach do mhòran latha gu math nas tiorama agus nas soilleire cuideachd. ’S e a’ faicinn boillsginn grèine a-nochd, ged a bhios na frasan a tha an seo a’ putadh nas fhaide deas son deireadh an latha , son . Tha iad sin gu bhith a’ sìoladh às agus an uair sin, oidhche thioram eile a bhios againn airson Oidhche Haoine le dìreach beagan fhrasan a’ leantainn san iar-thuath.

[Sarah Cruickshank] Mun àm a’ ruige sinn Disathairne, ’s e beagan gaoithe glainne gu bhith a’ tòiseachadh air èirigh tarsainn air an dùthaich, an isobars fhathast teann ri chèile mu thuath, a’ chiad char madainn Disathairne ach tron deireadh-sheachdain bruthadh àrd a’ ciallachadh gu bheil cuisean gu bhith a’ socrachadh.

[Sarah Cruickshank] Mar sin, madainn Disathairne beagan fhrasan a bhios geamhradail againn fhathast ach san fharsaingeachd latha glè mhath a bhios ann, bidh an ìre mhath tioram le greisean matha grèine ach faireachdainn fuar fhathast, dìreach còig- sia Celsius aig a’ char as àirde ach cha bhi e buileach cho gaothach ’s a tha i air a bhith air na làithean a dh’fhalbh. Oidhche mhath.



The Weather

English Beurla

[Sarah Cruickshank] Good evening to you. Well, a gloomy and very wet day for many today with rain spreading east through the country, through the afternoon today and the sky appears very grey as we see here. And this is the reason for this, low pressure and this system is sweeping east. It is still close tonight and more showers to come in the north-west. But with the colder air that is going to be coming through the night tonight, it’s pushing out the warmth that we have had over the past days. As such, tonight will be a dry night for many under a clear sky. It is going to be colder than it has been, sometimes freezing and perhaps a little ice where showers have fallen throughout the day.

[Sarah Cruickshank] More showers to come in the north-west where the wind will last, and that wind will still reach gale force strength across Shetland tonight and it will be very cold tomorrow morning and it falls close to freezing point. But for the north-west of the country, more showers to come, turning wintry when it comes in across to higher ground, but they are moving south through tomorrow afternoon and begin to dissipate.

[Sarah Cruickshank] More showers to come about the north-west of the country but more frequent tomorrow afternoon, but it will be a very cold day especially compared to today, four to six degrees Celsius at the highest point and still quite windy across the north part of the Highlands, up towards the islands about the north. But for many, a drier and also clearer day. Sunnier spells will be seen tonight, although these showers will push further south at the end of the day. They will settle down and then, we’ll have a dry night for Friday night with a few showers continuing in the north-west.

[Sarah Cruickshank] By the time we reach Saturday, it’s a wee bit of a fresh wind that begins to rise across the country, the isobars are still close together around the north first thing Saturday morning but through the weekend high pressure means that matters will settle down.

[Sarah Cruickshank] As such, on Saturday morning, a few wintry showers which will still be with us but, in general, a very good day, it will be at pretty much dry with good spells of sunshine, but still feeling cold, just five-six degrees Celsius at the highest point but it won’t be quite as cold as it has been in the past few days. Good night.



An t-sìde

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Sarah Cruickshank] Feasgar math dhuibh. Uill, latha gruamach agus gu math bog do mhòran againn an-diugh le uisge air sgaoileadh sear tron dùthaich, tron fheasgar an-diugh agus coltas gu math glas air an adhar mar a chì sinn an seo. Agus seo is adhbhar dhen sin, bruthadh ìosal agus an siostam a tha seo air sguabadh sear. Tha i fhathast faisg air làimh airson na h-oidhche a-nochd agus tuilleadh fhrasan ri thighinn san iar-thuath. Ach leis an sin èadhar nas fhuaire gu bhith a’ tighinn a-steach tron oidhche a-nochd agus an èadhar as blàithe air a bhith againn air na làithean a dh’fhalbh air phutadh a-mach. Mar sin, son oidhche a-nochd tioram do mhòran agus fo iarmailt shoilleir. Tha i gu bhith gu math nas fhuaire na tha i air a bhith le beagan reothaidh agus ma dh’fhaoidte beagan deighe far a bheil frasan air tuiteam tron latha.

[Sarah Cruickshank] Tuilleadh fhrasan ri thighinn san iar-thuath far am mairidh gaoth ach a’ ghaoth sin fhathast làidir a’ ruighinn neart gèile tarsainn air Sealltainn fhathast son na h-oidhche a-nochd agus gu math fuar mar sin son madainn a-màireach ’s i a’ tuiteam a’ tuiteam faisg air ìre reothaidh. Ach son iar-thuath na dùthcha, tuilleadh de fhrasan ri thighinn, a’ tionndadh geamhradail nuair a thig iad a-steach tarsainn talamh nas àirde, ach iad a’ gluasad deas tron fheasgar a-màireach agus a’ tòiseachadh air seargachadh.

[Sarah Cruickshank] Tuilleadh de dh’fhrasan ri thighinn mu iar-thuath na dùthcha ach nas luaithe gu bhith ann feasgar a-màireach, ach latha gu math fuar a bhios ann gu h-àraid an coimeas ris an latha an-diugh, ceithir gu ruige sia Celsius aig a’ char as àirde agus fhathast car gaothach tarsainn ceann a tuath na Gàidhealtachd suas a dh’ionnsaigh air na h-Eileanan mu thuath. Ach do mhòran latha gu math nas tiorama agus nas soilleire cuideachd. ’S e a’ faicinn boillsginn grèine a-nochd, ged a bhios na frasan a tha an seo a’ putadh nas fhaide deas son deireadh an latha , son . Tha iad sin gu bhith a’ sìoladh às agus an uair sin, oidhche thioram eile a bhios againn airson Oidhche Haoine le dìreach beagan fhrasan a’ leantainn san iar-thuath.

[Sarah Cruickshank] Mun àm a’ ruige sinn Disathairne, ’s e beagan gaoithe glainne gu bhith a’ tòiseachadh air èirigh tarsainn air an dùthaich, an isobars fhathast teann ri chèile mu thuath, a’ chiad char madainn Disathairne ach tron deireadh-sheachdain bruthadh àrd a’ ciallachadh gu bheil cuisean gu bhith a’ socrachadh.

[Sarah Cruickshank] Mar sin, madainn Disathairne beagan fhrasan a bhios geamhradail againn fhathast ach san fharsaingeachd latha glè mhath a bhios ann, bidh an ìre mhath tioram le greisean matha grèine ach faireachdainn fuar fhathast, dìreach còig- sia Celsius aig a’ char as àirde ach cha bhi e buileach cho gaothach ’s a tha i air a bhith air na làithean a dh’fhalbh. Oidhche mhath.



The Weather

English Beurla

[Sarah Cruickshank] Good evening to you. Well, a gloomy and very wet day for many today with rain spreading east through the country, through the afternoon today and the sky appears very grey as we see here. And this is the reason for this, low pressure and this system is sweeping east. It is still close tonight and more showers to come in the north-west. But with the colder air that is going to be coming through the night tonight, it’s pushing out the warmth that we have had over the past days. As such, tonight will be a dry night for many under a clear sky. It is going to be colder than it has been, sometimes freezing and perhaps a little ice where showers have fallen throughout the day.

[Sarah Cruickshank] More showers to come in the north-west where the wind will last, and that wind will still reach gale force strength across Shetland tonight and it will be very cold tomorrow morning and it falls close to freezing point. But for the north-west of the country, more showers to come, turning wintry when it comes in across to higher ground, but they are moving south through tomorrow afternoon and begin to dissipate.

[Sarah Cruickshank] More showers to come about the north-west of the country but more frequent tomorrow afternoon, but it will be a very cold day especially compared to today, four to six degrees Celsius at the highest point and still quite windy across the north part of the Highlands, up towards the islands about the north. But for many, a drier and also clearer day. Sunnier spells will be seen tonight, although these showers will push further south at the end of the day. They will settle down and then, we’ll have a dry night for Friday night with a few showers continuing in the north-west.

[Sarah Cruickshank] By the time we reach Saturday, it’s a wee bit of a fresh wind that begins to rise across the country, the isobars are still close together around the north first thing Saturday morning but through the weekend high pressure means that matters will settle down.

[Sarah Cruickshank] As such, on Saturday morning, a few wintry showers which will still be with us but, in general, a very good day, it will be at pretty much dry with good spells of sunshine, but still feeling cold, just five-six degrees Celsius at the highest point but it won’t be quite as cold as it has been in the past few days. Good night.











boillsginn grèine

rays of sunshine

