FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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An t-sìde

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Sarah Cruikshank] Feasgar math dhuibh. Uill, thàinig piseach air an aimsir tron latha an-diugh, adhair brèagha gorm againn mar a chì sinn air mo chùlaibh ann an cuid de sgìrean air sgàth ’s gu bheil a’ ghlainne air a bhith ag èirigh, bruthadh àrd againn son greiseag a-nochd ach an uair sin bruthadh ìosal an seo a’ tighinn a-steach son an latha a-màireach, a’ tionndadh cùisean gu math mì-chàilear.

[Sarah Cruikshank] A-nochd ge-tà, tha i a’ tòiseachadh tioram, greisean fada de dh’iarmailt shoilleir againn a’ ciallachadh gu ’eil reòthadh gu bhith ann fad’ is farsaing, tràth dhen oidhche a-nochd is i a’ tuiteam fo ìre reòthaidh do mhòran againne, fiù ’s cho ìosal ri seachd fo ìre reòthaidh ach ro mhadainn a-màireach a’ ghaoith gu bhith ag èirigh ’s an teothachd gu bhith ag èirigh agus uisge air an rathad a-steach.

[Sarah Cruikshank] Leis an sin, rabhadh buidhe againn bho Oifis na Sìde son sgìrean tarsainn ceann na deas na dùthcha, leis cho trom agus cho leantainneach ’s a bhios an t-uisge seo tron latha a-màireach. Agus a bharrachd air an t-uisge a bhios a’ tuiteam, sneachda cuideachd gu bhith leaghadh agus tha sin ag adhbharachadh gum bi mòran uisge a’ laighe air rathaidean is eile tron latha a-màireach. Mar sin son feasgar a-màireach beagan de thuradh gu bhith tighinn tarsainn sgìrean far a bheil i air a bhith gu math fliuch tron chiad leth den latha agus boillsgaidhean grèine a’ nochdadh ach tuilleadh fhrasan gu bhith againn a’ tighinn a-steach air an taobh siar agus maireachdainn fliuch tarsainn air na h-eileanan mu thuath ach latha ghaothach dhuinn uile, a’ ghaoth a tha sin làidir gu ruige neart gèile agus ’s e a’ faicinn tuilleadh fhrasan air am biathadh a-steach air an taobh siar gu ruige deireadh an latha Dihaoine.

[Sarah Cruikshank] An uair sin son Disathairne Stoirm Dennis ann nar cuideachd agus bruthadh ìosal a tha seo ag adhbharachadh gu bheil fìor dhroch shìde ri thighinn son an deireadh-sheachdain air fad. An isobars teann ri chèile a’ ciallachadh gum bi i gaothach agus rabhadh buidhe againn airson an dà chuid uisge trom agus gèiltean tro mheadhan agus ceann na deas na dùthcha, gu h-àraid airson Disathairne. Ach i gu bhith gu math mì-chàilear air feadh na dùtha. Gèiltean gu bhith a’ sèideadh do mhòran againn gu ruige fìor neart ghèile, suas a dh’ionnsaigh air iar-thuath na dùthcha is tarsainn na h-Eileanan Siar. ’S a bharrachd air neart na gaoithe, tha an deàrrsadh uisge gu bhith ann, an t-uisge mòr a tha seo gu bhith againn bho taobh siar gu ruige taobh sear na dùthcha tron latha, i trom agus leantainneach agus an teothachd mu thimcheall seachd neo ruigeadh naoi Celsius.

[Sarah Cruikshank] Agus an uair sin Là na Sàbaid, tha rabhadh buidhe eile againn air sgàth Stoirm Dennis leis cho trom is cho leantainneach ’s a bhios an t-uisge a-rithist agus neart na gaoithe gu bhith ag èirigh mar sin. Bithibh air ur faiceall tron deireadh-sheachdain ma tha sibh an dùil ri siubhail. Oidhche mhath.



The Weather

English Beurla

[Sarah Cruikshank] Good afternoon to you. Well, there was an improvement in the weather throughout the day today,, we had a pretty blue sky as we see behind me in many areas as the clarity has been rising, we have high pressure tonight but then the low pressure here coming in for the day tomorrow, making matters very unpleasant.

[Sarah Cruikshank] Tonight though, it begins dry, we’ll have long spells of sunny spells meaning there will be frost far and wide, even as low as seven degrees below freezing but before tomorrow morning, the wind will rise and the temperature will rise and rain is on the way in.

[Sarah Cruikshank] With that, we have a yellow warning from the Met Office for the areas across the south end of the country, as the rain is as heavy and continuous as it is throughout the day tomorrow. And in addition to the falling rain, snow also will melt and this means that there will be a lot of water lying on roads and elsewhere tomorrow throughout the day. As such for the afternoon tomorrow, some dry spells will be coming across the areas where it will be wet for the first half of the day agus sunny spells will appear but we’ll have more showers coming in from the west side and it will stay wet across the Northern Isles but a windy day for us all, that wind will be strong, reaching gale force and more showers will be seen spreading into the west side, up to the end of the day on Friday.

[Sarah Cruikshank] Then for Saturday we’ll have Storm Dennis with us too, this low pressure meaning there is really bad weather to come for the whole weekend. The isobars close together means that it will be windy and we have a yellow warning for both the heavy rain and gales through the middle and south of the country, especially for Saturday. But it’s going to be pretty unpleasant all over the country. Gales will be blowing for many of us reaching true gale force, up to about the northwest of the country and across to the Western Isles. In addition to the strength of the wind, there will be water glare, this heavy rain will be with us from the west side to the east side of the country through the day, heavy and continuous and the temperature about seven or nine Celsius.

[Sarah Cruikshank] And then Sunday, we have another yellow warning because of Storm Dennis with how heavy and continuous the rain will be again and the strength of the wind will be rising as it is. Take care through the weekend if you expect to travel. Goodnight.



An t-sìde

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Sarah Cruikshank] Feasgar math dhuibh. Uill, thàinig piseach air an aimsir tron latha an-diugh, adhair brèagha gorm againn mar a chì sinn air mo chùlaibh ann an cuid de sgìrean air sgàth ’s gu bheil a’ ghlainne air a bhith ag èirigh, bruthadh àrd againn son greiseag a-nochd ach an uair sin bruthadh ìosal an seo a’ tighinn a-steach son an latha a-màireach, a’ tionndadh cùisean gu math mì-chàilear.

[Sarah Cruikshank] A-nochd ge-tà, tha i a’ tòiseachadh tioram, greisean fada de dh’iarmailt shoilleir againn a’ ciallachadh gu ’eil reòthadh gu bhith ann fad’ is farsaing, tràth dhen oidhche a-nochd is i a’ tuiteam fo ìre reòthaidh do mhòran againne, fiù ’s cho ìosal ri seachd fo ìre reòthaidh ach ro mhadainn a-màireach a’ ghaoith gu bhith ag èirigh ’s an teothachd gu bhith ag èirigh agus uisge air an rathad a-steach.

[Sarah Cruikshank] Leis an sin, rabhadh buidhe againn bho Oifis na Sìde son sgìrean tarsainn ceann na deas na dùthcha, leis cho trom agus cho leantainneach ’s a bhios an t-uisge seo tron latha a-màireach. Agus a bharrachd air an t-uisge a bhios a’ tuiteam, sneachda cuideachd gu bhith leaghadh agus tha sin ag adhbharachadh gum bi mòran uisge a’ laighe air rathaidean is eile tron latha a-màireach. Mar sin son feasgar a-màireach beagan de thuradh gu bhith tighinn tarsainn sgìrean far a bheil i air a bhith gu math fliuch tron chiad leth den latha agus boillsgaidhean grèine a’ nochdadh ach tuilleadh fhrasan gu bhith againn a’ tighinn a-steach air an taobh siar agus maireachdainn fliuch tarsainn air na h-eileanan mu thuath ach latha ghaothach dhuinn uile, a’ ghaoth a tha sin làidir gu ruige neart gèile agus ’s e a’ faicinn tuilleadh fhrasan air am biathadh a-steach air an taobh siar gu ruige deireadh an latha Dihaoine.

[Sarah Cruikshank] An uair sin son Disathairne Stoirm Dennis ann nar cuideachd agus bruthadh ìosal a tha seo ag adhbharachadh gu bheil fìor dhroch shìde ri thighinn son an deireadh-sheachdain air fad. An isobars teann ri chèile a’ ciallachadh gum bi i gaothach agus rabhadh buidhe againn airson an dà chuid uisge trom agus gèiltean tro mheadhan agus ceann na deas na dùthcha, gu h-àraid airson Disathairne. Ach i gu bhith gu math mì-chàilear air feadh na dùtha. Gèiltean gu bhith a’ sèideadh do mhòran againn gu ruige fìor neart ghèile, suas a dh’ionnsaigh air iar-thuath na dùthcha is tarsainn na h-Eileanan Siar. ’S a bharrachd air neart na gaoithe, tha an deàrrsadh uisge gu bhith ann, an t-uisge mòr a tha seo gu bhith againn bho taobh siar gu ruige taobh sear na dùthcha tron latha, i trom agus leantainneach agus an teothachd mu thimcheall seachd neo ruigeadh naoi Celsius.

[Sarah Cruikshank] Agus an uair sin Là na Sàbaid, tha rabhadh buidhe eile againn air sgàth Stoirm Dennis leis cho trom is cho leantainneach ’s a bhios an t-uisge a-rithist agus neart na gaoithe gu bhith ag èirigh mar sin. Bithibh air ur faiceall tron deireadh-sheachdain ma tha sibh an dùil ri siubhail. Oidhche mhath.



The Weather

English Beurla

[Sarah Cruikshank] Good afternoon to you. Well, there was an improvement in the weather throughout the day today,, we had a pretty blue sky as we see behind me in many areas as the clarity has been rising, we have high pressure tonight but then the low pressure here coming in for the day tomorrow, making matters very unpleasant.

[Sarah Cruikshank] Tonight though, it begins dry, we’ll have long spells of sunny spells meaning there will be frost far and wide, even as low as seven degrees below freezing but before tomorrow morning, the wind will rise and the temperature will rise and rain is on the way in.

[Sarah Cruikshank] With that, we have a yellow warning from the Met Office for the areas across the south end of the country, as the rain is as heavy and continuous as it is throughout the day tomorrow. And in addition to the falling rain, snow also will melt and this means that there will be a lot of water lying on roads and elsewhere tomorrow throughout the day. As such for the afternoon tomorrow, some dry spells will be coming across the areas where it will be wet for the first half of the day agus sunny spells will appear but we’ll have more showers coming in from the west side and it will stay wet across the Northern Isles but a windy day for us all, that wind will be strong, reaching gale force and more showers will be seen spreading into the west side, up to the end of the day on Friday.

[Sarah Cruikshank] Then for Saturday we’ll have Storm Dennis with us too, this low pressure meaning there is really bad weather to come for the whole weekend. The isobars close together means that it will be windy and we have a yellow warning for both the heavy rain and gales through the middle and south of the country, especially for Saturday. But it’s going to be pretty unpleasant all over the country. Gales will be blowing for many of us reaching true gale force, up to about the northwest of the country and across to the Western Isles. In addition to the strength of the wind, there will be water glare, this heavy rain will be with us from the west side to the east side of the country through the day, heavy and continuous and the temperature about seven or nine Celsius.

[Sarah Cruikshank] And then Sunday, we have another yellow warning because of Storm Dennis with how heavy and continuous the rain will be again and the strength of the wind will be rising as it is. Take care through the weekend if you expect to travel. Goodnight.







deàrrsadh uisge

glare (of water on the road)

neart na gaoithe

strength of the wind





a’ sèideadh
