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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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An aimsir le Joy

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Joy] Feasgar math dhuibh a chàirdean.

[Joy] Uill, b’ ann gu siar a chunnacas a’ chuid as fheàrr den a’ ghrèin agus na speuran gorma an-diugh.

[Joy] Do mhòran eile bha i frasach, sgòthach, agus gu sear chunnacas cuideachd uisge trom agus leantainneach a’ gluasad a-staigh.

[Joy] Tha tuilleadh uisge air an t-slighe a-nochd agus a-màireach, agus ’s ann air an adhbhar sin a tha Oifis na Sìde air rabhadh buidhe a ghairm airson na sgìre seo, a mhaireas gu naoi uairean feasgar a-màireach, leis gum faodadh an t-uisge seo a bhith trom gu leòr gus tuiltean agus duilgheadasan siùbhail adhbharachadh.

[Joy] Airson greiseag a-nochd ge-tà mairidh an turadh, gu h-àraidh gu siar agus san iar-dheas. Ach mean air mhean, sgaoilidh an t-uisge seo a-nuas tron dùthach, cha mhòr ga còmhdachadh, is e cuideachd a’ tuiteam mar shneachd agus fhlin air talamh àrd, leis gur ann fuar a bhios e uair eile.

[Joy] An teothachd a’ tuiteam gu faisg air no fo ìre reòthaidh anns a’ chumantas, agus gu dearbh ’s ann a’ neartachadh a bhios a’ ghaoth, gu h-àraidh mu Na h-Eileanan Siar, Na h-Eileanan mu Thuath agus shìos chladaichean an taobh shiar, oiteagan làidir gaoithe an sin a’ ruigsinn neart gèile.

[Joy] Is mar sin, toiseach tòisichidh fuar, fliuch agus cuideachd sgòthach a bhios ann a-màireach. Latha caochlaideach a bhios romhainn. ’S dòcha gum faicear reòthadh agus deigh cuideachd ann am mòran àitichean.

[Joy] Ma choimheadas sin ma-thà ann am barrachd dhoimhne, mu thrì uairean, chìthear gur ann am meadhan na dùthcha a bhios i na turadh. Sgòthach do mhòran, còmhdachadh uisge do mhòran àitichean, agus a’ ghaoth fhathast beòthail mu na cladaichean anns Na h-Eileanan Siar agus cuideachd sna h-Eileanan mu Thuath, Sealtainn a’ faighinn a’ chuid as fheàrr de na grèin, agus an teòthachd a’ ruigsinn eadar a seachd agus a naoi Celsius.

[Joy] Tron oidhche, gluaisidh an aghaidh sin air falbh. Oidhche fhuar eile a bhios ann, ged nach bi i a’ cheart cho fuar ris an oidhche a-nochd, agus latha beagan nas socraiche a bhios ann Diciadain.

[Joy] A-rithist, còmhdachadh sgòtha air feadh na dùthcha, ach mean air mhean sgaoilidh agus sgapaidh sin, a’ fàgail boillsg math grèine gu h-àraidh gu siar.

[Joy] An teòthachadh ag àrdachadh rud beag agus a’ ghaoth a’ socrachadh, a’ ciallachadh gum fairich i rud beag nas blàithe.

[Joy] Oidhche mhath leibh.



The weather with Joy

English Beurla

[Joy] Good evening friends.

[Joy] Well, the best of the sun and blue skies today were in the west.

[Joy] For many others it was rainy, cloudy, and to the east heavy and continuous rain was also seen moving in.

[Joy] There is more rain on the way tonight and tomorrow, which is why the Met Office has issued a yellow warning for this area, which lasts until nine o'clock tomorrow evening, as this rain could be heavy enough to cause flooding and travel problems.

[Joy] For a while tonight, however, the dry spell will continue, especially to the west and southwest. But gradually this rain will spread down through the country, almost covering it, as well as falling as snow and sleet on higher ground, as it will be cold again.

[Joy] Temperatures generally drop near or below freezing, and in fact the winds will only strengthen, especially around the Western Isles, the Outer Hebrides. North and down on the west coast, strong gusts of wind will reach gale force.

[Joy] So, tomorrow will start with a cold, wet and also cloudy day. We are facing a changeable day. Freezing and ice may also be seen in many places.

[Joy] If we look that way in more depth, about three hours, you can see that it will be in the middle of the country will have a dry spell. Cloudy for many, rain cover for many places, and still strong winds around the coasts in the Western Isles and also in the Northern Isles, Shetland getting the best of the sun, and the temperature reaching between seven and nine Celsius.

[Joy] During the night, that front moves away. It's going to be another cold night, although not as cold as tonight, and a slightly calmer day on Wednesday.

[Joy] Again, cloud cover across the country, but that gradually spreads and scatters, leaving a good ray of sunshine, especially to the west.

[Joy] The temperature rises a little and the wind calms down, making it feel a little warmer.



An aimsir le Joy

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Joy] Feasgar math dhuibh a chàirdean.

[Joy] Uill, b’ ann gu siar a chunnacas a’ chuid as fheàrr den a’ ghrèin agus na speuran gorma an-diugh.

[Joy] Do mhòran eile bha i frasach, sgòthach, agus gu sear chunnacas cuideachd uisge trom agus leantainneach a’ gluasad a-staigh.

[Joy] Tha tuilleadh uisge air an t-slighe a-nochd agus a-màireach, agus ’s ann air an adhbhar sin a tha Oifis na Sìde air rabhadh buidhe a ghairm airson na sgìre seo, a mhaireas gu naoi uairean feasgar a-màireach, leis gum faodadh an t-uisge seo a bhith trom gu leòr gus tuiltean agus duilgheadasan siùbhail adhbharachadh.

[Joy] Airson greiseag a-nochd ge-tà mairidh an turadh, gu h-àraidh gu siar agus san iar-dheas. Ach mean air mhean, sgaoilidh an t-uisge seo a-nuas tron dùthach, cha mhòr ga còmhdachadh, is e cuideachd a’ tuiteam mar shneachd agus fhlin air talamh àrd, leis gur ann fuar a bhios e uair eile.

[Joy] An teothachd a’ tuiteam gu faisg air no fo ìre reòthaidh anns a’ chumantas, agus gu dearbh ’s ann a’ neartachadh a bhios a’ ghaoth, gu h-àraidh mu Na h-Eileanan Siar, Na h-Eileanan mu Thuath agus shìos chladaichean an taobh shiar, oiteagan làidir gaoithe an sin a’ ruigsinn neart gèile.

[Joy] Is mar sin, toiseach tòisichidh fuar, fliuch agus cuideachd sgòthach a bhios ann a-màireach. Latha caochlaideach a bhios romhainn. ’S dòcha gum faicear reòthadh agus deigh cuideachd ann am mòran àitichean.

[Joy] Ma choimheadas sin ma-thà ann am barrachd dhoimhne, mu thrì uairean, chìthear gur ann am meadhan na dùthcha a bhios i na turadh. Sgòthach do mhòran, còmhdachadh uisge do mhòran àitichean, agus a’ ghaoth fhathast beòthail mu na cladaichean anns Na h-Eileanan Siar agus cuideachd sna h-Eileanan mu Thuath, Sealtainn a’ faighinn a’ chuid as fheàrr de na grèin, agus an teòthachd a’ ruigsinn eadar a seachd agus a naoi Celsius.

[Joy] Tron oidhche, gluaisidh an aghaidh sin air falbh. Oidhche fhuar eile a bhios ann, ged nach bi i a’ cheart cho fuar ris an oidhche a-nochd, agus latha beagan nas socraiche a bhios ann Diciadain.

[Joy] A-rithist, còmhdachadh sgòtha air feadh na dùthcha, ach mean air mhean sgaoilidh agus sgapaidh sin, a’ fàgail boillsg math grèine gu h-àraidh gu siar.

[Joy] An teòthachadh ag àrdachadh rud beag agus a’ ghaoth a’ socrachadh, a’ ciallachadh gum fairich i rud beag nas blàithe.

[Joy] Oidhche mhath leibh.



The weather with Joy

English Beurla

[Joy] Good evening friends.

[Joy] Well, the best of the sun and blue skies today were in the west.

[Joy] For many others it was rainy, cloudy, and to the east heavy and continuous rain was also seen moving in.

[Joy] There is more rain on the way tonight and tomorrow, which is why the Met Office has issued a yellow warning for this area, which lasts until nine o'clock tomorrow evening, as this rain could be heavy enough to cause flooding and travel problems.

[Joy] For a while tonight, however, the dry spell will continue, especially to the west and southwest. But gradually this rain will spread down through the country, almost covering it, as well as falling as snow and sleet on higher ground, as it will be cold again.

[Joy] Temperatures generally drop near or below freezing, and in fact the winds will only strengthen, especially around the Western Isles, the Outer Hebrides. North and down on the west coast, strong gusts of wind will reach gale force.

[Joy] So, tomorrow will start with a cold, wet and also cloudy day. We are facing a changeable day. Freezing and ice may also be seen in many places.

[Joy] If we look that way in more depth, about three hours, you can see that it will be in the middle of the country will have a dry spell. Cloudy for many, rain cover for many places, and still strong winds around the coasts in the Western Isles and also in the Northern Isles, Shetland getting the best of the sun, and the temperature reaching between seven and nine Celsius.

[Joy] During the night, that front moves away. It's going to be another cold night, although not as cold as tonight, and a slightly calmer day on Wednesday.

[Joy] Again, cloud cover across the country, but that gradually spreads and scatters, leaving a good ray of sunshine, especially to the west.

[Joy] The temperature rises a little and the wind calms down, making it feel a little warmer.



Oifis na Sìde

The Met Office

rabhadh buidhe

a yellow warning





